Mine is simple. My daughter's nickname is Winkay and I've been using this username when she was still 4, so there you have it 4Winkay.
Do and re as is music, do re mi fa sol la ti do. Me as in myself. Duck, because it's been my life long nickname. Not because I look like a Duck or anything. It's just a family nickname. Therefore, my username says, "music, I am Duck." Doremeduck. Heehee.
I am a forgetful person, there is a 99% chance that I would forget my user name if it's not my original name. My name is Shaswati, which is hard to pronounce even you are Bengali. So it's shortened to Shaz. and 22 is my ID no of my college. So there goes Shaz22
My username is my nickname. I often wear a bib when I was still a baby (a favorite one) and on the bib is an embroidered mermaid and the mermaid's name is Mutya. Ever since I've been called Mutya 'till now. And when I was a kid I thought it was my real name and, once, I even used it on all my papers I write on when I was starting school. hehehe... But was corrected later on.
I never put my real name in any account i create,so i decided to put my real name so that my friends can find me easily.Thats how i got my username is..nothing special right?
I cant believe I didn't see this thread before...loved reading about everyone's username stories mines quite boring lol When I joined this site I was watching my second K-drama Bad Guy & the main theme song on its OST was Thorn Flower by Jung Yeop I was totally obsessed with it at the time & the Rain part cos he was the first Korean actor I came across so I just called myself RainFlower & its stuck :D
MY WHOLE NAME. Lindy Saducos very historical, eh? lol
My name is Aphrodite, my husband always calls me "Aphrodity" so I chose it as my username (^_^)
Really interesting topic ! ....and many beautiful story behind the choice of username ..... Mine that I use in every site that talks about dramas .. and it comes from ...an advertising Moroccan drink FANTAFLORIDA... which was broadcast on TV, every summer ,during my holidays in Morocco during my childhood .... and reminds me of that time... (my grand parents, family, sun, ...) ....and of course... it is also my favorite drink! PS / Sorry again for my bad english .......
My user name has no deep meaning except i came up with it in 2011 and try to use it everywhere I'm a user. If you see it anywhere it's more than likely me;)
Mine is really simple. Do Mi and Sol as do re mi fa sol la ti do in music. Sol also means sun in Spanish, and my favourite color is yellow, the color of the sun. And 17 is my age. I have used this nickname in other sites, also with different numbers, like 14, so if you stumble upon someone nicknamed DoMiSol, it could be me :D
Mine is my favourite anime karakter/animal C;

"Sam" is my nickname, "Samantha" is my real name. I live in Atlanta, Georgia. My zip code here is "30317". So "sam30317"
I loved reading this thread! Everyone's names are so interesting! I feel bad I didn't put more effort into my screen name. Allyson Christine Gilmore became allysoncg. I'm just sooooo creative :p
Forest of the Dead is the name of an episode of Doctor Who :D