33 people found this review helpful
Jan 1, 2015
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
First of all, I started this drama just because I had previously watched the Nobunaga Concerto anime and I was fascinated by the whole time-travelling concept that was shown, so I thought "Why not to watch the drama version too?"

Before watching the anime for the first time, I made sure to read everything about Oda Nobunaga one could find online because I'm just a not the type of person who's ready for surprises and would rather get myself spoiled to the very end. The story of Oda Nobunaga is a unique one but it still remained the same as any other story about war and peace I learned from my History textbooks. However, this drama made me re-open my eyes and realise that you can't understand the whole story just by reading a little paragraph from your textbook.

The characters were fully developed in my opinion and all of them had an important role at one point of the story. I like the fact that every character had their time to shine and a chance to get their own little story developed. I also liked the way Kichou was portrayed in the drama because she had a way better personality than the Kichou we could see in the anime, who could only say "My Lord!" in an irritating tone, but that may just be me.

The actors were simply amazing and were one of the main reasons I started watching this drama. Oguri Shun as Oda Nobunaga/Saburo did a magnificent job and I couldn't take my eyes off Mukai Osamu and Takahashi Issei because they totally blew my mind in some scenes.

I loved the ending song song, it fit almost every episode and just gave me that warm feeling as well as the soundtrack, which gave me chills every time it started playing.

The only thing I didn't like is the open ending the drama has. I'd prefer it being either the death of Nobunaga/Saburo (because, nobody's immortal) or his time-travelling back to modern age. And if the producers planned to make a sequel to this drama, it would make no sense because there wouldn't be much time for important happenings in Nobunaga's life, considering this drama ended with Mitsuhide and Nobunaga being at Honno-ji.

I won't say this drama is highly rewatchable, but I do plan to rewatch it someday myself.

I'd recommend this drama to everyone, regardless of what type of drama you prefer.

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Nov 22, 2015
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 4
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers
Nobunaga’s Concerto isn’t your ordinary time travel drama where the main character is looking for a way to get back home but instead he decides to live accordingly to the time he was thrown into and do his best.

When I watched this drama, I had a mindset that this was going to be a series full of mishaps, comedy and light mood scenes because the main character had to pretend to be someone who was a powerful Samurai Warlord during the Warring States Period. It did somewhat meet my expectation but what surprised me was the way they incorporated the serious into the funny. The mood tones of this drama was very much well mixed. If you parallel it alongside the real Japanese History before and during the Tensho Era, it does makes sense and goes accordingly to history, only it was elaborated in a very fictional way thus the comedy blends in. I also learned that this drama was also a manga adaptation, I haven’t read the manga yet but I did enjoy this live action.

Oguri Shun as Saburo/Oda Nobunaga was funny, annoying and at the same time full of wisdom when he sets his mind into it. This was another drama than Shun nailed since he had to act 2 different characters at once. It would have been hard for an average actor to internalize that but watching him here, it was like a breeze turning from one klutzy idiot to being a ruthless samurai.

The other characters I liked are:

Shibasaki Kou as Kicho, she’s the wife of Nobunaga, a very fierce woman who tries to hide her affection from her husband. Her acting complements well with Shun and they definitely have this chemistry going on, regardless if Shun is acting as the fake Nobunaga or the real one.

Mukai Osamu as Tsuneoki Ikeda, Nobunaga’s right hand man. Aside from being good looking all throughout this series (yes, he is good looking so please do not contradict my feelings for the guy, he’s been a long time crush now since Nodame Cantabile *fan girl mode on!*) he had a good role portrayal. I still can’t believe he was duped by the Saburo and he was able to unknowingly assist the guy into being the legit Nobunaga he can be. I liked Tsuneoki’s personality where he follows head in line with his heart and does things smartly and not being rash about his decisions.

Fukiji Naohito as Hanbee Takenaka, this guy! I’m really amazed that the drama is supported by veteran actors like Fujiki. So him, being casted in the later episodes is a bonus for me. I like his role as a tactician and how he worked with Saburo along the way due to his dreams of peace and unity for the whole of Japan.

Issei Takahashi as Nagamasa Azai, his character is someone I could not hate despite the fact that he and Nobunaga are fighting each other's clans. His acting style and the way he shows his emotions in this drama was something that was really heartfelt. This gave way to a special spot for Takahashi in my own heart.

Yamada Takayuki as Denjiro/Kinoshito Tokichiro/Toyotomi Hideyoshi, maaaaan… this guy has so many names and aliases. I loved his vengeful character and still looking forward to the things he is about to do. I will not say more anything about his role because that in itself will become a spoiler. What I would leave here though is that he was awesome in this drama.

The drama is basically re-watchable, specially the slap stick comedy scenes. It made me laugh out loud to see some of the casts who looks intense at first but becomes idiots the next second. Then there’s also the music. I really love how the Japanese industry inserts there OST into the whole series. It makes everything more colorful and sets off all kinds of feeling or mood depending on the scene.

There is still so much I want to say about this drama but I can’t really put it here due to spoilers, so if some is reading this and want to discuss or do not mind being spoiled, please do send me message. Over all, I am recommending this to those who are interested into Japanese entertainment and its history.

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Dec 27, 2014
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 8.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 7.0
Sequel? NC was so much fun to watch. I'm not into historical dramas, but this was interesting. The story line was full developed. It takes place during a "warring" period, butt Nobunaga wants peace. I like how he changes the thinking of the people. However, this drama is driven by the characters rather than the actual story. I enjoyed most of the characters. The ending is open. I hope that means there will be another series.

I know almost nothing about Japanese actors. However, I absolutely fell for Oguri Shun as Nobunaga. His comic timing is great and he is also good at melodrama.

The music is appropriate.

I won't rewatch this, but it is rewatchable.

I recommend this drama regardless of the genre you prefer.

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Feb 27, 2015
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0
I kept seeing this drama in articles and thinking "oh that looks good" but never watching it. Well, I finally sat down to watch and I do not regret it at all!
If i'd know sooner that Oguri Shun AND Mukai Osamu were in this I would have watched it long ago.

I was vaguely familiar with the story due to seeing snippets of the anime, but know very little about the actual history of it all. The story line is great- Basically, Saboru (Oguri Shun) accidentally travels back in time, mistakes it for a LARPing event and ends up agreeing to be Nobunaga, Lord of the Oda clan. Sounds crazy, but is very enjoyable. The first thing I LOVED about this is that it was straight into the story. The first episode wasn't a boring filler ep telling us about each individual character. It was just boom, fall down a hill, your'e in the past, now have an epic battle.
It has some very funny moments that had me laughing out loud, but equally was very intense and often had me at the edge of my seat. The first episode was non-stop action, I wasn't sure they'd be able to top it and maybe the drama would start hot and become very...lukewarm. This was not the case. There wasn't an episode I didn't enjoy.

The acting was very good, I cannot fault it at all. I feel that in some of Oguri's roles we do not get to see his full potential, whereas this drama really showcased his skills. All the cast were amazing, normally there is that one actor in all dramas who overacts everything and spoils the whole thing- you know the one. But this drama did not have anyone like that (that I can remember off the top of my head).

I will definitely be getting this on DVD and re-watching. It doesn't have as high a re-watch value that some other more light hearted dramas have, as you do need to really pay attention. The only fault I have is the ending, not only is it a major cliff hanger, it is very open ended. If you are aware of the history of Nobunaga Oda you will have an idea of what might happen, but this drama is not history- it is a work of fiction. It can go any number of ways. I can't wait for the movie to see how it all plays out.

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5 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2016
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers
Here's the thing. I NEVER rate a drama so highly. EVER. However, this drama wins a perfect ten because even my husband (who does watch anime but never my dramas stating that my taste is very different from his) watched it with me. AND he finished it.

I don't typically watch Japanese dramas. I find the acting leaves much to be desired. Particularly when its an anime turned drama in Japan. In most cases a Japanese drama continues to use the same tropes that the anime has used and makes the mannerisms of the actors seem very unnatural. This was not the case with Nobunaga Concerto. I fell in love with all the actors who give an otherwise heavy and dark story line some much needed light and laughter. In the warring states period what you don't say has more weight than what you do and these actors were able to convey their feelings without words beautifully.

This is a historic drama. I had to stop and wiki a few things as I was watching because being from America I have no idea the significance of most of the historic names used in the drama. What made this drama so intriguing is how they intersected the history without making it dull or boring. The pacing of the story is spot on. They don't linger on unnecessary filler scenes or ramp up the drama (ok that's a lie- they did once but I can't talk about it because its a huge spoiler. Let's just say when you come across it you'll know what I'm talking about)

A large part of this drama's success has to do with the camera work and cinematic quality. While you are watching it you don't even realize its a historic drama because of the filters and music used. Most of the time I don't notice the music in dramas. I'm sure it helps create mood but mostly its just white noise to me. However, not this time. The music in the intro and throughout the drama reminded both my husband and I of the Yoshida brothers. He's a huge fan. And it's totally the music that got him interested in the drama in the first place.

One thing I will warn you about. The ending is a MASSIVE cliff hanger. I'm not sure if this was done on purpose because of the movie or if they intended to make a second season (Please make a second season. I beg you. Please drama gods!) but it ends at very historic moment and I was left with my mouth hanging open in shock. How could they do this to me?!

If anyone is on the fence about this drama. Take a look at its stats. That should tell you enough about how good it is. Stop reading this review and watch it.

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3 people found this review helpful
Jun 3, 2015
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5
I first interested to watch this drama because I thought the casts were great. Turned out, it was not only the cast, but the whole story is amazing. I'm not really into historical drama, but right after I watched this movie, I wanted to learn more about Japanese history.

I love the connection built between Saburo amd Kichou. It was not cheesy romantic but somehow it feels really deep. Every character plays as an important part and has his/her own story was well developed. Acting was magnificent, gave me chills at some point of the story.
and frankly speaking, I think this is my favourite Shun Oguri, Takayuki Yamada, Issei Takahashi and Mukai Osamu's performance by far.
Music was awesome, really brought the whole atmosphere to the story.

If you're looking for some comedy with a touch of warmth, then this is it.
Will definitely rewatch and recommend this drama.

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2 people found this review helpful
Mar 1, 2017
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
I've never would have dreamed that I would fall in love with this drama like I did. I'm normally not a huge fan of historical dramas. I started watching this drama for Oguri Shun, Shibasaki Kou and Mukai Osamu. This drama is so balanced between the historical references, the modern comedic references and the hip hop mixed music produced by Taku Takahashi. The pacing keeps it moving all though the drama. The characters are likable and relatable with touching performances. You should watch this drama if you like historical dramas, any of the actors in the main cast, action and/or human dramas.

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2 people found this review helpful
May 23, 2015
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5
I'm a big fan of Oda Nobunaga since long ago, so this drama will be something i'm looking forward to watch, i finished it and satisfy enough to write a review.

The story might have little twist from what i read in history book, but i guess this drama is based on the anime or manga if i'm not wrong. So i wasn't review this drama base on the history. The story was great with a good script and also the cast were all great in this drama. I would say whoever don't really like period drama please give this one a chance since it was really heartwarming for me and also keep my attention from beginning until the end. I'm looking forward to watch the movie or anything that they will make in the future since i never watch the animation version so, i will keep my curious about the end this way and wait for the movie coming out end of this year.

Moreover, the main lead is really leading this story, i don't feel anything like the writer is pushingin some unreasonable scenes in this drama. I would say they warp up the last episode a little to quick but i understand they have time limit with the air-time and everything so i accepted this slightly weakness to the story, but forgivable. I might read about Oda Nobunaga way too much that's why i spotted some mistake but well it was animationa adaption so, i think this is good enough for me to rate it 10.

I might need to rewatch this drama again before the movie coming out so i rated rewatch value a bit high but welll personally i think this drama deserve high rewatch value.

Best drama of its genre i seen in 2014. Brilliant job!

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Feb 9, 2015
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.5
Oguri Shun! He was enough to get me on board. I watched this drama in one sitting ( just like Hana Kimi ) and it was so worth it. Time travel is always fun, and the point in history adds plenty of drama--or so I thought. The drama is more about how Nobu changes the world around him and how it changes him. It was very fun, light-hearted with its serious moments here and there. Although I was surprised that Oguri Shun was playing a high school student at his age I soon got over it, let's be honest, because he's a good actor. Can't wait for the sequel~
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1 people found this review helpful
Dec 19, 2015
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0
There's gonna be a Nobunaga Concerto 2 right???

I heard this drama was a manga adaptation, so excuse me if my review is not based upon how good of an adaptation it was. I haven't read the manga (don't plan to), n never even heard of it until this drama. I started because of Oguri Shun, and man did he deliver. He plays two different characters, but really four if u think about it: Saburo, Nobunaga, Saburo pretending to be Nobunaga, and Nobunaga pretending to be Mitsuhide. This man is amazing. But besides tht, this drama has some really touching moments.

Saburo is this high school student who originally was a coward. I mean, he ran away from some girl before she could reject him. Anyways, he ended up being brought back in time to the Warring States period, and runs into Oda Nobunaga. Turns out tht Saburo is Nobunaga's doppelganger (they look identical), and Nobunaga gets Saburo to agree to act as him. I still don't understand why the original Nobunaga wanted Saburo to be him in the first place. He was tired or ruling? Idk, it's not clear, but anyways Saburo ends up pretending to be Nobunaga and everyone ends up loving him. His goal is to create a world without war. It's harder to accomplish such a goal than he thinks, and he runs into obstacles along the way. Saburo grows as a person (obviously), and it was a joy to watch. The only thing I was wondering about was what was going through the real Nobunaga's mind. I felt kinda bad for him.

The music is wonderful!! I can hear it in my head as I'm writing this review. It fills my heart, and gives the drama tht feel only jdramas can have. For the first time, I really think the music is a big part of why I love this drama so much and why I felt the way I felt when watching it. I must mentiion tht episode 2 is my favorite!! The music is featured so beautifully tht I cried!

Now as the ending was drawing near, I was racking my brain trying to figure out how it would end. If you've never read the manga like me, u had no idea. At first I was gonna write tht it was an extremely unsatisfying ending, but after it actually ended I just know there's gonna be a sequel. There has to be. I have too many questions. The ending is a head scratcher for sure.

Anyways, I think this is a good drama. Solid. Not a must-see per say, but if u like historical dramas or oguri shun I think u should watch it. I don't know much about the actual Warring States period, but this was interesting. Wouldn't watch it again (maybe for the music), but I'm anticipating the sequel (there better be one).

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May 28, 2015
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
I should clarify that I entered this drama knowing nothing of the original source material in manga form or its anime incarnation. I also know very little of this period of Japanese history, which is why I watched it with a friend who does and she pointed me in the right direction at times. That being said, as a drama on its own, it's very good. If you don't know much about Japanese history in this specific period, you may lose some surprise elements and get a bit lost in some situations, so I advice you to check some source. However, you don't get completely lost without it, but it's much better for the whole enjoyment of the drama to be aware of certain things.
When it comes to acting, this drama has a great cast overall. Oguri Shun does a great job but I particularly enjoyed Shibasaki Kou a lot in this one, and Mizuhara Kiko is always a pleasure to watch. I also loved the production design, costume design and photography; it seems like an amazing production for a drama, I have high hopes for the movie on that regard. Whoever was in charge of the costume design has my utmost respect, honestly.
The pace, for me, was a bit slow at times, which is why I'm giving it an 8. I feel like the first episode put me in a mood that was slowed down a bit when the drama was half way through, to pick up again in the last 2.
And, as a last comment, I'll say that people who are very much into Japanese history and want something 100% accurate, almost biopic like, you should watch this drama with a different perspective. It does respect history but, being the plot as it is, takes diversions and freestyles some facts and characters.
That being said, it's a very recommendable drama and definitely a high point for last year's releases.

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Apr 25, 2017
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
I'd like to start by saying that I was always someone who browsed this site and looked for new dramas to watch. However, after watching Nobunaga Concerto, I just had to make an account and review this awesome drama.

Nobunaga Concerto is the best Japanese drama I have watched so far. It makes you smile, it makes you laugh and it makes you cry. It has all the elements of a great drama. You will find yourself unable to stop watching episode after episode. The chemistry between Saburo and Kichou was heartwarming and every single actor's acting was faultless. They integrated with their characters flawlessly and you'll find yourself thinking, HOW THE HECK CAN PEOPLE ACT THAT GOOD?

I nagged my parents to watch it for days after I finished. When they agreed and started watching, I re-watched the whole thing with them again lol. They really enjoyed it as well and we went on to watch the movie which continues the story after the drama.

Overall, I highly, highly recommend this drama to anyone interested in watching Japanese dramas or is doubting whether to watch this. You will not regret it! The movie was brilliant as well and is a must watch for anyone who finishes Nobunaga Concerto to see how it all ends.

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