May 18, 2012

Decent episode

This was a decent episode. It didnt suck me in all that fast but it was decent.

I loved how Shogo laid in the rain for like 20 minutes though :P

The staff all seem like a bunch of brutes, for no reason. Hope the show gets better as the episodes go on.
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May 18, 2012

I can sigh in relief.. for a moment..

Tae Mu's face expression was like totally funny as he say Pak Ha with Tae Yong.. One of my favourite scenes.

As the envelope with Pak Ha's family picture reached Chairman Jang I only wished :"Open it!" but I was severarly dissapointed. But I'm glad Pak Ha listened Lee Gak's advise at the end.

Tae Mu's going to be beat up by Tae Yong??? :D :D I hope so :P
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May 18, 2012

colours and feelings

I actually didn't want to write a review for this episode: it seems to me I am starting to repeat myself over and over, without truly conveying what I feel for this drama.

I was prompted by a friend and fellow reviewer to do so. I love reading reviews of a show I'm obsessed with, the longer the better: it's like a thread to the story which I don't want to cut completely, and perhaps I'm not the only one.

So, since everything's been very well expressed already, I'll focus my review on the cinematography.

I'm impressed by the use of photography, light, and in general the attention to small details. This episode was no exception. It's interesting how every time there's a breath of relief in the emotions of those characters, they find themselves surrounded by greenery. The queen mother finds solace in her plants, Jae Shin is left among flowers to meet Shi Kyung, father and son Euns find a bit of a bond back by the lake banks (how beautiful that lake is) and is there that Jae Ha gives back his trust to his "ajussi". In direct contrast are all the cruel scenes, immersed in black, browns or grays, mostly played underground or in confined spaces. Great editing too, closing up on lonely Hang A lit up by the light coming in from the small cell window, and re-opening on Jae Ha watching out of an equally lit up, but very different window.

What is even more interesting is the fact that Bung Gu's the only one who wears flaring colours, mostly red, which is the colour of blood, but is also - not randomly - the colour of royalty. But because he is such a sub-specimen of a human, red on him is the exact opposite of royal: it's vulgar and gaudy like himself.

The acting... spectacular. I love it that Jae Ha exhales when he hugs hang Ah, as if without her he could not breath. He did the same on episode 17, during his dream. And I love that she is the physical, soldier one, while he's using his political and diplomatic power to win this war. Every photography of the two together enchants me, they are so beautiful together.

How awesome are all the public appearances and press conferences in this drama; it's great that they show the reaction of the viewers, the king's people, as if we could witness their growing love for their king.

Finally, I love that Jae Kang is always present, in every single episode since he died. Jae Ha looking at his portrait on the wall and finding the clue to the evidence he needs is wonderful, it's like it was his hyeong telling him.

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May 18, 2012

The King is his people!

Oh, gawd~ who's paying for my new heart? NUGU, NUGU???

HangAh in the prison, and they refused to treat her wound, not that I thought she needed a doctor, more like a person in her cell? haha~ And back to kickass HangAh working out and preparing to escape every moment, but she's also a human being, right? And when breaking down, the illusion moment just ripped my heart out, my heart honesty was beating in a way my chest hurt... The director should be just hanged, he's the worst type of sadist...such a tender, but at the same time desperate moment *weeps* SeungGi is making big steps into my favourites list, he was brilliant in this episode!

ShiKyung with his father... I knew this was coming, I hope it's not his way of saying goodbye, just really telling his dad he can be independent now... and, damn you, you WERE saying some kind of goodbye to you dad, weren't you, still tryig to go to China, even handing in his resignation letter, but JaeHa is a die-hard, he places ShiKyung into no-fly list to China, pfft~ naturally ShiKyung comes barging to JaeHa, who is closed in his office and doesn't answer to ShiKyung, though listens very carefully, and, damn you again ShiKyung for being a sweet-talker even in this situation, you just know what to say to break him, don't ya? Even speaking to the King in banmal? Badass! I was begging JaeHa not to give in, which he ignored of course... asking only to see JaeShin before leaving to China, and suddenly, I realized, that his question was very welcomed, as at the same second ShiKyung asked whether he could do anything he wanted (you, naughty~) and be with the princess as 2 persons, to which he gets JaeHa's badass answer 'Dude, it's man and woman!' Ha!

JaeShin's and ShiKyung's scenes would be episode stealers really, if this drama was not so stressful all over... ShiKyung urging her not to blame herself, kneeling and taking her hand in his, then their piggyback walk, his requests from her, to smile, not blame herself, and to sing again, to which he gets a peck in his cheek (did you miss his lips, JaShin???) but then he's the soldier here, right, and he doesn't miss hers * squeal* Though it's just for a moment, it's so sweet, I was melting... His coming back to right mind and apologizing... (yeah~ like she needs you 'sorry'... you'd better continue loosing control, ShiKyunga~), I was cracking, when he was talking to himself in his office... haha~

Secretary Eun gets called back to the palace... I have mixed feelings about him, but as the drama is getting to the finish, I am not worrying about his betrayal anymore, though I'd want him to suffer more...

Now the 1st BOMB of the episode, we all knew JaeHa was preparing to go to ICC (International Criminal Court) to prosecute BongGu, and I was kind of wondering under which article... so here we are with the office recorder, i JUST knew it would be of some use, when he put on that nonsensical password on it, he looks at JaeKang's picture, then the chairs in the office, and HE'S GOT IT!!!

Cut to the press-conference, where we see that all his conversation with BongGu was recorded, and BongGu was the one to start the record by saying 'chunya~?'... THAT IS SO AWESOME, I was jumping on my sofa! The whole world is watching, as well as BongGu... saying the King is his people, so by killing the King BongGu killed 50mln people, so he will be prosecuted under the Rome statute against genocides and crimes against humanity (sometimes I have use of me being a student of international affairs, ha~) now what, kiddo? We get to see BongGu's room, which is stuffed with teddy bears my height and other toys, hims sitting on his bed, like a 5 year old, with his colored socks... he's so creepy sometimes... being told to leave China NOW... Even his minion is prepared to get rid of him, though the poor guy gets caught and pees in his pants when he sees Mia entering the room... bad guys always end up like that, dude, didn't you know you were in a drama?

ShiKyung is thrown to the lions, and has to undergo tortures... ugh, give that Mia b***... I'll be pulling her hair one by one!!!

At last HangAh gets the doctor who has a phone, woho~ she calls JaeHa, who almost misses her call, and tells him her location, he's on his move, GREAT!

Oh jee... the scenes in the prison WERE BEING CUT BY MY INTERNET CONNECTION, I was going literally MAD!!!

I was weeping when JaeHa started running after hearing HangAh's voice, that was such a moment, forgetting everything and everyone he was running to his beloved one, I wasn't breathing until they locked eyes... and then the gunshot sent the sound right into my head, I'm suing them after all, JaeHa's halt, HangAh's eyes, the blood drops... fortunately they hit her foot, then JaeHa hugging her like the most precious thing in the world and weeping, while she was the one saying she was okay...kill me...

Back to ShiKyung who's still being tortured, and gets called by BongGu to refuse him to join him again and again... this is an interesting psychological game and BongGu is falling right into it...

HangAh woke up and asked for JaeHa, and then I was fzozen, all these last episode I was always saying 'badass HangAh', and forgetting that after all she's a woman who is afraid of things too... and her tears in JaeHa's embrace made me weep even more, while JaeHa was blaming himself for everything...

ShiKyung gives in and calls JaeHa (not mentioning the password they had agreed upon earlier...hmm... gets me thinking...)and asks him to go himself to see how BongGu gets arrested. There is a sudden change in JaeHa's expression, I'm not the one who noticed that, right? He sent HangAh home and went to the meeting with ShiKyung... leaving all the guards and agents, they go tot the seaside where BogGu is sitting on a throne and there is one more for JaeHa, JaeHa is shocked (or seemingly so) turns to ShiKyung who points his gun at JaeHa (me thinking, oh, how good ShiKyung looks in that suit...and cries buckets of more tears)

The end...

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May 18, 2012


I loved this ep 2 bits!!! I cried, laughed and felt soo happy all in this ep!!! OMG i was soo sad because yoo hee is loosing her eye sight nooooo!!! so sad :(

On the upper hand this ep also provided funny bits, one of the best parts being the rockstar guy, he is soo funny!!!

The most romantic was the ending only thing was the bitch saw dun dun duuuun suspense!! makes me wanna watch more!!! loved this ep!!!

ps. hopefully next ep there is not much crying scenes!! cuz it makes me cry!!!
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May 18, 2012

vengeance is Sun Woo's

Sun Woo isn't playing. He is out to get them all and it seems to be working perfectly. I loved Ji Won throwing water into Jin No Sik's face!!! I didn't feel sorry one bit for Soo Mi or her father when Sun Woo handled what they did to him. She deserves worse. JangIi has just lost what little of his mind that he had left after hitting Sun Woo in the first place. I think he said what he did to Sun Woo so that Sun Woo would just put him out of his misery. I really enjoy this drama even though people say it is slow. I think the build up is what makes this drama great.
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May 18, 2012

Get ready to hold your breath

Watching Hang Ah work out in her prison cell was off the chain!!! Then her emotions as she felt Jae Ha hug her was sad and beautiful.

The relationship between Jae Sin and Si Kyung is amazing and sweet. I love that Si Kyung got over his dad's betrayal quickly and realized that it wasn't his fault. Him translating that over to Jae Sin's situation was perfect. Their kiss was so sweet.

Then we step into the battle when Jae Ha gives evidence of Bong Goo killing King Jae Gang. Epic!!!

I had to pause it and breathe when they are looking for Hang Ah and then when he goes to her...the music and Lee Seung Ki's acting made me feel it when Jae Ha thought he had lost her.

Bong Gu played like putty into Si Kyung's hands!!!

There is such chemistry between Lee Seung Ki and Ha Ji Won. I cried when she woke up looking for him and cried in his arms.

I'm not sure if the ending is what Jae Ha and Si Kyung had planned and they are just good at acting or if Si Kyung really has lost his mine. Cliffhanger!!!

This drama keeps you on you toes for sure and I am loving it!!!

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May 18, 2012

Let's Go On a Cruise!!

Ah I love all the things they put in this version. I love the cruise scene. I honestly don't like Lei in this version. Before I would have a teensy bit of a case of second lead syndrome but here I'm rooting for DaoMing all the way. I love how they included her best guy friend in this drama. He is too cute! But I just realized that she doesn't have a littler brother in this one. Awh I liked her little bro, he was the best part of the family aside from ShanCai. But I don't really like Jing in this version. She's supposed to be this super nice elegant rich girl, but she kinda comes off as a little bit fake.
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May 18, 2012

ooo Pretty Fireworks

So I really like this version so far, its a bit slow but I don't mind because I get to see things I didn't see in the other two versions. It definitely is interesting and it keeps my interest. I'm not bored even though I've already seen this story like 3 times. That's a good sign. I really like how all the guys in this version are more buff though. I like my men to be a little bit more meaty. I'm sorry Masumoto Jun, you're cute, but too skinny. Another funny cute episode.
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May 18, 2012

Want a Coca Cola?

Scratch my previous statement, I have to say that this version sticks the closest to the manga/anime and seeing how the anime got me into this series in the first place, I really like that. So she does punch him! Yay! That has always been one of my favorite parts of the drama. I feel like this ShanCai is a lot more tougher than all the other versions. Though she looks like a pretty flower she has some bite in her words. I just realized that ShanCai's best friend is Rainie Yang, my favorite Tdrama actress, yay!! I don't really like the F4 guy with the glasses, when I first saw him I was like... wait what's a nerd doing in the F4? Haha and Vannesss neeeeeeeeeds to get a hair cut... NOW.

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May 17, 2012

Knew it....this proves everything!

now that Pak Ha has stupidly sacrificed herself that means the one that died in Joseon was Bu Yong. Also Se Na/Crown Princess had a part in it. I really liked this episode because it was so climatic even though it was totally unoriginal and flawed (evidence against Tae Yong - hello...its called fingerprints and forensics?) and completely predictable. I left me with many questions unanswered...will history repeat itself? Will they be together? I think most likely they arent...? The real Tae Yong might wake up and they fall in love but since witnessing their love bloom...can someone else really replace each other? Dying to find out the answers!

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May 17, 2012

disappearing trick

Lee Kak finally sees himself fade away!!! then he makes a mistake when angy in front of Tae Mu and gets arrested!!! I was totally freaking out!!!

That dissapearing trick helps him get out of jail.

Se Na and Tea Mu are truely evil. The actors really play their parts well, because they truely make me sick.

Do we really have to wait a week???????
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May 17, 2012

Reunited at last....

even though it was a short separation I did not like it one bit!! Love how Hee Jin continues on with her life even after Boong Do disappeared shows that she's not your typical damsel in distress lead. Boong Do was unforgivable for even forgetting Hee Jin for a second but since he's back he's redeemed himself :) loved the ending with the stare-off and ignoring the rest of the world just makes their love more beautiful!! Next episode looks tooooo good! Boong Do in her house...that has GOT to lead to something (oh aye :))
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May 17, 2012

Love This Story.

So I had told myself I'd wait a few months after watching Hana Yori Dango to watch this but here I am like 2 weeks later watching it. I'm addicted to this story. I was so bored for the past two weeks because I couldn't find anything that really caught my eye. So I decided to watch this because I really love this story. So this version has taken a lot of liberties from the original manga/anime. But then again it also has many things in it that wasn't in the Kdrama or Jdrama version like the talking bear. I was disappointed that Shancai's cry of war didn't come with a punch. I think that this version is a bit tamer than the other version. The pranks aren't as bad and the girls are obviously not the punching type. But I'm glad this one is different even though with it being the first adaption means that the Jdrama and Kdrama are different... I'm just confusing myself now. But now I won't be bored with watching this story again because it has different qualities from the other two versions. Can I just say that I loved the two girl's convo in the beginning where they brag about all the awesome things they have and finally the one girl wins because she has Julia Robert's nose. LOL!! Totally thought that was HILARIOUS! This one is just as funny as the other ones and I love the whole funky style they got going on due to this being an older drama. I LOVE IT! But Vanness, your hairstyle in this drama... wasn't your best... But Shancai is really pretty in this version... like too pretty to be considered ugly. If they mention that she's ugly in this version I will yell out in opposition because she is gorgeous. Excited to continue on and see what gems are in this version of the Boys Over Flowers story.

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May 17, 2012


I just LUUUV this drama, you know why? It makes me smile every time I see the leads...

I hate the previous episode for not showing a second of them together (though, I of course understand it's a plot thing BUT I WANT THEM TOGETHER, preferably in one smaaaall room, ALL THE TIME!!! and hopefully blushing HeeJin and smiling BoongDu)... hihi~

I can't wait for the next one, new cute scenes, kya~ I just love the BoongDu is SO CLEVER, I've totally fallen for him... *sigh*

Oh, and Gosh, this drama has some GREAT cinematography, the director and the cameraman are doing a kickass job here, it sometimes seems to me, I'm not watching a drama, but an actual movie, I love the frames they choose, the colors, the effects are BADASS!!!

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