found it; 
Romance of Condor Heroes


I can't remember much about it. At all.

It was released quite recently - 2015 or 2014. 2013 at latest but I'm quite sure it was in 2015.

What I do kind of remember is...

1. There was a fight scene early on with the girl, in a field I think, against a bunch of men (maybe soldiers or something?) She has some type of power I'm pretty sure, something to do with flying objects or crystals or something, but the fight scene was definitely there. Maybe first ep?

2. The girl gets married but her husband threatens to leave (?) her because she kills or attacks people without remorse. 

The female lead has some power or she's really good at martial arts and I think and the male and female lead don't get along straight away (like, at their very first meeting). There might be a marriage within the first few episodes but I don't think it works out: the female attacks or kills (?)) people with little thought, she just protects herself. 

Honestly, I have no idea. It's just bits and pieces but it's really digging at me. I think it was on MyAsianTv before but they reuploaded things and I don't think they reploaded it. 

Thanks a lot if anyone can find or tries to find it, I understand that it's really, really not much to go on. 

Was it perhaps "Perfect Couple"?
No, that's not it but thank you for the suggestion! 
Nope, not this either - it was like... wuxia/ historical. But thanks again for trying! 
Could it be Wu Xin the Monster Killer?
Not it, but I did start watching that recently ~ Thank you though! 

I'm starting to feel like I imagined this, ahahahah ~ I know I didn't but I can't remember it enough to describe the scenes well, smh smh

e// Ahhh, I found it - Romance of Condor Heroes