May 21, 2012

Best Kiss Scene Ever!

Tdramas have the best kissing scenes. Kdramas are too closed mouthed and Jdrama when they are romance based only have a few kisses. But in Tdramas, once the romance heats up, the leads kiss like every other episode. It's GREAT!. haha. Daoming saves Shancai and gets her cleaned up. And while he's cleaning up her wounds BAM! They kiss :D. Of course Shancai tries to resist but who can resist that hot boy :P. Lei comes back which kinda sucks because now Shancai is back to being a puppy for Lei and lusting after him again. Dang she was so close to admitting she liked Daoming. I have mixed feelings about Lizhen. One one hand I want to hate her but on the other I can't. Since she is poor in this version I can kinda understand where she's coming from. She's obviously smart and has worked hard to get a scholarship in this top school. She's worked so her dreams can come true. But unfortunately things don't seem to be working out for her. She's worked hard but for what, to not get the guy. The drama is sort of sending out the message that all you have to do to get a perfect life with the perfect guy is be bold and courageous, there's no real need to work hard, which is far from the truth in real life. Being bold and courageous are good qualities but without working hard, life's going to be tough. But I really love Shancai and Daoming so I'm a bit torn as whether to love or hate Lizhen. Moving on. Daoming takes Shancai shopping! So cute! He makes her try on a bunch of cute (IMO) outfits which are all rejected by Daoming for an OK dress. I personally liked the pink one the best. He's taking her on a vacation!! Yay! But wait Lei will be there with a girl toy... meaning that Shancai is jealous, of his girl toy. Boo! I wish Shancai will just get over him already.

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May 21, 2012


Daoming gets cuter and cuter. I love how he's so innocent in love. In this version its even cuter and funnier because he's this buff hot dude who is so clueless on the ways of love. You would never expect anyone who looks like him to be so innocent. But he has the cutest puppy face ever. His little dance is too cute as well. Vanness sings for us a little in the beginning of the episode which was amazing! I never liked this part of the drama. The Japanese and Korean versions downplayed a lot but in this version its not at all. Lizhen is pathetic and Daoming doesn't know what to do with himself. The guys really beat Shancai up which hurts my heart. This episode ended on a bad note.

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May 21, 2012

Gone at Last!

AWWWWW!!! Shancai and Daoming are tooo cute! I love this couple so so much. Like I said before the romance in this version is amazing. Lei leaves (YES!!!). Daoming asks Shancai on a date. But unlike the anime they don't get trapped in an elevator but rather the back staircase of some retail building where an expensive cafe is located. Because of the whole almost rape thing, Shancai doesn't really trust Daoming but when she feels his fever she forgets all about it. I love how Shancai knows that when Daoming almost raped he wasn't in the right state of mind. I mean don't get me wrong, what he almost did was wrong, but he realized that he was wrong and stopped himself which I applaud him for. The next morning Daoming is so cute with his smile when he realizes that he slept on Shancai's lap the whole night. And then when Shancai says that she'll repay him back in any way for getting them in this mess, it soo cute that he leans in for a kiss. But oh snap... the janitor walks in right then. Ya couldn't have waited to clean for just a few more minutes :(. These two are too cute.

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May 21, 2012


WTH happened to this drama? Where are the characters can somebody tell me??? Nobody behaves normally, I don't know who I am watching anymore... and this was the 19th episode, so what's happening tomorrow... you know what? I wish GaYoung just leaves all of them in their greed and money and leaves to far away...
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May 21, 2012


Things are finally starting to heat up. Zong shi is serious, Ni Ti is worried. Now she fell down a hole chasing a rabbit (lol)

Who is she going to choose?
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May 21, 2012

"Thank You for breaking up with me"

Omo, it was so sad when she said "Thank you for breaking up with me" to In Ha after she found out Joon and Ha Na are in love.

I thought it was ironic and hilarious when Hye Jung says to In Ha "You are pathetic." because he's staring longingly at Yoon Hee's back. What right does she have to say that? Does she even know that she's the pathetic one? And why does she have to make everyone else's life as miserable as hers is? She has no one to blame, but herself and the choices she made.

And Tae Sung saying to Yoon Hee that Ha Na's boyfriend is not for her and then to Ha Na that she needs to think about her mom. How big of a loser do you have to be to do that? I'm glad Yoon Hee had a chat with Ha Na and told her to put herself first since she knew the reason why she finally found out why she had been so miserable.

And HaNa omo, I don't remember she crying in this episode, except in some flashbacks .Must be a first!

Joon saw that there was something wrong with Yoon Hee when she only said thank you and no other comments about him being there. And Ha Na encountered the witch and she obviously will not leave it alone,in the preview I saw her lying in bed with her IV...again and Joon taking Ha Na away from his mother....again.

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May 21, 2012

Are we really ending next week?!!

All secrets have been revealed! Everyone knows what is what but still we viewers are enthralled with this drama! Watching Sun Woo's near madness of throwing Jang Il off the roof (which he did not care if he did) was scary! We finally saw Sun Woo near the brink of madness himself. We all knew it was there but remorseless Jang Il had no problem bringing the absolute worse out of Sun Woo! With every hit to his back, still no apologize, no I'm sorry, nothing. Just a wish that his hits had met their mark 13 years again.. What the f&ck;!! It takes a crazy person to tell another who is holding a weapon or dangling you off a building that you wish you had killed them! Crazy! Who is even surprised by Yong Bae actions? But he at least did somewhat apologize to Sun Woo even though he continues to lie and believe that its totally Chairman Jin's fault! Ji Won continued to make me proud her with her conversation with Soo Mi at the coffee shop, YOU GO GIRL! Definitely proud of her and now her existence in this drama is worthy from that conversation alone! Sad it all ends next week. We know one of the final scenes will be from episode 1 but what we don't know is how everything will play out! See you next week! I will truly miss this drama!

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May 21, 2012

Revenge meet Sun Woo, the Master!

Talk about playing one character against another! Masterfully done! This episode was amazingly done! For the first time, I actually felt just a midge sorry for Jang Il (short lived might I add)! I always believed that Sun Woo's revenge would be to take the most precious thing from each person that had wronged him and he did it in spades! Probably the only one least affected was Soo Mi's Dad, Kwang Choon. A lot of people were probably upset about Sun Woo's treatment of Soo Mi but considering the situation if we were in his place, she got off light as far as I am concern! Excellent done episode! Ji Won even showed spunk and I was proud of her in her moment but I am also starting to understand her purpose. She is the tether that pulls Sun Woo from the brink! As you watch the very end of the episode, just think what would have happened if Sun Woo did not have a Ji Won! Off the roof for sure!

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May 21, 2012

Compared to a Dog

So this version includes the almost rape scene that was in the anime which I kinda actually liked that they added that in. It shows that this version isn't afraid to be bold. I'm confused about Lizhen, she's supposed to be the fake friend of Shancai's that betrays Shancai for Daoming's love. But Lizhen is supposed to be rich, not a scholarship student. But she may be lying about that. I love Vanness's random english in this version. He grew up in America so his accent is perfect. I love how he is the only one that speaks english. I die a little inside everytime he says something in english. The chemistry between the two leads is sizzling. I think that this version has the best romance in it and I'm a sucker for a good romantic pairing. I think Lei leaves in the next episodes so things between Shancai and Daoming will become more heated!

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May 21, 2012

poor So Ji Sub...

Must we always shoot So Ji Sub in the head AGAIN? I like the other drama where he gets shot in the head, & becomes a loose cannon. If this one ends up being even close to as good I can't really complain. pretty far fetched rescue, though.

still not really sold yet.
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May 21, 2012


This episode was decent. Shogo pretty much feels incomplete and not satisfied ever since he went back to Hakata. He wants to go back to Tokyo to work at the Baccanale restaurant, however, his girlfriend Eri doesn't want to. My main complaint with this episode was the scene where Eri tells Shogo that she liked him because he was selfish. "Do you know why I liked you? Your selfishness. Guys nowadays are all nice, so I can't stand them. They all ask what do you want to do? Where do you want to go? What do you want to eat?"

That made me rage. Later she asked Shogo "If she was an idiot." I caught myself saying Yes, yes you are outloud =/

Other than that the episode was decent.

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May 21, 2012


i can't get over her trying to take a dump. tmi for real. it distracted me from everything else in this episode.
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May 20, 2012

Er? Grey's Anatomy?

So far this has been korean ER. The intro was intriguing but the rest of it was not. I guess they have to set up the characters for the rest of the story, but so far i'm bored.

So Ji Sub definitely knows how to light up a screen though. He's what keeps me hopeful. I like him already.

Han Ji Min is usually good too, though I didn't recognize her at first with the short hair. I suspect there will be lots of tears being shed, and a bad kiss scene in the future.
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May 20, 2012

Up and down..

There were many nice and heartwarming scenes - especially Jae Sin ang Si Kyung. The best scene between them yet.. :)

I'm glad Hang Ah is safe now. The acting was superb - Jae Ha must have really thought it was the end of her.. I was holding my breath..

While Si Kyung with Bong Gu I was constantly thinking that it's Jae Ha's and Si Kyung's plan - that everything is under control - until the very end. I just need to believe that still everything IS under control.

I really hated those scene where Si Kyung was tortured.. I hate torturing.. it's just horrible to watch...

I just really hope that Si Kyung and Jae Ha still has a plan and it succees.. well at the end it must succeed.. ;)

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Quite fun episode.. The interaction of the leads were fun to watch. That part where they had to train hard was a bit boring, that's why.. - the whole episode - average.
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