Jan 23, 2023


It still has my attention but with only one episode left what isgoing to happen. Will Dew and Mintend up together? Will Mum end up ina universe all alone? This is so weird.
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Between Us Episode 5
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Jan 23, 2023

have to say, Team's metabolism is a thing…

have to say, Team's metabolism is a thing of wonder, as lazy as he is, the amount of junk-food he consumes on the daily - not to mention regular meals, dude should be double his size ヾ(≧▽≦*) ****************************************************************besides that, am kinda enjoying how this drama is panning out. yes it isn't smooth sailing, but life isn't and most of the hurdle's r logical and believable. considering how Team and Win started off their 'ship' it isn't hard to get why they on uncertain ground, in-spite of how close they have gotten and how they always around each other, let alone how they consumed by each other, when they not with each other. so i like that we r getting a more realistic POV on romance, and not a far-fetched fantasy. **********************************************************************************************************************************************that being said i don't get why Team keeps making Win out to be some play-boy, cause anything we have seen of Win, he a scary, standoffish dude that keeps people at arms length. he Not going around flirting or even smiling at the world - so this assumption is weird to me. *********************************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************************************************************also didn't like how Wan's father spoke to him - it's easy to treat an adult son as a child, when all u see is him lounging around the house playing games. but jumping to assumption's, let alone spewing poison just cause ur frustrated or whatever, isn't justified. still think the only way is Wan breaking away and standing on his own two feet - that will show his father he is a grow-up, not still a child he can treat like a baby ?‍♀️ arguing and saying hurtful words aint gonna change ur parents POV about u....

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Healer Episode 13
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Jan 23, 2023

I really hate how they throw the logic out…

I really hate how they throw the logic out of the window with each episode, focusing on very boring, very artificial falling in love.All the plot twists and cliffhangers are being turned into boring nonsense, nothing more.I really, really hate the fact that the guy realized he just ate a poison and instead of trying to vomit or tell the detective about it, he's agreed to die to hide Healer's true identity. It's hard to tell how ridiculous it is - if bad guys are killing somebody just like that at police station (with a suprisingly slow poison as he had time to tell the detective a lot of false testimonies), how his death is gonna REALLY help? Didn't he act like he's gonna protect Healer and the daughter of this friend?This is nothing more than very poor writing for a lousy dramatic effect.I'm very dissapointed.

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Jan 23, 2023

An Excellent, All Be It Short Series

This short Filipino BL series is a continuation of Inseparable the Series; which I also liked. The acting was quite good all the way around with several good plot lines to enjoy. My only complaint would be the relatively short length of series; since I would have preferred more episodes; otherwise it was a very good Filipino BL series with a high rewatch value.
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Jan 23, 2023

The "Chosen" ones and the "Truth"

WOW ... every episode is so loaded and mind blowing ... it is really like the picture of the sky on Wang Miao's computer screen.The Chosen Ones - so many people were hit by apples, but Newton was the 'chosen one' ... Pan Han 'chosen' to 'save' the environment ... Shen Yu Fei & Pan Han (and others) chosen by the 'Lord'. Chosen by whom, chosen for what? Seems everybody wants to be 'somebody', to be the 'chosen one'. It reminds me of some of the lyrics from Imagine Dragons' song, "Whatever it Takes" ... "Falling too fast to prepare for this ... Everybody circling is vulturous | Negative, nepotist | Everybody waiting for the fall of man | Everybody praying for the end of times | Everybody hoping they could be the one ... Hypocritical, egotistical | Don't wanna be the parenthetical | Hypothetical, working onto something that I'm proud of | Out of the box, an epoxy to the world and the vision we've lost | I'm an apostrophe, I'm just a symbol to remind you that there's more to see | I'm just a product of the system of catastrophe | And yet a masterpiece, and yet I'm half diseased | And when I am deceased | At least I'll go down to the grave and die happily | Leave the body of my soul to be a part of thee." Do you want to know the 'truth' - scientists are after it, journalists are after, some want to know, others don't want to know. WTH is 'truth' anyway ¯\_( ͡` ᴗ ͡´)_/¯ ... in my limited life span I have noticed that one person's truth can and often is another person's lie or fiction. The 'truth' and the pursuit of it, is not unlike looking at the skull in Hans Holbein's painting "The Ambassadors" - if you look at the painting standing straight on it is this weird blob that makes you wonder what the hell is it and why did he 'ruin' the painting with it :-) ... but if you look down at it, from off to the right hand side at say a 2 o'clock position, the funny blob 'turns' into a skull ... and that imagery and play on perspective, gives a whole other meaning to the painting.Looking at one of Julian Voss-Andrea's sculptures also comes to mind. Voss-Andrea, who has a graduate degree in quantum physics, creates these amazing sculptures that appear solid from one point of view, but as you move around them, the image that you first saw (or you could say the 'truth' of what you first saw with your own eyes or your own experience) seems to dynamically move and change until eventually, you reach a viewing position where, what was once 'solid' or substantial, is no longer visible ... so what is it ... which perspective is the right perspective ... are they all correct at the same time ... it is a wave or a particle :-) Pan Han and his environmental stance - species and habitat loss due to rampant increase and consumerism of the human population. If you 'play out' his take on the world, humanity is a form of cancer to the earth ... its exponential growth depletes resources, annihilates species and habitats and in so doing destroys the synergy of eco systems that have taken eons to form. How much is 'too many' people for the 'good' of the planet?There is so much to think about in this series and it is all masterfully woven together. Of interest too is the supreme arrogance and grandiosity displayed by the Turkey 'chosen ones', who have no qualm at elevating themselves over all the 'misguided' turkeys and dispensing out 'righteousness' action ... ? history is replete with these kinds of sanctimonious characters but 'they' don't seem to realise that ?. The issues and concepts raised in this series are loaded ... but I still don't understand why the scientists are ending their lives ... it doesn't make sense to me at all.

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Jan 23, 2023

A worthwhile series to watch in 2023

This series was just so fantastic, I couldn't do the usual (and lazy thing) and not leave a review. It had such a humorous first ten episodes, and middle 20 episodes developed into something more romantic and politically serious. The last ten episodes were slightly less tense, with things definitely easing up five episodes to the end. It was slow-paced at times, but I never felt like any of the episodes were filler. Every single one had something to contribute to the overall story arc.New Life Begins was so much more than just a slow burn romance. It had everything from complicated imperial family dynamics, reconciliation between estranged family members, relationship development between brothers who really didn't know each other, the slow development of women's rights, women supporting women, and men stepping up and changing their minds about women. I really enjoyed the serious political situations and the feminism. Admittedly, the feminism was quite heavy-handed but as a woman of the post-feminist world, I can't say that it bothered me. The political machinations of the court weren't over the top, like some that is found in other dramas. There were no attempted poisonings, coups, or other crazy historical-ish shenanigans often portrayed in Chinese costume dramas. However, the way the brothers vied for the Crown Prince position was interesting without being too brutal. Compared to many other palace dramas, I would've said that their competition was more elegant and a whole lot less ridiculous.If you were fooled by the very lighthearted beginning of this series and thought that this would be a fun and easy series, think again. There were things that happened in this series that made me so angry and I thought that I could never forgive that character or find it my heart to like him/her again. But by the end of the series, the writers and directors managed to change my mind more than once. They redeemed characters in a natural and very believable way, which had me in my desk chair applauding. Really, the storytelling was masterful, and I predict that this will be my favourite Chinese costume drama of 2023. The bar might be too high for anything else to surpass it.

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Jan 23, 2023

Heartbreaking and worthwhile

Since you know from the first moment that the story (and the synopsis) Seasons of Blossom is a look back at the loss of someone (death) from six years prior, this drama gave me more of a poignant feel than a crushing sense of unexpected loss.The writers do an amazing job addressing regret and atonement. These two topics made for so much heartbreak and grief that as a viewer it is painful to watch... yet the way they film they scenes keeps the viewer from being too overwhelmed.By continually flipping from present to past, allows the viewer to focus on multiple "blooming" love stories and breaks up the sense of impending doom...The series reminded me a bit of The Sound Of Magic (and for that matter a lot of kdramas) in the sense that it deals with parental expectations and the burden they can become.So my take away is yes ... this is a tragic story and it is heart wrenching! BUT... since there has not been any "gotcha" moments of unexpectedness, I have not been crying my eyes out... even though my heart has been aching from the very first episode. So if you go into it with that in mind ... this is one the the most beautifully written dramas I have seen this year. The acting has also been some of the best (and most of them are young/ newer actors/ actresses).Coming from me who's first question is always ... does it have a happy ending?!?!? I have no regrets starting this drama. I can not wait to see more projects from all of these actors/ actresses!

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Jan 23, 2023

Unexpected heart for a drama about disillusionment.

Shi**ing Stars... shows that a Kdrama CAN have it all...A love triangle that isnt toxicComedy that makes you laugh but never once veers into zanyMultiple BromancesSupportive females without a catty one in the bunchPlot twist that surprises you but doesnt change the tone of the drama"Real" relationships that dont use false plot points such as white trucks of doom or crazy schemes to keep them together or force them apart.A surprising amount of heart for a drama about being jaded with the kdrama industryIf you havent given it a chance... (get past episode one) and you should love it.
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Jan 23, 2023

Amazing Actors, Great Potential, Lackluster Execution.

*Reborn Rich* If you enjoyed series like Dallas or Dynasty from the '80s overflowing with lots of back stabbing but a lot less hair pulling, then you will probably love this drama. The toxic family had siblings and parents switching sides so often that the only thing you were ever certain of was that they were all terrible people.Instead of a straight forward revenge story, it seemed like the writers attempted to cram as many plot twists as humanly possible in each episode. I was reminded frequently of watching the American Tv series Lost (by the end of every episode you were equally in awe at the cleverness of the script and in fatigue at suspending belief for the insane amount of ridiculousness).And don't even console yourself with a Song Joong Ki romance... I'm not sure what I would call their relationship but soggy bread comes to mind. This series had an amazing start and I was so intrigued with the supernatural element, hoping to see lots of timeslip references from the 80's -90's and 2000's... but alas too few of those and too much financial jargon... Almost every single actor/actress especially the grandfather (Lee Sung Min) should be up for some award as their portrayal of morally bankrupt and ruthlessly evil people was so spot on it was at times hard to watch. But sadly, I felt that SJK's all knowing persona was too bland for my taste ... I really desired to see some of his fiery spirit (Vincenzo).My final thoughts... this would have been a great series if it was 10 episodes instead of 16.

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Beautiful exploration of relationships

Would you like a cup of coffee is really beautiful. The story and characters are written with a delicate hand and a sense of subtle-ness that is often missing in favor of the zaniness of a lot of current kdramas. The story is slow but doesn’t feel dragging. The characters and their interactions have a genuine feel and their relationships are nuanced as they explore what it means to have a kinship/friendship/love/mentor. I admire that action based kdramas have to rush these bonds for time considerations… in this series “the journey is the destination”.
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Jan 23, 2023

Producer: How many feels should we include? Drama: YES!

"Enjoy the Romcom."... they said... "It'll be fun." they said... The trailer has an adorably cute little kid to pull you in... and then the trap SLAMS shut... The steel teeth of sorrow sink into your heart and with burning eyes and tear streaked face... you binge 16+ hours of heartbreak. Why do you do this to yourself you ask as you replenish your tissues? Are the beautiful budding relationships and the heart flutter moments worth ALL this pain? I do not hesitate to say YES! Of Course. There are some dramas that I feel angry and cheated by the ending... This is one that despite the heartbreak... I feel like I am a better person for taking the journey than to not.

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Jan 23, 2023

Realistic and Heartfelt.

Loved Sunshine of My Life. This more mature drama is wonderful. Their relationship and their reactions to each other seem more natural and down to earth. It is full of tropes and I love it yet it is missing that OVER the top zaniness that bogs down so many dramas. It was beautiful and heartfelt but fun and satisfying. And like most modern Chinese Dramas it was a happy ending. Loved it.
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Jan 23, 2023

Sweet and Spicy!

I just finished "Hit the Spot" on Viki and I can not say enough about it...I was hesitant to watch it at first, afraid that it would be too much like Fishbowl Wives, leaving me feeling uncomfortable and my inability to shake the feeling of seediness I had after watching it.This drama is a shocker to say the least as it has a very explicit 18+ scene within the first 5 seconds of the series... so be aware that this is not a safe for work or mixed company. I jokingly said to turn your volume down and close you curtains... but seriously, maybe use headphones .So you will either be left clutching your pearls and turn it off within 5 seconds, or if you give it a chance, you will find that this drama is a beautifully written story with honest dialogue that allows possibly taboo (health, emotional and sexual) subjects to be discussed in a healthy and often humorous way. Don't even get me started about how creative and artistic the filming is!Both lead couples are perfectly written to be human and flawed and you cheer for them throughout. The chemistry of both couples are on fire and has some of the best and most realistic kiss scenes I've seen in any kdrama ... Im thinking JCW must have given them some lessons ?Anyway there is ONLY 8 episodes at 30 minutes each... they are perfectly paced. I'm really wishing for a season 2! FINGERS CROSSED!

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Between Us Episode 4
0 people found this review helpful
Jan 23, 2023

the subs being off r making it hard to understand…

the subs being off r making it hard to understand some of the subtext of what's really being said. have noticed it for a while, but it is what it is... and yet u get the big picture. both Win and Team r getting close and not as lovers (a blessing IMHO), which has enabled Team to lower his guard and be more comfortable around Win. their interaction is more like good buddies, then adult friends. Team is comfortable acting the spoilt brat, allowing Win to baby him, something Win utterly enjoys. ********************given his relationship with his younger sibling, maybe he likes him better then his older brother (as he is comfortable in the role of care giver?). cause even though there might not be any animosity between Win and Wan, given what he said in the first ep, i feel like he does not feel as close or affectionate towards him. well like he said he is the "spare" considering he won't inherit, as he isn't the 1st born. *****************************************************************************************************************not that i blame him, cause Wan totally comes off - a self involved brat that's throwing himself a constant pity party. he the supposed adult in this equation. he doesn't like his life or the way his father is treating him, he - the adult that can do no more then play games on his freakin i-phone.(ノω<。)ノ go look for a job at another place that will appreciate u. nah he rather b*tch n moan. while the only thing i've seen him do to date is fight with Wiew, insult his father to his face and play with his i-phone in the lap of luxury meeh not a really likeable character. ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************also have to say, a last we get Manow acting like a normal, relatable character for a few sec's and then she back to overacting and acting plain crazy. guess that's supposed to be funny?!? pity, for a sec there i really started wanting to see more of her and Pruek. now hard pass

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Between Us Episode 3
0 people found this review helpful
Jan 23, 2023

finally a healthy ending, that indicates at…

finally a healthy ending, that indicates at a budding romance to develop. cause until now, just cause Team was blinded by horniness, doesn't a healthy foundation for a romance make ¯\(°_o)/¯ that's why after every encounter to date, Team been running away from Win's shadow the day after. *************************************************************************************even after a consensual one-night-stand, u don't avoid (like the plague) coming face to face with the person u had that one-nightstand with. it only happens, when ur unsure or worse did something u regret... so yes Team always been conscious, but that doesn't mean he was ready mentally to deal with how he would feel afterwards, cause he was in over his head - his lack of experience coming into play with his ending up being confused. so am very, Very glad they have more then just animal magnetism going for them. as mentioned already, attraction is all good and well, but that doesn't a healthy lasting relationship make! *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************also meaning to mention this from the start, was really worried by the multitude of side character's but was happy to see Sood/Tul just wish he got more of a plot. so will wait and hope Wan [Win's older brother] is a worthy character. *****************also really enjoying A, Bee & Sea they unexpectedly sweet, fun and funny. but not really liking what little i've seen of Prince - the vibe is off and i'm worried for Bee, hope am wrong. but at least the main plot is starting to get off on the right foot(⊙‿⊙;)

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