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☂ N A M E☂ : m a r s
☂ G E N D E R ☂ :F

     Another bubbly person who happened to take interest in Asian dramas not too long ago.(`・ω・´) I am more of a cartoon/art gal, but it doesn't hurt to look at real life pretty bishies or ikemen once in a while.(ಠ◡ಠ) I also happen to like drawing, although I can't quite consider myself "good" just yet. I often read and listen to music. (Yes, manga but I read actual books/novels too) Why are you still reading this you probably don't even care who the hell am I. ヾ(●⌒∇⌒●)ノ

☂L I N K S ☂


10d 3h 32m
248 episodes, 17 shows

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