They have!

And I really want to see EP 62....I sort of have the gist of what the story is since it's similar to other episodes and I may be able to watch the search game w/o subs.
PinkDiamond wrote: I hope everyone is not going to be surprised about missing suitcases. It just tickles me pink when something happens to them, such as one of them being a spy, and they are shocked beyond belief when they are betrayed.

Jajaja, I know right! Even I know the drill by now whenever suitcases/money is
is ep 61 any good? i thought i'd ask before watching..
I started watching this show recently and I LOVE it!!! I didn't start at the beginning though. I saw episode 4 then skipped to 15. Now I've seen 15-19 and am watching 20.

It's super addicting and very funny. I'll watch an entire episode then at the end I'll have realized that I was smiling the entire time through and now my jaw hurts.

I wish I could participate in an episode.
@aye: good, each episode is thrilling & exciting, bring laughter almost every 5 minutes kekeke :D

@msrules: i suggest you should watch each episode from beginning till the end until jaw dislocated kekeke :D so you'll understand the rules of the game, the revenge, the betrayer, the strategy, etc.

ep.63 with SNSD eng sub already up to watch. Let's go watching!
Mary, I 'm glad you've joined the club....LOL

I cannot believe I have forgotten to stalk the site where I watch this to see if EP 63 was subbed....I cannot believe
PinkDiamond wrote: I love how the members get the VJ's involved. It's funny when they use them as scape goats and decoys! Poor VJ's always caught in the middle!

I love it too!
I loved ep. 65....

The new dumb and dumber are too funny and moronic...lmbo (as PD

Ep. 66 is subbed and Song Joong Ki is a guest...I miss him in the show. He should go back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just finished watching Ep. 67.

The game devil (Kim Sooro) and Park Ye Jin (both were in FO1 with JaeSuk and JongKook) were the guests. I laughed too much......
OMG.... cant wait for episode 69 to be subbed! its gonna be EPIC. grasshopper hunting daebak! evern though it does sound a little scary. lol
I need to watch last week's episode....

And ayeaye,that does sound Epic!