The RANT Thread Part Deux: Back with a vengeance

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I think if I rant a bit, I can enjoy my weekend so here goes....

In what world do you constantly screw up and there are no consequences? You have caused our company to be sued, and I have to deal with angry people because of you at least once a week but you only get sent back to training with the new hires when you've been with the company four years and a year longer than me? And I am the one who has to re-train you?! Why was I written up and cut out of a raise when I asked for training on a new client when you do absolutely nothing and get training on stuff you should already know, a raise AND a bonus?

Why do I not get help with any of my work? Ah because any of you would just screw it up and everyone knows it. Why did I manage to get my scoring done in time while you two constantly played around and pop popcorn in the breakroom? Why am I the only one held accountable and have to do your work when even the clients know how behind I am?

Why do I have the sinking feeling that they will take back my promotion because this crap of a department can't afford to let me go?

And why do I sit at home watching dramas and feeling depressed when I should be looking for a new job to rid myself of all of you?

I think I'm done. I'll job hunt tomorrow ^^
Becca256 wrote: I hate when people write in a review "I've watched a lot of dramas" or "in my ample experience" or "From the #infinite dramas I've watched, this one..." or "This my drama number..." I mean, we all like to watch dramas, there's no need to brag about how many you've watched, because there will always be someone with a longer list like you (if you don't believe me, check out some of the user's list),and the number of dramas you've watched doesn't make you a good (or bad) reviewer, or makes me believe you're more experienced. In fact, reading that just makes me wants to click the "not helpful" button immediately (I don't...most of the time).

I needed to say this again. You do NOT write a review like that
infiniti512 wrote: I think if I rant a bit, I can enjoy my weekend so here goes....

In what world do you constantly screw up and there are no consequences? You have caused our company to be sued, and I have to deal with angry people because of you at least once a week but you only get sent back to training with the new hires when you've been with the company four years and a year longer than me? And I am the one who has to re-train you?! Why was I written up and cut out of a raise when I asked for training on a new client when you do absolutely nothing and get training on stuff you should already know, a raise AND a bonus?

Why do I not get help with any of my work? Ah because any of you would just screw it up and everyone knows it. Why did I manage to get my scoring done in time while you two constantly played around and pop popcorn in the breakroom? Why am I the only one held accountable and have to do your work when even the clients know how behind I am?

Why do I have the sinking feeling that they will take back my promotion because this crap of a department can't afford to let me go?

And why do I sit at home watching dramas and feeling depressed when I should be looking for a new job to rid myself of all of you?

I think I'm done. I'll job hunt tomorrow ^^

Ack! That sucks. :( I wish you good luck!
infiniti512 wrote: I think if I rant a bit, I can enjoy my weekend so here goes....

In what world do you constantly screw up and there are no consequences? You have caused our company to be sued, and I have to deal with angry people because of you at least once a week but you only get sent back to training with the new hires when you've been with the company four years and a year longer than me? And I am the one who has to re-train you?! Why was I written up and cut out of a raise when I asked for training on a new client when you do absolutely nothing and get training on stuff you should already know, a raise AND a bonus?

Why do I not get help with any of my work? Ah because any of you would just screw it up and everyone knows it. Why did I manage to get my scoring done in time while you two constantly played around and pop popcorn in the breakroom? Why am I the only one held accountable and have to do your work when even the clients know how behind I am?

Why do I have the sinking feeling that they will take back my promotion because this crap of a department can't afford to let me go?

And why do I sit at home watching dramas and feeling depressed when I should be looking for a new job to rid myself of all of you?

I think I'm done. I'll job hunt tomorrow ^^

OMO! That sounds so freaking bad. Please job hunt tomorrow! I don't even know you girl and I'm saying it anyway. Good Luck!
Thanks Jeannie!

I remember now why I sit here. It's hard figuring out what jobs to apply for. I think I'm so afraid of going into a worse environment that I hesitate. Need to stop this.

If you can't stop coughing and clearing your throat all the time, then please, for Heaven's sake, GO TO A DOCTOR!!! This is obviously not a simple cold, you've been doing this in July and August as well! I don't care if you're sick or whatever, but since we have to share a room, it gets freaking ANNOYING! And while we're at it: You know, we only have this tiny freezer. Ever thought about sharing? I have hardly anything in there and I always have to use force to get that god damn door shut. Oh, and don't eat your smelly food in our room. It is smelly! There are 2 huge tables in the community room, so stay there! And it's terribly rude to open the curtains when the other person is still asleep. It's not that dark, you can use your laptop without opening the curtains. I'm sitting in the dark here and I'm not complaining! God, just go disappear again, I don't want to see your face ever again. D:
infiniti512 wrote: I think if I rant a bit, I can enjoy my weekend so here goes....

In what world do you constantly screw up and there are no consequences? You have caused our company to be sued, and I have to deal with angry people because of you at least once a week but you only get sent back to training with the new hires when you've been with the company four years and a year longer than me? And I am the one who has to re-train you?! Why was I written up and cut out of a raise when I asked for training on a new client when you do absolutely nothing and get training on stuff you should already know, a raise AND a bonus?

Why do I not get help with any of my work? Ah because any of you would just screw it up and everyone knows it. Why did I manage to get my scoring done in time while you two constantly played around and pop popcorn in the breakroom? Why am I the only one held accountable and have to do your work when even the clients know how behind I am?

Why do I have the sinking feeling that they will take back my promotion because this crap of a department can't afford to let me go?

And why do I sit at home watching dramas and feeling depressed when I should be looking for a new job to rid myself of all of you?

I think I'm done. I'll job hunt tomorrow ^^

Sheesh. Is the person connected to the creator of the company in anyway?
I freaking hate weddings! Why? Because they bore me, because when I meet relatives they start talking behind my back "Oh My, That girl is arrogant" "Yes, she so lofty" Damn you stupid people!!! Do I have to sit around the whole party to make you feel satisfied?! Well, I don't give a damn about your opinions. You may say what you want since I always think of it as rubbish. Funerals are the best! No one question you or talks behind you back! Stupid ignorant people!!
infiniti512 wrote: Thanks Jeannie!

I remember now why I sit here. It's hard figuring out what jobs to apply for. I think I'm so afraid of going into a worse environment that I hesitate. Need to stop this.


good luck on the job hunt, there might be worst places out there but majority arent too bad. At least most places would at least appreciate the work you put in. Find a new job and show these ppl how much they missing out for not appreciating the effort you put in for them!

my rant: stupid mosquitoe!!!!!!!!!!! arg! its winter already just die and leave my blood alone!
nekoblah wrote: good luck on the job hunt, there might be worst places out there but majority arent too bad. At least most places would at least appreciate the work you put in. Find a new job and show these ppl how much they missing out for not appreciating the effort you put in for them!

my rant: stupid mosquitoe!!!!!!!!!!! arg! its winter already just die and leave my blood alone!

I got bit by one too! They love me for some reason. I always have a strong reaction to them too.
Sleepninja wrote: I got bit by one too! They love me for some reason. I always have a strong reaction to them too.

we got it lucky, my sis got bit on her left eye and the right side of her mouth ... she woke up, screamed and decided she will work from home
Sleepninja wrote: I got bit by one too! They love me for some reason. I always have a strong reaction to them too.

nekoblah wrote: we got it lucky, my sis got bit on her left eye and the right side of her mouth ... she woke up, screamed and decided she will work from home

There's something about my blood which drives mosquitoes away :D At first, I thought it's because of London's weather (we don't have any) but then as I went to other countries that's full of them, I never got bitten by one while people around me got seriously hurt. Why don't they like my blood? Strange :p
Rourou wrote: There's something about my blood which drives mosquitoes away :D At first, I thought it's because of London's weather (we don't have any) but then as I went to other countries that's full of them, I never got bitten by one while people around me got seriously hurt. Why don't they like my blood? Strange :p

Why is it that every time I start to get involved in something....people start bugging me? =__= When I'm not busy, nothing. When I get involved, then they want to talk.
Rourou wrote: There's something about my blood which drives mosquitoes away :D At first, I thought it's because of London's weather (we don't have any) but then as I went to other countries that's full of them, I never got bitten by one while people around me got seriously hurt. Why don't they like my blood? Strange :p

Truly lucky! I'm usually treated like a main dish. But if they start biting me it's at least easy to kill them off. What I hate the most is that bzzzzzzzzzz sound. It drives me mad. I can't sleep and usually hunt down all mosquito in the room (u need to scrutinize walls inch by inch to spot them)- I have experience, my parents live in an area where there's lots of them (I even have my own theories about mosquito's customs...)