First language: Turkish
2nd: Dutch
3rd: English
and I took German and French classes for two years, but I have forgotten most of it. Currently interested in Korean :D
Polish, English and basic Japanese. I'm also learning French.
Native language: Dutch

Second language: English

Third language: Fuzhou dialect

Fourth language: French

And attempted to learn Korean x3 Haven't succeeded yet ;-; Only little phrases and words 
First language was Filipino, then English. I'm currently learning Korean and Japanese. (・ω・)ノ
My mother tongue language is Tamil (South Indian Language) but I was born and raised in the Northern (More of west) So I know Marathi (State Language) and Hindi (National Language)
I can understand some more regional languages of India.

Fluent in English and basic Japanese.
I know a bit of Korean thanks to Kdrama and Kpop.
Future Plans to learn : Russian, Arabic, Thai and Mandarin - Chinese
Fluent (-ish) in Finnish, English, and Swedish.
I studied French for 2 years in the middle school and Mandarin Chinese for a year in the Uni.
Understand some German, Korean, and Japanese (plus Norwegian, Danish, and Estonian).
Fluently I speak 3: English, Portuguese and Spanish
I'm learning Korean
My first language is Portuguese.
Spanish, French, English and learning Japanese *fingers crossed*
Hessa Volunteer Staff
My first language is Arabic and I'm fluent in English. Currently I'm learning Korean.
native :italian and sinhala
2nd language : english and japanese (jap only spoken thou) 

trying to learn korean haha gonna take a while i guess xD
fluent; Dutch, English
still learning; German and French
I do know hangul and a little bit of korean and japanese. but only the basic of the basic lol. 
First language: Swedish
Second language: English
Third language: Spanish
Understand a little: Korean, Japanese, Norwegian and Finnish
Want to learn: Korean and maybe Japanese
My 1st language is English, but I was near fluent in French when I was at University.
I want to learn Korean so I downloaded Rosetta Stone & have picked up a few more phrases than from just watching dramas ;-)
Native language is Danish, also fluent in English. I speak some French and German, I've had it in school for 3 years.
Arabic, English, and French .. Currently learning: Japanese and Italian