Granted but you have to be more social

I wish I could meet my favorite actors/actresses in real life.

Granted, but you need to go through the struggles to meet them

I wish I lose weight even if i dont do exercise or be in diet

Granted but you have to stop eating snacks

I wish I could sleep all day

Granted, but you literally sleep all day and cannot wake up.

I wish my fav kpop group comes to my country. To my state because India is so huge

Granted but you have to pay a lot to see them

I wish covid ends soon

Granted, but everyone should be vaccinated

I wish I learn how to drive car

Granted, but cars are now obsolete. Everyone is flying planes now.

I wish I could always remember the names of everyone I meet.

Granted but you have to write them all in a notebook

I wish I could go away right now.

Granted, but it is the wrong way.

I wish I could watch my dramas and movies without interruption.

Granted but you have to allocate ur house

I wish I could have a picnik

Granted, but rain and ants spoil the day.

I wish I was ambidextrous.

Granted but you have to do lots of surgeries

I wish I lived in the countryside.

Granted, but it is the Countryside Apartments in St. Louis, Missouri.

I wish I would never misplace my keys.

granted but you have to stay in the same house forever

I wish I had the car I always wanted

Granted, but the owner recently reported it stolen.

I wish stores always had what I wanted on sale.