When inputting a title into the MDL database you have choices of  Movie, Drama, Drama special, Tv show.

Now once you pick tv show you have 2 choices Talk show Or Variety show.

What this choice is asking for is Variety show. under tv show. I really have no other way to answer you I am not sure how much clearer I can be I am trying really hard in different ways to help you.  If you still do not understand with the break down and examples i suggest skipping that challenge even if means you have to lower your difficulty.  This challenge is meant for fun to experience things you would not normally choose.  You are not required to do all of it and you can change your difficulty at any point in time until turn in.

I apologize for all the greivance this has caused you


there is a description in FAQ also what etherealtaekibum  said can be an easy solution too.

it does fit the criteria.

The FAQ example comes up blank on my phone.  I think it was the wording that threw me off.  The FAQ said 1000 users. The challenge says completed members. For a newbie those two Terms don’t sound like the same thing. My thought was what is a completed member? Is that different from a user? Different than a regular member? I get it now but the wording was confusing for me. 

Thanks for your response. :)


You and I are in the same boat.  I think with so many people contributing that there is not a consensus on doctrine for Variety shows or Life/Slice of Life.  

dramadramatic stuff happens. Slice of life, not much stuff happens. Sol is usually just the daily life of someone or a group of people, with little overarching plot. ... [7] A common trait in slice of life anime and manga is their emphasis on seasonality or procedures.


drama, dramatic stuff happens. Slice of life, not much stuff happens. Sol is usually just the daily life of someone or a group of people, with little overarching plot. ... [7] A common trait in slice of life anime and manga is their emphasis on seasonality or procedures. 

Thank you for your response. :)  I’ve just noticed with some dramas/movies that seem to match the slice of life tag or the life tag/genre it’s not included.  No biggie.  With the 1000’s of Dramas/movies in the data base and so many contributors it is surprising there is as much consensus as there is. 


Thank you for your response. :)  I’ve just noticed with some dramas/movies that seem to match the slice of life tag or the life tag/genre it’s not included.  No biggie.  With the 1000’s of Dramas/movies in the data base and so many contributors it is surprising there is as much consensus as there is. 

yes they will be tightening on tags soon it ran for year with no checks to see what is valid

hii I may  have a dumb question( first time doing the challege ) ;/ can i use  season 1 e season 2 ? like i've watched The eternal love as a martial arts category . Can i use S2 for another category ? is that allowed ? 

 Tae :
hii I may  have a dumb question( first time doing the challege ) ;/ can i use  season 1 e season 2 ? like i've watched The eternal love as a martial arts category . Can i use S2 for another category ? is that allowed ? 

yes, you can.


yes, you can.

Thanks  for the fast response. :)  

 My favourite scene:

I am having a doubt that i have watched first half or first few minutes of the drama special before 2020 which i have completely watched now..

So will it be acceptable for the 2020 watch challenge?

Go back and watch the first few minutes and it will count:)

Hi.  This is my first time doing the challenge.  Just to clarify: For Watch a Drama/ Movie from an Award Winning Director/ Actress etc., does it have to be the one for which they won the award?  Or can it be anything they've done?

any thing they have done

hi. so i'm going to ask because im not completely  sure if it's ok or not.. and also since i want to somehow keep track when someone post here  :)
 Q: can i watch web series and it's still be ok for other parts of the challenge -and not just the first's 3?
when can it be considered as movie/dram ? if its have more then 1 h total in watch time? 

for example - the less then 5  and reverse harem that some people where talking about i think where web one's so can i apply that to the rest as well?
thanks in advance. 


hi. so i'm going to ask because im not completely  sure if it's ok or not.. and also since i want to somehow keep track when someone post here  :)
 Q: can i watch web series and it's still be ok for other parts of the challenge -and not just the first's 3?
when can it be considered as movie/dram ? if its have more then 1 h total in watch time? 

for example - the less then 5  and reverse harem that some people where talking about i think where web one's so can i apply that to the rest as well?
thanks in advance. 

You can use a web drama for any other line on the challenge as long as it hits the main requirement.

Does this clear things up?


You can use a web drama for any other line on the challenge as long as it hits the main requirement.

Does this clear things up?

yesss :) thank you. just wanted to be sure. (some of them are so short).