I can speak English, Khmer, Mandarin (Chinese), Indonesian

And I know a bit of Italian & Teochew (Chinese)

I wanna learn ASL (Sign language)
I speak DFL... It's short for Delusional Fangirl Language.
No seriously I'm fluent in English and Korean.
I wish I learned other ones in school as well.
I can understand, speak and write in English & Tagalog (Philippine National Language) fluently. My Fookien (Chinese Language) is a bit rusty but i can still get by.  I also know a little bit of Mandarin, Japanese, Korean and Thai through watching dramas and movies. I also know another Philippine native language Cebuano though not too fluent.
First language is Persian, second is English, third language is French (still learning tho) and I take Arabic at school and I'm trying to learn Korean (just started)
im surprised at the amount of personal info people are willing to share on this website while they try too hard to not use their own name
First langage = french, Then English (Which i can kinda write fluently but don't ask me too speak lol) 
then spanish (the opposite: don't ask me to write it but I can speak it perfectly, thanks mom)
then german, which I've been learning for 8y but that I still can't write very well lol
then Japanese that I'm learning since a few years but with so many halts that it's like I've been learning it since a few month. I can understand it quite well on dramas though, but I guess they speak differently Irl
I also know a few words of Korean but I'm not planning to learn it yet and I don't think I could really say anything haha
First language is English
Second language is Chinese

Studied japanese in school for about 6 years but I forgot most of it now, can remember simple phrases/questions
And currently studying korean and can sorta basic convo :)
Mother tongue: Armenian
Fluent: English and Russian
Can speak/understand almost fluently: Japanese and Korean
Can understand, read in Spanish, French and Italian (just don't expect an answer, my head becomes a giant mixer when I am expected to answer in one of these 3 languages :P but I can understand and read them, I can even understand some Portuguese, if spoken on a human speed, which happens never :D)
I am completely fluent in both Romanian, Italian and English and I have been learning Spanish for 3 years, French for 8 years and I'm learning Korean for myself.
fluent in Swedish, Somali and English
I know a bit of Arabic and French (since I took it in school)
Fluent in Finnish, Swedish and English.
I studied French, German and Russian in school, but I´m really out of practice.
Fluent in English and Cantonese, have learned Spanish, French and Mandarin but by no means am I fluent in those. Very minimal Korean knowledge - can just about know the alphabet enough to read most hangul but usually without knowing the actual meaning haha.
Gujarati: First language I learned spoke it fluently until age of 5. I understand it now but I will respond back in Urdu.
Urdu: Second language I learned when I move to another area.
English: Knew the alphabet started learning when I went to school.
Spanish: Learned in school during in Kindergarten and then another 4 years in middle/high school.

I went through a phase in Kindergarten where I would mix up all four languages when talking. :)

Currently, I speak Urdu at home with parents and English outside with Spanish occasionally. My parents speak to each other in Gujarati but I respond in Urdu. O
Hokkien, Mandarin, English, some korean
Filipino, Bikol-Naga and Bikol-Rinconada (native language), English, Basic Korean