Granted but you have to save up

I wish people were more friendly at work.

Granted, now everyone is so friendly that they spend more time chatting and having fun than working, and eventually stop working altogether. This causes the collapse of civilization.

I wish the pen I keep with me would never run out of ink.

Granted but it will cost you a ton of money :(

I wish I could go back to when i was a baby

Grantd but you have to sanitize all the time

I wish I was rich

Granted, now your name is Rich.

I wish I had a photographic memory.

Granted but you will have to have a photogenic face as well

I wish I could do whatever I want.

Granted but you will have to have a photogenic face as well

You need to be the one granting corrupted wishes from now on.

Yours is granted, but nothing you need to do gets done.

I wish  I had a real treasure map.

Granted, but it is the most boring and nonsensical drama in the history of dramas.

I wish I could get my WiFi everywhere.

Granted but you have to be double vaccinated.

I wish I could meet my prince right now.


why do you make negative comments

I have not made negative comments outside the context of corrupting wishes.


Granted but you have to be double vaccinated.

I wish I could meet my prince right now. 

Granted, but he is the Crown Prince of a small territory in the middle of the North Pole. where y'all will freeze live together for the rest of your lives.

I wish any clothes I pull from the rack at the store would fit.

Granted, but will have to be working out all the time.

I wish everything was easy

Granted, but it is easy for people to fool you, walk over you, lie to you...

I wish that any time I put food in the microwave, it would be heated perfectly.