Ryeowook singing Baby at a Super Junior K.R.Y concert: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKb6H4JPHjY

I think his English is really good!!

Or the original by Justin Bieber?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kffacxfA7G4

I'm interested in peoples opinions :)
Who would vote for JB?! especially here. hehehe.. It was okay. Ryeowook's voice is a little thin compared to JB.. Comments on his make-up instead. It's a little weird. too feminine. With a complete costume, he might pass as a geisha with his make-up. lol
Was there really a need for a separate thread for this? Seriously.
Hmm... Although I've never been a JB fan I really like this song. I think I can't decide, both versions are too different. Maybe I would choose Ryeowook's version cause it sounds more refreshing in comparation with the original one or cause of his sweeter voice :)
i'm a Ryeowook biased and i definitely choose Wookie over JB. His sweet voice matches the song well ^^

but in a honestly i love Henry's cover version of Baby ^^ 
Both are good, I like the original (Justin Bieber's) version better though.
Same. Booth are good but I still like Justin Bieber's more :) 
O_O Justin? For real? Ryeowook! Even though I don't even know him nicely. Justin's voice was pretty horrible during that time frame (personal opinion)