Ask The Person Below You #2

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I want to be born with the ability to talk ,,, XD because It will be epic 

according to your parents ,what was the first word you said ?
"Mama" => Mom in my first language ^^

What is your biggest fear?
OK this will be cheesy , my biggest fear is already happening to other people .... it's to be killed cruelly by someone who doesn't even know me ...

if you can undo one of your action what would it be?

Telling my "best" friend in primary school who my first love was... Big big mistake. 

Do you want (or have) children?

Do you watch more tv/movies from other countries or from your own?.

Yes, especially from Korea ^^

What is your profession / or what do you want to be in the future (if you're a student) ?
I study to be a journalist :) 

Was there ever a character from a movie or a drama that reminds you of yourself?  If so, who that character was?
It's not exactly my character but Na Bong Seon in Oh My Ghost reminds me myself, because I used to be quiet around people and when I watched this drama I really decided to be more like Shin Son Ah (the ghost) Cause we only live once.

Do you think that marriage  is a necessary part of life?
Well, yes, I do because honestly I can't live without feeling loved and giving love so I can't imagine myself not getting married and I think that marriage and family are essential parts of life.

Which part of school do you find most tiring/awful?
Group work with people I don't know, that and learning new material where I don't know/forgot the pre-requisites.

Will you be willing to leave everything behind for some years and travel the world?

yes but  everything are not willing to leave me XD 

how can you say: "hi, come here , goodbye , and funny " in your native language
haha :P

Ħellow, ejja l' hawn, ċaw, tad-daħq/umoristiku. <--- Maltese :P

What did you want to become when you were little?
I wanted to become an elephant ... Well How should I put it, I didn't become one (sadly xD)

What is your favourite song at the moment?
Heaven's Door by Eric Nam

What's your occupation?
Ħellow ejja l' hawn  I said that to my nephew and  he actually came hahahaha umoristiku

Hahahahaha Neylana and I thought I was a funy kid 

I'm a doctor but deep inside me I'll always be the happy jobless girl

what was the first country you traveled to ?