Mother Tonguef Filipino (Tagalog)

Fluent: English

Knows very little Spanish as our country was colonized by Spain for 300 years, we picked up some words that are now a part of our language.

Learning: Japanese (Can read Hiragana and  Bit Katakana and very little Kanji. Can speak and understand only a handful or words, phrases, sentenses)

i know english and spanish, english is my first.. or spanish? not sure. i was born in america so i guess it's english? 

im not trying to, but i've learned only phrases due to watching so much anime and jdramas also, kpop/kdramas/interviews

First language: English

Second language: Gujarati (although this could technically be consider my first as well since I spoke this before English briefly before starting to attend school)

Third language: Korean (probably better than my Gujarati at this point--especially considering I'm literate in Korean but not yet in Gujarati)

Forth language: Japanese (still in the process of learning)

Honorable mentions:  Hindi (I can understand it just fine, but can't speak or read/write yet. is a part of my future plans to learn) <everything from here up I don't need subtitles to watch~anything, here down is purely in honor of my past teachers who had to put up with student like me> Spanish (took for 6 years through out middle/high school though I don't remember much at this point)

CHEERS to learning more languages!!! *<|:D 

Full: Bangla, English 

Not very good: Hindi, Arabic, Japanese.

First language croatian, moved to sweden so i'm fluent in swedish also fluent in english and am learning spanish and korean

My first language is Croatian, I also know Serbian and Bosnian hahah 

Second one is English.

I used to study German in primary school but I wouldn't say my knowledge is that good. I also know a bit of Spanish but I would like to learn it more. 

Fluent in Chinese (my mother tongue) and English

Hokkien and Teochew (my dialect groups) - which I can understand a fair bit but can't hold anything more than basic conversation.

Have been learning Japanese for a few years now. Did one semester of French in university. Had been trying to learn Bahasa Indonesia on my own on-and-off, which I really hope I could achieve fluency some day because my mum's fluent in it! Trying to dabble in Thai bit by bit on my own now.

Portuguese is my 1st, I can get along with Spanish easily, I think I have a decent English. I'm trying to learn some Korean but I'm pretty green tho.  

Mother tongue: Ilocano (Native) - I was raised in this language so, I could mostly understand (and/or read) it but could only speak a little.

First language: Filipino (Fluent) - I could read, write, speak, and understand.

Second language: English (Fluent) - Also, I could read, write, speak, and understand.

Third language: French (Intermediate) - I learned it through university for years. I'd say I'm better at reading, writing, and understanding but could struggle a little at speaking.

Others: Japanese (Self-study. I could mostly read and write but could only speak and understand the basics), Korean (Self-study. Pretty much same with my Japanese, only far worse and struggle more), and Spanish (I could understand a little).

I'm surrounded by amazing multi-lingual friends and I've become interested in language through the years so, I'm interested in learning Mandarin (Chinese), German, Dutch, Arabic, Russian, and [maybe] Latin.

Speaking Turkish,English fluently and improving my Korean to a more than just surviving level

My first language was Chinese, second language is English, third language is a bit of Spanish, For the fourth it would be French ( Currency learning) .

Im fluent in English and Chinese. 

English and French my whole life. 

I think Spanish or any of the other Latin-based languages would be relatively easy to pick up since French is also Latin-based but I wish I had the time and motivation and need to learn Mandarin or Arabic or Japanese or Russian, just some completely different language to the ones I already know. 

I'm fluent in German and English. My Korean is good enough, too.

I learned Spanish in school but honestly only understand basic sentences these days. I also learned Latin but that's all jumbled up with Spanish now so I'd say it's all gone. What a big waste of time. :P

Next, I would like to learn Chinese but I think I'm going to refresh my Spanish instead since my university decided to not offer Chinese for the next few semesters. Ugh. 

First language: Spanish

Second language: english

I can speak : English , Telugu and Hindi(both are indian languages)

and Thanks to Kdrama , i can understand korean , though not confident enough to speak, will get there some day !!