Regarding Battle of The Writers, I will try just for the side couple.

Which side couple...cuz it's gotten confusing. :-(

There's Ozone and Pie, maybe? Or the new island guy with Sin?  Sin, who is as cute as a button AND sexy as hell!

All I am going to say is my head is pounding. 

Get better soon!!

Battle of the Writers EP 7

I'm a little dazed and confused. 


Shan and Ob-un's love-making. Tutor can kiss! And no-shirt Tutor is everything! **sizzle!!**


  1. Not sure why they have Sin on an island and crushing on someone out of the blue.  Gave me flashbacks of Love Sea.
  2. The transitions from one storyline to another was weird and awkward. 

Oh man, do we ever sound like those dreadful comments at the end?!? Everything I've ever said is flashing before my eyes.

I think I have RX's headache.


I Saw You in My Dream

Oh! Haven’t watched that one yet but it’s on my list!

 American Fan:

Battle of the Writers EP 7

I'm a little dazed and confused. 


Shan and Ob-un's love-making. Tutor can kiss! And no-shirt Tutor is everything! **sizzle!!**


  1. Not sure why they have Sin on an island and crushing on someone out of the blue.  Gave me flashbacks of Love Sea.
  2. The transitions from one storyline to another was weird and awkward. 

Oh man, do we ever sound like those dreadful comments at the end?!? Everything I've ever said is flashing before my eyes.

I think I have RX's headache.

I forgot this show had an uncensored version— (excuse me while I go watch)

First Note of Love EP 6

Warning ::  If you LOVE this show, scroll on by. I've provided spoilers for the sensitive.

Ho hum de dum...feeling something like boredom creeping in....just not feeling it the last few eps. Are they stuck in a rut? Is this another WG, that starts off with a bang and winds down to a shadow of it's former self?

It's now the halfway mark and the romantic tension I sensed in the beginning has evaporated, along with my excitement. 

And before I could stop the previews (I don't watch ahead), it looks like the writers took the brakes off and it's full speed ahead. I wonder if the wheels will stay on the bus or if we're in for a train wreck.

I've got my fingers crossed for a better paced and a more upbeat second half. 


I'm not connecting to the second couple (?) or whatever they are. I wanna send Orca straight to the salon for a new dye job, like yesterday.

Lastly, I could have done without the snot running down Reese's face. Ewww!!

Jack and Joker EP 1

I'm all in.

War is one of my all-time favorites and he kills it.

Powerful ending.

 American Fan:

First Note of Love EP 6

Warning ::  If you LOVE this show, scroll on by. I've provided spoilers for the sensitive.

Ho hum de dum...feeling something like boredom creeping in....just not feeling it the last few eps. Are they stuck in a rut? Is this another WG, that starts off with a bang and winds down to a shadow of it's former self?

It's now the halfway mark and the romantic tension I sensed in the beginning has evaporated, along with my excitement. 

And before I could stop the previews (I don't watch ahead), it looks like the writers took the brakes off and it's full speed ahead. I wonder if the wheels will stay on the bus or if we're in for a train wreck.

I've got my fingers crossed for a better paced and a more upbeat second half. 


I'm not connecting to the second couple (?) or whatever they are. I wanna send Orca straight to the salon for a new dye job, like yesterday.

Lastly, I could have done without the snot running down Reese's face. Ewww!!

In my defence, I love Michael Chang/ Sea lol the show is pretty average. The on1y one is doing better. It is slow and if next week isn't a dream sequence, they don't have the momentum to start a relationship yet. They have forgotten to build on that while they focused on the music so a relationship now is pretty random. They don't have time for a second couple. I also stand by my original comments that I don't like whale man and his dumb hair lol the lack of blending is annoying me. It's obvious it's a clip in lol


Wonderful news on On1y One. On1y One update

TheOn1yOne IG Link if anyone's interested in following.
Benjamin's IG (plays Jiang Tian)
Eric Zayn's IG (aka Liu Dong Qin  who plays Sheng Wang)

 American Fan:

My two worlds collided! 

Felix (of Stray Kids) and Fourth & Gemini meet  each other in NY at a fashion event! And I think I see Phuwin too! 

Lol I saw a reel about that on IG and immediately thought of u XD I had saved it to show u later but nvm haha


@GelfyFaeth222 oh u r killing me with the slow burn ohmygod and here comes the annoying female character argh TT 

I hope these two get united soon cuz the tension between them is too high 

And the mother is getting on my nerves, I just wanna strangle her and be like “let your son make his own decisions for god’s sake”!! 

thank you


TheOn1yOne IG Link if anyone's interested in following.
Benjamin's IG (plays Jiang Tian)
Eric Zayn's IG (aka Liu Dong Qin  who plays Sheng Wang)

Thank you so much


Same. Gritty and seedy, and not in a good way, at least not yet. Nevertheless, I'll probably watch it to the end because that's what I do, not least because I often wind up liking things more as they go along.

(re "Happy of the End") Update after today's Ep. 3 & 4: Even grittier and seedier. So far, I can't really say I'm "liking things more as they go along". Good thing I don't really have triggers; if you do, do not watch this.


After the trauma of watching that, I need some seriously feel-good fluffy cuteness, so I'm urgently (right now) gonna re-watch the "spin-off" special episode of "Takara no Vidro", one of my favourite BLs of 2024. As special episodes go, it was even quite substantive, especially the very end. (I interprete this to mean that the girl is writing the BL novel which will become this series, right?)


"Battle of the Writers" Ep. 7:  Jingjang is so goshdarn cute! (@Tutor/@Yim, in case you're reading this: No worries, I still love you guys the most.)

(re "Happy of the End") Update after today's Ep. 3 & 4: Even gritty and seedier. So far, I can't really say I'm "liking things more as they go along". Good thing I don't really have triggers; if you do, do not watch this.

This series is on my PTW list...but maybe not now.

(re "Happy of the End") Update after today's Ep. 3 & 4: Even gritty and seedier. So far, I can't really say I'm "liking things more as they go along". Good thing I don't really have triggers; if you do, do not watch this.

I have only to see the tag 'psychological' under a Japanese show and know to red flag it immediately. LOL It's why I stopped watching anime years ago. There's dark and then there's Japanese dark. 

(re "Happy of the End") Update after today's Ep. 3 & 4: Even gritty and seedier.

Yeah, I saw the synopsis and was like-- I don't think this one is for me lol