The Ingenious One at the halfway mark has been interesting and no princesses or anything yet.

I wouldn't call it commoners, maybe merchant class so rich but not noble.

The casting does suggest the second half will have royalty so we'll see. But I've been impressed. This is the first historical drama for 2023 that I've watched where I think the story and pacing and plot has been well done at the halfway mark. Every other one has had hiccups or stalled the plot with romance to drag the show to 24 or 36 episodes but at 18/36 with The Ingenious One... I've been captivated the whole way.

I second that! 

League of Nobleman is another where they're not really commoners but from what I recall wasn't too focused on royalty. 

I've yet to finish Under the Microscope but up to what I've seen (8/14) the leads are regular people and there hasn't been any royalty or palace politics

Thanks for the recs guys! I'd like to try out League of Noblemen, and perhaps The Ingenious One.

Hey wonderful people, I made a new historical dramas-related voting list, feel free to vote/add dramas if you like: 

Best Pre-2019 Chinese Period Drama You Haven't Watched

 hirai sakura:

how do i join the club

i think you just did.  welcome!  feel free to add a banner to your profile if you'd like =)

Hello fellow historical drama fans! I'm excited to have stumbled upon this club. I have a rather specific request for recommendations: I'm looking for a historical Chinese drama that has a focus on skill with horses. Doesn't have to be set in any particular dynasty.

Possible examples: has a character who's a horse geek, has scenes where a character tames a horse, or a character explains the difference between types of horses, knows how to pass off an inferior horse as an expensive horse, or cites the teachings of Bo Le, etc.

Context:  I'm writing a novel set in the Song dynasty with a character whose job is to purchase good war horses for the military. Ideally he knows the principles about what distinguishes a strong, healthy horse from one of poor stock or in ill health, and knows how to train a horse for cavalry use, how to care for horses, has exceptional equestrian skills, etc. Unfortunately i myself know nothing about horses, and can't find much research literature on it, so am turning to this site as a possible resource.

Thank you in advance and I'm happy to answer any clarifying questions!

I’m thinking on making some themed emblem badges that works with the Historical Dramas Club. For titles I’m thinking: Sageuk Lover, Wuxia Lover, Xianxia Lover for now. Here’s some other examples with the template:

Hey, while The Untamed is adapted from a BL novel, it is not a BL drama. Possible to find more representative drama for the BL Drama Lover badge ><

 Wish Upon A Star:

Hey, while The Untamed is adapted from a BL novel, it is not a BL drama. Possible to find more representative drama for the BL Drama Lover badge ><

it's still a bl in my opinion though, the only thing that they didn't do is kiss

every other box is checked, even confession

hmmm interpretations of every scene and every drama could very well be very different for different viewers.

For me, this drama won't have passed Chinese censorship if it is or interpreted as a bl drama, and the drama is really about found family, good vs evil, weak vs strong, the ugliness of society and hypocrisy of noble clans. Plus I always gripe on how this drama has been and is still being overly bl hyped, to the extent of discrediting the core of the drama and "scaring" away viewers who stay away from bl dramas, which is such a pity. And guess what, my every effort to downplay the bl aspect always backfire, bringing more attention instead. Sigh sigh sigh.

Btw, there are other clubs where those themed badges fit better (e.g. bl drama lovers club, AVAC - Antagonist/ Villain Appreciation Club). For HDC, shall we keep to Sageuk Lover, Wuxia Lover and Xianxia Lover? Maybe can also have Palace Drama / Royal Politics Lover and the such? ><

 Wish Upon A Star:

hmmm interpretations of every scene and every drama could very well be very different for different viewers.

For me, this drama won't have passed Chinese censorship if it is or interpreted as a bl drama, and the drama is really about found family, good vs evil, weak vs strong, the ugliness of society and hypocrisy of noble clans. Plus I always gripe on how this drama has been and is still being overly bl hyped, to the extent of discrediting the core of the drama and "scaring" away viewers who stay away from bl dramas, which is such a pity. And guess what, my every effort to downplay the bl aspect always backfire, bringing more attention instead. Sigh sigh sigh.

Btw, there are other clubs where those themed badges fit better (e.g. bl drama lovers club, AVAC - Antagonist/ Villain Appreciation Club). For HDC, shall we keep to Sageuk Lover, Wuxia Lover and Xianxia Lover? Maybe can also have Palace Drama / Royal Politics Lover and the such? ><

I’m posting the emblem badges here:

Feel free to make suggestions for titles and such. Like with my other thread I try to make stuff for all the challenges and clubs.

 Wish Upon A Star:
hmmm interpretations of every scene and every drama could very well be very different for different viewers.

For me, this drama won't have passed Chinese censorship if it is or interpreted as a bl drama, and the drama is really about found family, good vs evil, weak vs strong, the ugliness of society and hypocrisy of noble clans. Plus I always gripe on how this drama has been and is still being overly bl hyped, to the extent of discrediting the core of the drama and "scaring" away viewers who stay away from bl dramas, which is such a pity. And guess what, my every effort to downplay the bl aspect always backfire, bringing more attention instead. Sigh sigh sigh.

but if you think about it, the whole series is based off of a gay novel which is something every single drama watching person knows so even if someone who doesn't like bl watched it, they would already know that it's supposed to be gay and ig they wouldn't like the idea (homophobes smh)

get what i mean? the bl part plays a huge role in the story even though that is not the main focus, but just because it's not the focus, doesn't mean it's not there

you understand what i mean?

but if you think about it, the whole series is based off of a gay novel which is something every single drama watching person knows so even if someone who doesn't like bl watched it, they would already know that it's supposed to be gay and ig they wouldn't like the idea (homophobes smh)

get what i mean? the bl part plays a huge role in the story even though that is not the main focus, but just because it's not the focus, doesn't mean it's not there

you understand what i mean?

no, I watched it not knowing anything about the drama nor the actors. and I do not think nor see how the bl part play a huge role in the story. let's take further discussion (if needed) on this separately from the HDC forum.

knows how to pass off an inferior horse as an expensive horse

theres a very brief scene in Who Rules the World where the snobby noble tries to buy the MLs horse