This is kinda a depressing thread I must say so :p
Because :-
1) I enjoy being single for now and this came from 26yo me. I know it's the right time to be panic but I just don't feel that strong urge to end my single life.
2) I don't wish to add more responsibility on my plate when I'm in that relationship.
3) My life have enough drama already. Don't need love drama (fight/ breakup/ jealous) to add on that.
- I am not very outgoing and socialising with others so its hard to know someone even if I like them from a far...
- Most people these days just care about your outer appearance so if you aren't very pretty, they may not talk with you or be interested with you
- My personality is not confident and most guys will like a girl if she is confident and mature i guess...
- A lot of people just date someone just because they want some kind of short term relationship and are not serious about it. Actually, I don't understand these people at all, seems like they just want to waste time in their life and have no plans for their future ! Of course you should date someone with the intention for marriage right??
- People don't think about their future seriously, for example, they don't work hard and always just playing around, no one will like this kind of guy if he doesn't have a good job and good morals/values.
wow me and AMissyow have the same answer ~
"~ the person I like doesn't like me
~ i am ugly and weird
~ too lazy to socialize ('coz I am not really good at it)
~ I prefer fictional characters"
on point
  • I can be really awkward
  • I'm inexperienced in dating
  • it's difficult to get to know me IRL
  • but I also don't care to be in a relationship
  • namely because I'm aromantic
  • and more focused on studies/career
  • SOs have never been a priority or interest
Because my destined partner is in Korea and I'm here. Kidariyo oppa! I'll get there one day! bahhaha
I don't know why. My mom always says that I'm a good girl kkkk lazy.. too lazy to have someone I guess
the idea of spending the rest of my life with someone sharing everything with him making decision together is scary for me and I hate it ..... I wanna be free
I want a job and career life way way more than dating and marriage was never my priority or interest
For me, I've reached a point in my life where I want to focus on myself before I'm ready to commit my time and energy to a relationship.
Because I still don't know if I'm qualified as someones girl, in short I'm not confident as me, myself and I :)
Because guys aren't usually even attracted to me, I feel like I scare them all away. Or they just hate me for some reason. Well, they all certainly did until at least 2 years ago. No one has ever even tried to befriend me and no one even wanted to talk to me, not to mention someone wanting to be romantically involved with me. 

I do have a "boy situation" right now, but if it doesn't work out.. I'm gonna have to give up on the thought of loving & being loved -- again, just as I had before my current situation happened.
Like many others, I'm shy and not so confident. I don't go out that often and have to high standards because of dramas :')
But now I've met finally someone who's up to the standards, but he has no idea I feel this way. I have no courage to take a step or contact him in any way :')
Maybe because I'm scared to fall in love again and then experience hell the 2nd time ????. I've changed alot since being single, and now i don't know how mingle with girls anymore even I'm a kind of good looking ???? Being on a serious relationship for 5 years and a 3rd party suddenly arrived at the scene and ruined everything made me lose faith to love. ???? I have my short-comings too, and I'm slowly improving myself as a person.