
So... I was looking at a random users profile on MyAnimeList and I ended up clicking on a link and arriving here. You'll probably see in my list that I haven't seen... any drama shows, yet. Although, I have seen a fair few movies and I just started watching '1 Litre of Tears' and wow, its pretty good so far. I might even check out some other drama shows when I have finished watching it... maybe. Anything you'd recommend?

btw here's a link to my MyAnimeList profile if anyone want's to check it out:

I have to say that after watching so much anime recently... seeing real people acting was a little strange, lol.
Helloooo ,Hahahiiiii and Welwelwelcome to MDL world ,i'm sure u'll like these site so have so much fun and enjoy as much u can(^_^) i'm recommend u these: you r beautiful .................... i think there is anime for this my girlfriend is gumiho my girl Hana yori dango .................. i think there is anime for this city hunter gu family book and there is many many .
Hi, I the reverse, i watched a few dramas and movies and would like to try some anime. Can you recomend some, and some places to watch them?
Hi there Osei and Welcome... If you want some recommendation just checked my list and you can choose if there's something for your liking.
Hello and welcome! When I first watched a drama, I had found a manga turned drama and that's what hooked me. As for recommendations, some of my favorites are MARS, Densha Otoko, Liar Game, and Love Shuffle. Feel free to take a look at my list as well. @Bellness- I haven't watched anime online in awhile, but my friend does and she uses animehere. You should check out Fullmetal Alchemist, it's my fave <3
Hi,:) mmm..I recommend Nodame Cantabile
I also came to MDL from MAL! http://myanimelist.net/profile/Egobandit
Someone suggested watching live Asian dramas for romance and I have been here ever since.

I definitely suggest heading over to the Recommendation Forum and making a post. The reason I originally decided to sign up for the site was to find recommendations, and if you make a post with some specific things you are looking for you are likely to get many great suggestions. It's especially easier since you are very new to dramas.

I hope you enjoy your stay, welcome to MDL!
Thank you FullDex, I already found it, and gonna watch it today. Thanks
Hi and welcome!

I agree with Egobandit, you should make a post in the recommendation forum. :) I looked at your anime list to see if I could recommend something based on your taste in anime, but we don't have very many titles in common, so I'm not sure what to tell you. (There are many dramas that are based on anime/manga, but I don't know if it's a good idea to watch a drama version of something you've already seen.) I'm also on MAL http://myanimelist.net/profile/lily_b but now I see that I haven't been logged in there since August when I last updated my list - I should watch more anime! :)
Hello and Welcome!
Hessa Volunteer Staff
Hi and welcome to MDL.

I recommend "I hear your voice".
I would highly recommend watching Toradora and Kimi ni Todoke. They're both the best romance anime that I have seen. You can watch them at AniLinkz.