you shud dropped lavander 2...its no where to be found..
Sleepninja wrote: *bump* Anyone else want to take a crack at my list? I could use the help. *stares at lurkers*

i'm scared to even look at your list lol..
i say you remove everything from your list and re-do it..looool
KamZ wrote: i'm scared to even look at your list lol..
i say you remove everything from your list and re-do it..looool

The best suggestion of the year^^
KamZ wrote: i'm scared to even look at your list lol..
i say you remove everything from your list and re-do it..looool

LOL! Awesome!

darkangel662008 wrote: The best suggestion of the year^^

I agree! Erase and start fresh Sleepy
KamZ wrote: i'm scared to even look at your list lol..
i say you remove everything from your list and re-do it..looool

darkangel662008 wrote: The best suggestion of the year^^

Jeaniessi wrote: LOL! Awesome!

I agree! Erase and start fresh Sleepy

yup i also concur . . .
Yes! Release yourself from the Monster's clutches!
Nope, not gonna happen lol That would take too long and I am lazy and have other, more entertaining things to spend my free time on.
Sleepninja wrote: Nope, not gonna happen lol That would take too long and I am lazy and have other, more entertaining things to spend my free time on.

LOL! Oh the monster will not be stopped! Hey...that thing is huge Sleepy girl... I actually don't blame you.
Jeaniessi wrote: LOL! Oh the monster will not be stopped! Hey...that thing is huge Sleepy girl... I actually don't blame you.

Haha It is! And I know it may not seem like it, but I did make some progress. And I think I will take that advice about dropping Lavender 2. Everybody says it can't be found, so there's no point to having it on my list.

Screw you Lavender, I'mma sniff some Lilac! :p
Okay...getting back to what I've actually dropped and why... A Thousand Day's Promise: Because I am not in the mood in anyway shape or form to watch 20 episodes of depressing. Even though I've heard good things about the acting that still doesn't compel me to want to cry and be sad for almost of day's worth of time. Sorry Su Ae! I like you. I just have to face that I'm not going to finish this and let it go. So on my drama scale: Wait, I can't remember why I started you in the first place. My memory is shot!
I've decided to just go ahead and drop the first Lavender as well.
LisNoir wrote: My Dropped Dramas

1. 9 End 2 Outs- I can't even remember why I dropped you, must have been your leading lady feeling sorry for herself all the time because she was dating someone younger...Whatever...I don't care...

2. Anmitsu Hime- Just no..

3. Bad Couple- Just ugh..

4. Beethoven Virus- I couldn't get past your first episode, twice. Then, you had been on my "On-Hold list for a while"...It was time to go and let you rest in peace...

5. Drunken to Love You- You have Rainie Yang, stupid acting, over-acting, one of the worst looking male leads in the history of Taiwanese dramas...Just go away and take Rainie with you!

6. Goong S- I didn't care enough about your story, plus no eye candy to keep me interested.

7. Gumiho: Tale of the Fox's Child- Your Fake looking Gumiho is a no, no...

8. Hana Kimi: No eye candy and later learned someone on my blacklist of actors is in it...

9. Hana Yori Dango: Refer to dropped drama #8.

10. Ikemen Desu Ne- No eye candy and Japanese Jeremy grossed me out..

11. Jumong- Apparently, you are one of the greatest dramas ever. Sadly, for you, I was not in the least impressed with you. In your case is not even about you having no eye candy, you just bored me to death. I had to let you go.

12. Kaibutsu kun- You and your fake looking creatures can enjoy your stay in my dropped list.

13. Koishite Akuma: I was happy when I found you. Yay! Vamps! But your main leading lady was just too stalker-ish/ nosy/snoop-y(?) for me. I just couldn't keep watching.

14. Koizora- It's nothing personal, I just preferred to watch the short version instead...

15. Love Buffet- *Refer to quote above*

16. Mary Stayed Out All Night- I tried to watch you, even though your leading actress is one of the ones in my blacklist. But 10-15 minutes into watching her moan and complain, I just couldn't do it and had to let you go.

17. Miss Ripley- Hmm, so many things wrong with you...Yoochun, LDH...Plus, I read spoilers of your ending and I lost any lingering interest I had in you.

18. Muscle Girl- I started watching you because of Lee HongKi. But MG, you are as random as hell. You moved too fast, it bordered on people with psychological disorders fast. Yeah, I know you are a Japanese drama and you only have 10 episodes, but after you I have watched plenty of 10 episode Japanese dramas which had a nice pacing. No excuses!

19. My Girl- *Refer to quote above*

20. My Girlfriend is a Gumiho- *Refer to quote above*

21. Mysterious Incredible Terminator- I just wasn't into you.

22. Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctors- I lost interest in you.

23. One Fine Day- I only wanted to watch you because of Ma Ru oppa (a.k.a. Nam Goong Min), but from the very first minutes you were throwing a subliminal message: "Drop me! Drop me!". And it seems, I was right to let you go.

24. One Million Stars Falling from the Sky- You bored me...

25. Pasta- You also bored me. I was to let you go because of "The Voice", but there will be others...

26. Poseidon- How bad can you be? I watched three episodes and the first two were complete OST terror! Your leading lady sounded either drunk or like she had a speech problem. I usually get why leading ladies don't like a guy, but I never understood her dislike towards....I can't even remember his name, so let's just say Siwon's character.

27. Prosecutor Princess- You have one of the most ridiculous leading females. I just couldn't stand her.

28. Romance Town- I thought you had a promising start, then you just bored me. You spent months in my On-Hold list, but I also had to let you rest in my peace.

29. Sweet 18- You were already on shaky ground and then you introduced Lee Da Hee.

30. The Little Fairy- Your description sounded interesting, but I can't stand how your cast acts.

31. Three Kingdoms- I watched your first two episodes even though you bored me from the very first 10 minutes, but you are too boring and long for me to commit.

I have like two more, I think both are Chinese, but they are not in the database.

32. Prince Turns To Frog- I just wasn't into you....

33. Sungkyunkwan Scandal- I found you boring, I didn't see any chemistry between the main leads, I didn't like your music, and the best thing about you (Song Joong Ki!!!!) didn't appear enough! You just didn't have that historical drama feel I love.

34. Take Care of the Young Lady- You just didn't appeal to me. It didn't help your main guy, him, whatever his name is. And for me, he is sooo not Main lead guy material.

35. Temptation of an Angel- How much I hated thee? Let me count the ways...

36. Time Between Dog and Wolf- Eh, just no. Plus, that opening scene (which I guess was supposed to make adrenaline rush) just made me laugh a little too much.

37. Tree of Heaven- I found a spoiler....

38. Yokai Ningen Bem- I got tired of the fake looking stuff...

39. Myung Wol the Spy- I just didn't feel motivated enough to watch you after that whole off screen drama your lead actress created and you got a 2 episode increase. No, thanks...

40. Jenny & Juno - you were booooring....
LMFAO!!!!!!!!! Your explanations crack me up. XD

wrote: Anmitsu Hime- Just no..
Koizora- It's nothing personal, I just preferred to watch the short version instead...
Sweet 18- You were already on shaky ground and then you introduced Lee Da Hee.
Prince Turns To Frog- I just wasn't into you....
One Million Stars Falling from the Sky- You bored me...
Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctors- I lost interest in you.

It sounds like your list of rejected boyfriends XDDDDDDDDDD
LisNoir wrote: 32. Prince Turns To Frog- I just wasn't into you....

33. Sungkyunkwan Scandal- I found you boring, I didn't see any chemistry between the main leads, I didn't like your music, and the best thing about you (Song Joong Ki!!!!) didn't appear enough! You just didn't have that historical drama feel I love.

34. Take Care of the Young Lady- You just didn't appeal to me. It didn't help your main guy, him, whatever his name is. And for me, he is sooo not Main lead guy material.

35. Temptation of an Angel- How much I hated thee? Let me count the ways...

36. Time Between Dog and Wolf- Eh, just no. Plus, that opening scene (which I guess was supposed to make adrenaline rush) just made me laugh a little too much.

37. Tree of Heaven- I found a spoiler....

38. Yokai Ningen Bem- I got tired of the fake looking stuff...

39. Myung Wol the Spy- I just didn't feel motivated enough to watch you after that whole off screen drama your lead actress created and you got a 2 episode increase. No, thanks...

40. Jenny & Juno - you were booooring.... courageous.....I couldn´t possible drop that much in my whole life....I am just too nice for that :p