May 16, 2012

I hate secrets..

They should just talk to each other.. just making a too big mess out of it..

Of course - both pairs should be happy - but they have made it so difficult to happen

but leaving out the fact that the happy ending doesn't show yet.. it was quite nice episode.. the ending of it was magnificient.. and many scenes in between were also cute or passionate.. -.-
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May 16, 2012

Fantastic but cliffhanged :'(

I think the writers did well to get us all hooked by placing an EPIC car kiss and Another EPIC memory loss plot together. Waiting for ep 9 is an agony now... I like how at the moment of the kiss KBD has a serious look. He's usually smiles with HJ but at that moment, I could see him as the Joseon scholar he was...
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May 16, 2012

I am totally confused...

the best thing a drama can do to a viewer is getting him confused... I'm struggling an emotional a crazy person talking in my head:

"I want the parents to end up together they really went through so much pain already"

then another me would say "wtf r u talking about, Joon and HaNa r supposed to be together, they shouldn't do the same mistake"

and there is this part of me that makes me laugh, where I start thinking "GO GO JOON AH'S MOM GO GO...WHAT R U DOING TO YOON HEE EVIL WITCH" LOOOL

that's kinda crazy but this is an OUTSTANDING drama to make me feel this way

can't wait for ep 16 subs to come out >_<
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May 16, 2012

The witch saw them....

Ha Na needs to stop crying....Crying isn't going to solve anything and she's starting to get on my nerves because of that. Also, sunbae...why is he deciding that they are to be together all by himself and why isn't she telling him "Excuse you? We are going to what? I don't think so!"? And the obsessive witch saw them and stupid Mi Ho (who just might end up like Hye Jung if she doesn't stop NOW) and her mouth... Aigoo...
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May 16, 2012

Slowed down a bit...

I really hope it starts to pick up in the coming episodes. While I love politics talk too much of it bores me. Where's the fighting!?!

Also, agassi needs to learn her place...just sayin'
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May 16, 2012

Powerful Ending

I know a lot of people may not have liked the ending but it was powerful in my opinion. The theme of the Son of Heaven and self sacrifice and faith in mankind, plus the King's graciousness all throughout the show was very gospel like.
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May 16, 2012

In the words of Joon, "Let's see how this drama unfolds"

Soo, if the parents are together, the kids are unhappy. And if you think about it, even if the parents break up, the kids will probably still be unhappy. So it's a lose lose.

And Yet again, people are keeping secrets. For example, Yoon Hee is sick and losing her eye sight and won't tell anybody. Or the fact that nobody, specifically In Ha, won't tell her that Ha Na and Joon are in love with each other. All In Ha said was that he wants to stop the wedding and that he can't give up on Joon. He won't tell her the real reason, so now she's hurt. Ugh. Well the truth will come out soon enough. On another note: I laughed when Mi Ho called Tae Sung "queer" lol. Can't wait to watch the next the next ep^_^

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May 15, 2012


finally everything is coming out of closet. it took like 7 episodes to figure out her identity man the writers are really trying to keep on our toes.
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May 15, 2012

Selling the relic wasn't such a bad idea

Great episode, funny and intriguing at the same time.

And let me just say: he's smart, but she's even more so, hahahaha. I too want a man who doesn't know what other uses can be made of a car. teaching can be great fun.

Love how the time changes have been played: not an event in the past which changes the whole future, but a change perceived only by those directly involved, i.e. Boong Do and Hee Jin. This clearly opens up a few very interesting twists, since the past has been changed once more by Boong Do being stabbed and losing his memory.

So now we have an assassin who's very likely going to be transported in the future...

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May 15, 2012

Another use of a car... :D

Another use of a car... I loved that scene - my heart skipped a beat.. -.- the music used in that scene was awesome really.. I already looked it up - Deok Hwan - I'm Going to Meet You (or something like that)

I really loved this episode before the very ending.

I'm also quite sure that it'll become one of my favourite episodes so far until the very last episode because from now on everything is going to be so messed up... it really annoys me...:/
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May 15, 2012

Ok, Jang Il, you are a freak!

The evil smile, the weird laugh! No remorse whatsoever totally describes Jang Il in this episode!. Director No Name had the best line in this episode "An old Chinese proverb describes how I feel right now: Mental Breakdown; two words, Men Break; three words, What a Bitch!" I never laughed so hard during a melodrama ever! C'mon, writers, give this man a name! The next best part was some spunk out of Ji Won when she was about to climb over the gate but Geum Jool stopped her, I was like FINALLY! But alas that was short-lived but finding the pictures were excellent as its obvious that Soo Mi will never come to the aid of her friend (who needs friends like this!). I loved how Sun Woo masterly set up Jang Il using the tool he loves the most (TV coverage) to freak him out. Can we all agree that Jang Il is slowly becoming crazy?! I could not stop shaking my head in disbelief while he looped the TV coverage of himself over and over again with this weird smile. If that is not crazy, I don't know what is! I think I now see where the revenge is going and I hope I am right. Sun Woo, heed Not Dad Tae Joo's advise, become the wind!

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May 15, 2012

Now who really expected the case to go to court, raise your keyboards!!

Well, now that the case we all knew would never see day light is coming to an end, we now get to see all of the players and the guilt they are carrying. Obviously, Soo Mi is just so enamored by Jang Il, she sees nothing wrong with what she is doing. Kwon Choon at least has some guilt but can easily be swayed by his daughter! What else can we say about that? Nothing. We also see that Jang Il and his Dad, Yong Bae have no moral compass whatsoever as they have not one spec of guilty feelings. Talk about blaming the victim! True, in his own way of thinking, Jang Il feels he is a victim but his victim-hood was lost the day he bashed Sun Woo over the head! Its interesting to watch a once staid, up and coming prosecutor barrel down the corruption ladder faster than you can swat a fly! Chairman Jin is just sitting back enjoying it, why should he worry? He has the prosecutor in his pocket but his businesses are down in the dumps because he decided not to trust Sun Woo (which Sun Woo knew he would not)! Ji Won is still eye-candy support. I still cannot forgive her barely there attitude when Sun Woo was crying his eyes out. I have to give props to Uhm Tae Woong for this episodes! His acting has had me shocked, scared but I have to say, this was the first time that I too bawled my eyes out, so sorry for all he had went through and the tears he shed for his Dad as his last thoughts in life was about him! So sad! Great episode!

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May 15, 2012

Rating just for the fantastic kiss!

What a kiss!! And can I say, Jae Hyuk, stalker much?!! Glad to see some relationship start to develop but not sure if I understand where Ga Young is heading, why the hesitation? Why are you getting angry because Young Gul is trying to get back what is rightly yours?! That is why my head is in the dirt trying to figure out where she is going in this relationship. Who knows, the writers might flip the script on us and she will suddenly turn to Jae Hyuk. Ok, if that happens, I might stop watching! I rather see her end up with no one! An Na, still An Na and just wants someone to love who loves her back!
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May 15, 2012

I was on the verge of not watching anymore

This episode brought me back. I was so glad to see some relationship development as I was not rooting for anyone. I was not on Team Jae Hyuk because I consider him to be spoiled, egotistical, and selfish brat. I was not totally on Team Young Gul simply because of his attitude but now I am leaning that way as its explained why he is the way he is in this episode. An Na, I still consider to be a super pitiful woman! Ga Young, finally starting to show some back bone! I guess now I have to stick it out and see what happens!
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May 15, 2012

They're too cute.. -.-

I really love the leads. The way Bong Du asks what another word means.. he does it in an ingenius way.. so cute..

..and just when this episode started to get interesting.. it ended :(
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