My next drama picks are usually based on, in order:  1) favorite drama tropes, 2) old/new favorite actor/actress is starring in a particular drama and 3) clips seen on Youtube.

The main female lead in WWL was also FL in Mengfei Comes Across and love her in it. She was also in a cameo in You Are My Glory as Yu Tu's ex-girlfriend. After seeing the clips of the ML and FL on Youtube, and as I love the boss-employee relationship trope, added WWL to my plan-to-watch list.

I saw the clip on YouTube and I am all for the older women YM shows?. I try to watch them All the dynamic between the FL and ML in these always intrigues me, because it seen more common than people care to admit, but they don't bat an eyelash over the old ass man and barely out of highschool girl theme! 

This is way late in the game, but I just wanted to say, what an awesome discussion question! I have NO idea how I pick my next...totally randomly and without any conscious thought - resulting in a completely random mixture of good and bad.  I have consequently become an unapologetic 'dropper'. 

I am constantly asking for recommendations, especially for C-dramas, with the overwhelming amount of content!  I love that you've posed this question. I might try out some of the methods people has described ?