Ask The Person Below You #2

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Not really... I'd say its YouTube lol.

Favorite k-pop group?
BTS and Big Bang

Favorite Korean song?
Bang Bang Bang by BigBang

Who do you consider as your friend here in MDL?
I have known MDL for quite a while but have only started using it now so sadly nobody. I would love to have somebody to discuss dramas with though!

What was your dream(s) as a child?
To be a forensic psychologist.

What are your goals now?
To complete my education and after that experience life some more (traveling, time for myself, reading etc.)

What is your (dream) profession?
I dont know

what is your most favourite sweets?
I dont know

what is your most favourite sweets?
whats the most recent drama you started?
what is your most favourite sweets?
Ice cream

common food you don't eat

Favorite food?

Favorite beverage?
melon soda~

what is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Wasn't it the entire Manhattan Project?

Favorite korean movie?