I'm really in need to be dazzled by a drama  that grabs me from the start and it doesn't let go until its satisfying ending.  Historical actions suspense crime even a romance. Hit me with your recommendations for top dramas of this type.

Are you interested in Cdrama as well? If so, I can recommend Reset. It is truly amazing.

My recommendations for dramas that take hold and don't let up until the end (in order of preference)

Stranger, Tunnel, Someday or One Day, Alice in Borderland, Kingdom, season 2 especially, Todome no Kiss, Stranger, season 2

I am all for a good mystery/detective drama. So if those deliver well.....godness I get so badly hooked onto them.
These are my absolut top 5 dramas;
Move to Heaven
Money Flower
World of the Married


My recommendations for dramas that take hold and don't let up until the end (in order of preference)

Stranger, Tunnel, Someday or One Day, Alice in Borderland, Kingdom, season 2 especially, Todome no Kiss, Stranger, season 2

I second the commenter above who recommended Watcher


My recommendations for dramas that take hold and don't let up until the end (in order of preference)

Stranger, Tunnel, Someday or One Day, Alice in Borderland, Kingdom, season 2 especially, Todome no Kiss, Stranger, season 2

I would add. Little Women, great female cast

 Korean Money Heist( lighter but full of plot twists), 

Flower of Evil. Through the Darkness, based on RL crime investigations

I can suggest:


Sky Castle

The King of Pigs

Queen Seon Duk

They are all riveting and compelling in their own way.

 Wish Upon A Star:

+1 Designated Survivor

+1 Vagabond

both dazzle you with suspense, thriller, engagement, never a dull period or dull episodes.


- Flor do mal, Maid's revenge, my lethal man, Pousando no amor, what's wrong with secretary Kim.

Beyond Evil (until the last few eps)


+1 Stranger

+1 Through the Darkness

(second half of) May It Please The Court, as the first half has a slow build.

Also, Lost (2021) - this one may not do so for everyone, but it was perfect for my mood at the time. Not a thriller or mystery like the others I've listed.

Missing: The Other Side, Seasons 1 and 2