My native language is Polish, my English is decent I think. I was learning German for 3 years in middle school but truthfully I know only basic words and grammar. Next 3 years I will learn French in secondary school. Currently I'm learning Korean.
My native is Polish, I have been learning English for 6 years now, so I think I'm good?(I always watch dramas with english subtitles so that's good ;3) I can understand simple conversations in Japanese, a couple of words and really simple sentences in Korean and I'm gonna start learning German soon ;3
My mother language is Russian but since we're living in germany now I'm better in German I learned English in school and am learning Korean^^
My mother language is Bosnian(Serbian, Croatian)
Besides that I'm fluent in English and German.
I can also communicate in Slovenian and Swedish.

Oh yes I can read Hangul and understand some basic Korean phrases but I don't count that as me knowing the language :P
My first language is English, but I know some Hebrew and Spanish. I'm taking Japanese and Chinese now, and hope to learn Korean in the future.
My First language is Arabic, then French and English. I learned few Italian words from my mother whom studied it in college. I started learning Japanese few years ago, but failed :/
Now I'm trying with Korean and Chinese. I really enjoy learning new language (y) 
Spanish and English! And wish i could Korean ^^
My first language is Swedish, but i can speak 4 languages fluently and i'm currently learning french and korean
Maltese, English, Italian. There are so many beautiful languages I wish to learn like Japanese, Swedish, Finnish and Norwegian.
I can speak 3 languages
My so many multilingual! I'm like the standard :P Arabic (home), French(school), English(TV), learned in that order.

I'm trying to learn Japanese but not put enough effort to it. I understand a big part of how grammar works, I just need to commit to learning the vocabulary. I have such a bad memory though!
My first is Spanish and then English, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese and I learned the basics of Russian but since it's a very difficult language I forgot most of it.  I'm currently learning Korean. 
Latvian - Mother tongue/native language
English - Somehow learned on my own while watching TV and then learned all the grammar etc in school. Might as well be considered almost as good as native language, 'cuz I even think & dream in English once in a while :D

Russian - know it only because we've got a lot of Russian speaking people here, even thou I understand, I don't speak it on principle
German - 4 years of learning in total, still remember some, but not that good
French -  3 years...some is till left in my brain

Japanese - 10 years worth of anime/ long as it's listening/speaking, I could get by somehow

Plan to - Japanese (to actually learn writing, grammar & stuff), Chinese, Korean 
First languages are Spanish/English.. Grew up in America mexican family........ then i can speak French fluently.. and can hold a conversation in Korean. (not fluent but will get there) I'll start Thai Soon..... 
So my mother tongue is French. Second language is English. Thrid language is supposed to be Spanish, I learned it for 5 years but I think I cannot speak it at all haha. Everything flew away after I end my studies. I could say that I am fluent in Chinese too since I live in China and learned it for 5 years. I also learned Korean, can understand but I still have some struggles to speak. But I am an exchange student so everyday is a good day to learn some new languages and improve the ones I already know :D