Attention, Spoiler!

The end of WoH left me with a bitter after taste. Though the show has a more or less clear HE, but it pains me whenever I think about it. As there is vault somewhere that cannot be filled. I could not figure out why. After reading some Fan’s comments on Chinese website I found the reason. I would like to share this with you.

It pains me that WKX really never understood ZZS.

When ZZS thought WKX has died by falling off from the cliff, he was devastated. All he could think of was to revenge for his death. In order to do that he even pulled out his 7 nails to regain his full power despite knowing there would be no hope to save himself. While ZZS is risking his life WKX created the whole scheme and successful took revenge agains Zhao Jing. Everyone knew about this except for ZZS. WKX did not even instructed someone to tell him the truth when ZZS saw his lifeless body. Now that WKX had his victory, everyone is celebrating and praising WKX’s strategic mind. Despite seeing something was wrong with A Xu, WKX and others quickly brushed over the topic with a few excuses. “Lao Wen, why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you trust me more?” I wonder whether these were some of ZZS’s thoughts at that time...
Seeing A Xu in that scene really pained me.  

When WKX lied in unconsciousness, ZZS wanted to do the last thing he could do before his death: preventing Jing Wang to open the secret arsenal. He even instructed Cheng Ling to lie to WKX so he would not be sad when waking up. That is the hope A Xu had for WKX: that Lao Wen would continue to live, rebuild four season Shan Zhuang together with Cheng Ling. But instead he had to see his lover, covered in white hair, lifeless in front of him when he woke up. What ZZS was mostly afraid  of was not death but being left all by himself.

As the leader of Tian Chuang, ZZS saw all 80 family member passing before him, even his own beloved brother he could not protect. To punish himself he pushed 7 nails into his own body and gave himself three short years in this world. If WKX really understood ZZS, he would know ZZS did not to be left living by himself.

Though as per special ending WKX was alive. But the there was a lot of room for interpretation. I hope WKX uses all these years to better understand ZZS as well as to ask for forgiveness for all the pains he has caused him.

Otherwise, the if we take the ending of episode 36, ZZS would have been the most tragic character I have seen. Is it what the the writer intended? Make ZZS cry over WKX who loved ZZS more than anything but till the end did not understand the men with 2000 layers of dust? That would have been truly a sad ending.

This above is my interpretation/opinion of the ending of WoH so that I can find some closure. I still love the drama despite all its imperfection.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

It is not because WKX doesn't understand ZZS, he understands ZZS quite well actually. He didn't tell Zhou Zi Shu his plans in that episode was because you can see that ZZS was injured and hurt, he was weak from the previous episode when he went to save him. He didn't want to risk putting any danger on him at that moment, not because he doesn't trust ZZS. Yes, he could've told ZZS, but if you put yourself in his shoes, would you tell him when you basically see how injured and hurt your soulmate is? Would you really take a risk to put your soulmate in danger like that? Even if he has to do this dangerous mission, he won't tell ZZS because he's also not sure if this plan would be successful or a failure. If he fails, then he dies a real death. He knows ZZS will follow him and he will welcome that.

Also, you have to look at both sides. Zhou Zi Shu lost 80 people in his life, but Wen Ke Xing lost his parents and Gu Xiang who has one of the most impacts on his life. Remember, before they meet each other (again), they both had nothing to hold onto, so death has always been the only thing that's been on their mind from beginning to end. Their solutions are just working out differently. The only thing that keeps them alive was their own goals and few people whom they want to hold onto, but seeing the blood pool of the people they are trying to protect died in front of their eyes, death becomes their plan again because both of them can't bear to be left behind. WKX is the only person that ZZS is living for, just like ZZS is the only person that WKX is living for. If one of them dies, do you think they have the will to live on their own?

If you watch the whole episodes of the series again, you will understand how much WKX have changed and developed, all his life, his goal has always been revenge and death, but around episode 32-33, you will see those goals of his are not only about those anymore, it has become love, determination, and righteous, at that moment, he was doing it for the people he loves (his parents, his master, Gao Chong (even), and ZZS) and he knows that's what they want him to do. Also, it is not only WKX who has changed and developed, ZZS, we can see how he peels his layers off one by one, but after those episodes, he has his reasons for keeping his feelings to himself.

In the last episode, WKX said he knows that ZZS has lost his senses, so it's not only ZZS who understands WKX, WKX understands ZZS just as much as well lol He knows that ZZS definitely would not tell him his problems, that's why he doesn't push him into telling him if ZZS doesn't want to. Don't underestimate their values for each other. WKX may act like he didn't know, it doesn't mean that he doesn't, just like ZZS knew WKX's plans all along but never exposed him. That's how WKX does for ZZS as well.

Also, for the last episode, if you haven't read it, Cheng Ling's original lines. I can link it to you :)

Thanks Lynn for taking the time and sharing your opinion.
They are great perspectives.

I think what perplexed me is the exactly that. WKX is exactly not protecting ZZS by keeping him in the dark. As you pointed out none of the two would live without the other. ZZS jumped the cliff when he saw WKX jumping off. Thanks to YBY he was saved. Just imagine ZZS could have died.... if WKX involved ZZS in his plans I am sure there would have been ways to keep ZZS from getting hurt. I just cannot help but feel sorry for ZZS during that celebration.

On your point of about the ending. I agree that if you put yourself in WKX, why continue living without ZZS. It all ended well thanks to WKX and YBY. He has matured so much so I do understand his action and also don’t underestimate their value for each other. I think they love each other deeply that’s why they made these decisions. However, understanding is different than love. Just as ZZS does not like it when WKX goes crazy or pity him he truly would have hoped for WKX to stay alive and carry out the heritage. ZZS did not choose to die right away but to revenge WKX after his fake death or to stop Jing Wang from opening the arsenal, his view of duty is strong, even to his last minute. For him, WKX staying alive would mean his sacrifices so far would have had a meaning.

ZZH said in his interviews that both ending versions are very tragic. The best ending would have been that WKX and Cheng Ling accompany ZZS to live the last 2 years peacefully, even if he does not feel or see anything. But ZZS knows they are there with him. ZZH really understands ZZS’s character well. I just cannot agree more.

I think I am just super bias towards ZZS as a character. It’s just too tragic. But tragically beautiful.

I think we could analyse the drama to death and find all sorts of loopholes and flaws. Certainly it's a big plot hole when they decide that ZZS is the only one to be kept in the dark about WKX's big plan. And indeed it does seem to be engineered so that the writer can work in a sort of Romeo-Juliet type ending (not exact, but definitely with a nod to Shakespeare).  

Having said that.........I also saw the interview with ZZH where he said he thought the endings were tragic. I disagree. I actually like the ending, that is the ending with the mini-episode 37 and those overdubbed lines of Cheng Ling's. I definitely interpret that as the two of them were able to heal each other because they were truly in sync and loved each other completely. And thus they stay alive for years and years and years (and avoid Romeo and Juliet's fate). Yeah, they can't leave the mountain but both of them were looking to retreat from the world anyway and spend the rest of their lives with each other. So they got that in the end. And for these 2 characters who have basically been courting death, disaster and mayhem - this is actually better than they could ever hope for. 

I still think kudos to Xiao Chu, the screenwriter. I think she's brilliant in this, her first foray into c-drama. And if there are imperfections, there are also very many great moments which I say outweigh these and also a unity to the work thanks to her being the main creative voice.  Legend of Fei, another Priest adaptation with bigger budget and ambition just fell completely flat. I didn't know they had such a big team of screenwriters but no wonder it came across as some kind of rojak ( tossed salad) as we say in Malaysia/Singapore, in the end. 

BTW - not all of Shakespeare's plays always make sense in terms of character motivation etc and yet his overall creative greatness outweighs the plot holes in his plays too :). And scholars and lit students have been spilling ink and arguing about those things too for centuries. All part of the fun. So for me, it's all's well that ends well.   

I agree with @Saffy88 talking about the ending of Cheng Ling's overdubbed and original lines. They definitely were trying to heal each other by their own willing. For them to be able to master the Liu He Art form, their feelings have to connect with the other in order for it to complete, if they're not connected with each other then ZZS would definitely not survived. To be honest, whether ZZS want WKX and ZCL to stay alive to build up Four Seasons Manor again, it doesn't mean that he won't agree with WKX in having him beside him. 

I also agree with this line, "Yeah, they can't leave the mountain but both of them were looking to retreat from the world anyway and spend the rest of their lives with each other. So they got that in the end. And for these 2 characters who have basically been courting death, disaster and mayhem - this is actually better than they could ever hope for. " Because that's EXACTLY what they both wanted ever since they chose each other as soulmates. And that's also what ZZS said in...I forgot the episode, but it's about the 4 anji, he wants to travel the world with his soulmate away from the martial world. And that wish has become true now as they are now away from all that chaos world and live with each other peacefully, while still secretly training other disciples of four seasons manor on the mountain. And instead of saying they are stuck on the mountain, let's just say they are willing to, besides if they ever want to go back to the human world/the martial world again, they can go anytime lol Just like Ye Bai Yi, the only thing that's different between them and YBY is that YBY was all alone so he got bored and want to end his living life as he has no one by his side, while WKX and ZZS has each other, they probably won't get tired of living for as long as they want. BUT if they were to feel tired of living one day, they can do it like YBY and welcome death together as their bodies deteriorate. Right now, you can tell they are embracing and enjoying this immortal life.

Thanks to both of you to share your perspectives. 

The part where WKX did not tell ZZS about his plan is a plot hole and could have done better. However, looking from a different perspective, what if WKX really is a 没心没肺之人 (someone who is slightly simple-minded and acts from his emotion), it really does make sense to me. Throughout the 36 episodes, I feel WKX has been a child, left alone in the dark. ZZS managed to open the door to his heart and take him out of his darkness. Therefore, similarly, as to how a child would pay back, all WKX wanted was to protect ZZS but did not think much at that moment whether not telling him his plan could actually hurt him more. That's why to rather think that's a clear mistake by Xiao Chu, I rather think that's done with the purpose (and on top of that it created the Romeo and Juliet effect). For me, WKX is simply a not-so-perfect character (he did hurt ZZS deeply with that decision) but is still someone who is to be loved for who he is. 

About the ending, I see it in a way, that spending the rest of their life on the snow mountain is the best thing that could have happened to them given the circumstances. It was not what WKX intended when he came to that place. He had the intention to die for ZZS. Ye Bai Yi hid from him that actually he did not have to die but WKX believed he would die (that's when Cheng Ling explained at the end). Just how when ZZS woke up and saw WKX fainting in front of his eyes, he probably thought he died (later he manage to save him). Looking at the way both have acted in episode 36, it is very sure, the director has given both actors the instructions that this is a BE. That's how ZZH interpreted as well. In a way, a BE could have been accepted as well. Often a good BE is better than a forced/unrealistic HE. It is natural to have regrets, imperfection, misunderstandings, and missed chances. However, no one would want a BE for the two of them. It would have been just too tragic for the two given what they have gone through so far. That's why the viewers received an open/happy ending. Apparently, even in the snowy mountain scenes, there were two versions. One version is ZZS imagined WKX as an illusion (that's why he acted all surprised when he saw him) and another version when really both of them were alive. They cut both pieces together for a happy version of that. It gave us the audience a choice on how to interpret the ending. Which is a very smart move by the makers.

Yup, I am usually quite irritated by c-dramas which end in some strange open-to-whatever-interpretation way. But I think in this drama it works. Looking at the comments on the main discussion board, there are still lots of people apparently who still believe it's a tragic ending. And then there's people like me who are firmly in the happy ending camp. In this case the ending is able to accommodate everyone - and yes it looks like it was happy and sad ending stitched together. But like Deng Kuan, I believe that those two will continue to flirt-fight for however long they want. What it does mean is that like all good dramas it will continue to evoke emotional responses and debates for a long time to come and from that perspective, the cast and production team can be satisfied at a job well done. 

@Kotori To be honest, I actually agree with you saying that Wen Ke Xing has been a child, being left alone in the darkness. That's really true because ever since he's got taken away by the old valley master from his master and Zhou Zi Shu when he was not even 9 years old, he's been living in hell since that time on. The place he grew up from was the place where people be fighting and killing all their lives to survive, so it's really understandable to WKX's actions. Then since his parents died, darkness has always been with him all along, the only person that kept him in a strand of humanity was Gu Xiang. But even Gu Xiang can't handle his actions. His environment has always been actions, while ZZS, though he also did evil things and had his own dark sides as well, he's been in a cultured place before. Also, being a spy and assassin, you must use your brain more than action. When WKX meets ZZS (again), he's been pulled to the light since then. ZZS made him want to become human again, have a human heart again because all his life, WKX hide his human heart since the time they killed his parents, so all he had was revenge and hatred. After meeting ZZS once again, he missed the outside world, a world that is apart from his dark world. So we can say he is on his way to learning these attachments with people and feelings because he cut his emotions out for so long that it made him forgot about others' feelings too. So once he stays with ZZS longer, he will start to learn how to be more considerate, and we don't have to worry about that anymore because WKX has ZZS forever in his life from now on :) Both of their characters are really understandable for each of their actions.

Apologize if I miss something here, but is there any theories as how WKX managed to survive and thus live forever as immortal with ZZS? I understand that it is very likely he didn't die at the end of Ep36 but got his meridiens broken after saving ZZS. Even though he didn't die immediately, but he will be slowly dying. Any idea how ZZS is able to save him? Any theory is welcome!

I think it's explained in the overdubbed lines of Cheng Ling. So basically the Liuhe method will only work if there are 2 people who are completely willing to support each other even unto death and are completely in sync with each other. If you read this: you will see the original lines were:  

Chengling: To master the LiuHe skill, the two must share the same heart/feelings, watching over and protecting each other. They must also whole-heartedly recognize the other as their soulmate, for only by maintaining their love can they pass the most critical stage by transmitting their internal qi (energy) to the other, thereby getting through the difficulty. Once the skill is mastered, the two will then become each other’s immortal protector.

And so ta-da.....lang lang ding become immortals on the mountain.  (Oh also, we might infer that they're going to be practicing dual cultivation, a popular concept in wuxia novels - nuff said :)) 

Thank you for your reply. I understand that from Chengling original lines, but I thought that they practiced the Liuhe in the Armory when trying to heal ZZS? Is that not Liuhe? And WKX still had to transfer all his inner qi and his hair turned white in order to save ZZS. 

So what Chengling said basically is after that event, they keep practicing LiuHe skills and came to master it and became immortals then? Sorry if I sound so dumb for not getting this in the first place hahaha.. maybe I need to rewatch again (which I plan to anyway). 

One of theories I read is that WKX is healed using the technique in Yin Yang book (which said can restored broken meridiens), that's why they made it clear that they found the book inside the Armory. 

I understand Cheng Ling's lines to mean that the true secret of the Liuhe practice is that it can only be successful if it's practiced by two soulmates because only soulmates can heal and support each other - so when WKX's hair turns white and maybe his meridians are broken or about to be broken - ZZS can balance him and heal him. I think YBY did this with Rong Xuan's father previously, if I'm not mistaken.  (And because of the furnace/cauldron/lu ding references as well,  there are hints that dual cultivation is involved...........)

The Yin Yang manual is problematic. You basically need to have a heart transplant to be cured and as we all know that went badly wrong with Rong Xuan, turning him even more psycho.  So I think it's more likely they ahem, practiced dual cultivation as part of the Liuhe process (can't be shown on screen obviously) and saved isn't that an even happier ending than anybody could have hoped for? LOL!

I think the script definitely had flaws.  Hiding the plot to fake his own death by WKX was definitely OOC, but ZZS hiding his imminently death was also a bit OOC.  What happened to being open with each other. I think the script writer tried really hard to create a Romeo and Juliet scenario to achieve that climax in the story, but still wanted to have a happy ending.  In the middle, the character needed to develop in this way for the ending to happen.  This is the classic case of the writer wanting a certain direction, but her characters don't necessarily act that way, or OOC.  But after episode 35, the main leads needed an equal if not elevated climax than GX and CWN, and the writer's way of doing this is by putting the two leads somehow in more dilemmas.  A lot of Chinese reviewers are saying the writer hates ZZS, but I actually think the opposite.  ZZS, compared to the book, is more sympathetic character than WKX, and it is made this way by the script writer and also ZZH's acting.

And that void after watching this, I believe is the sense of lost after the show is done after having being so invested in it for a long period of time. 

I really like the ending, and I think it's not perfect, but I perfection exist in each viewer's mind and it would be hard to satisfy every viewer.  I felt that sense of void, and I think it's because the story ended but there's probably more and we won't see it, lol.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I'm going to say it again - I really like the ending. It is 完美 wan mei. My most memorable takeaway is the deep tenderness expressed on screen especially by ZZS towards and in the end - the looks he gives are so heart-melting, can one can forget and overlook the strange, hiccuppy way we got to the end because of all that beautiful chemistry, and the beautiful happily-ever-after that we are given a glimpse of. The rest is silence or can be filled by our over-active imagination - LOL. 

I also love and am satisfied with the ending, whether it's the open ending in episode 36 or the actual ending of episode 36.5, or what people call episode 37. People definitely have various perspectives for the ending and how they want the ending to be, they can't satisfy every viewer. Some people think they should've ended it as the sad ending having WKX sacrificed like what we saw at that ending in episode 36, but when it ended like that, others start to criticize the producer, the screenwriter, and all that. But when they actually gave us the actual ending, a happy ending, others start to complain. However, it could be because of language barriers, because Ye Bai Yi already gave us an answer but no one understands the language, aside from the Chinese speakers, he technically said, "NO ONE is going to die before me" when he saved WKX, and he obviously was tricking him about the Liu He practice having to sacrifice his life to save ZZS. But after he heard what WKX's answer was, you can see his satisfied looks. This old man can be mischievous hahah But no matter how it ended, it's actually not a sad ending after all between the two. And I also disagreed with Zhang Zhe Han saying that both of the endings are tragic because I think it's both beautiful and satisfying :)