Just sharing my crazy with the rest of the asylum LOL 

This is awesome. Keep going! Hwaiting, SuSu, you can do it!

Yeah, I love his hair, that's how I dreamt him. I'm blaming Aidi from Kiseki dear to me. Just a beautiful little blonde twink. It was as close as I could get to his adult self.

No wonder I liked him...LOL! AiDi was the best character!

MeNotYou- Yeah I am really excited about Revamp also. :) ♡ 


Have you all seen this video of Gemini featuring Jeff Satur Video

Not yet, but Imma watch it right after I catch up on these posts!

Tell the truth, how scary is this? It's tagged as horror on MDL.

It isn't. Think more spoof than horror. Not even remotely scary or dark. 


Just watched Ep2 of Live in Love and let me be honest— this is zero plot all vives. It also feels like a fanfic written by a 13 year old. I can’t recommend it— but I’m still going to watch next week lol

Also, they’ve let down on the covid plot— so it turned into an online romance situation— and it seems like they’re meeting in person next week? 

Idek guys but whatever

I haven't watched epi 2 yet cuz the first one did not leave a favourable impression on me and I'm not in a rush to see it. Maybe I'll check it out later tonight once I'm caught up on things.

Just seeing him look this casual no professional fixes just a basic photo

The boy is a cutie, that's for And I can't believe the course load already!

somewhat of an idea XD

You and @RXinw are corrupting all the innocent peeps in the group, including me. *whistle*

I've watched over 20 BLs in the last two weeks, which is a lot for me so my inner queer must have got excited and wanted to join in LOL

ROFLOL! I'm sooo gonna use this saying despite not having a queer bone in my body,,, real or otherwise, *grin*

So Jack and Joker is airing today. I'm probably going to watch it with you guys LOL That'll be 3 airing shows. I think that's a record. And they're all BL's LOL 

What have you guys done to me? LOL

It's freaking awesome... and you know you love us so we've done nothing....yet.


Wonderful news on On1y One. On1y One update

Also another one to check out since YT is giving me grief atm, but I freaking love this show and I'm already excited about the prospect of a season 2 so I can't wait to watch this and hear the news.


I haven’t watched today's episode of Battle of the Writers, but I wonder what type of episode we’re getting today.

It’s like Russian roulette…

I liked it. *grin*

:) Omg!! First episode of Jack and Joker was amazing. It is gonna suck waiting every week for a new episode. :( YinWar are so freaking hot!! ♡♡♡

Wasn't it great?! This is one of THE shows I've been highly anticipating and so far, it has NOT disappointed. I'm seriously loving it and it's going to kill me waiting from week to week too!

Part Two ~ Distance

You're doing a fantastic job!

 American Fan:

RE: Battle of the Writers....I forgot! 

Looked at my drama schedule and Monday's are a busy day with BOTW, First Note of Love and now Jack & Joker.

I haven't started any yet.

J&J... WHAT are you waiting for?! It's awesome!

In short, the editing is as whack as ever-- but there were a lot of enjoyable parts and I have a new ship. 


I don't have much to say except that I could watch 10 more episodes with these two and wouldn't get bored. I'll miss you Taishin & Takara <3 

Same... I am now a huge Yoji fan and as I stated before, I have adopted him as my That said, I was disappointed in the special epi and I'm worried that it'll ruin the shows overall ratings, despite the rest of the show being amazing. :-(

 JISOO fanboy:

i wish to join too 


Pull up a chair and make yourself at home!

I concur whole heartedly aside from the last one, only cuz I've not yet seen it, but if it's got Sup in it, Imma check it I take it you're waiting excitedly for 'I'm the Most Beautiful Count' like me too then?

Uh-huh! And as to "Something in My Room" (uncut, of course - I only watch uncut versions!), I'm not normally so keen on ghost stories, but it's quite good.

 American Fan:
My two worlds collided!

Felix (of Stray Kids) and Fourth & Gemini meet  each other in NY at a fashion event! And I think I see Phuwin too! 



All I am going to say is my head is pounding. 

I have read all the amazing comments regarding Jack & Jocker and I cannot wait to watch it tonight. 

Regarding Battle of The Writers, I will try just for the side couple.

((HUGS)) for the headache. I highly recommend giving the nerve in the web of each hand a good long squeeze and it should help, at least ease it back a bit. You've prob watched it by now, but if not, J&J was awesome and I think you're gonna like it. BOTW...There's a new side couple in town and I think you're gonna like 'em!

 American Fan:
Shan and Ob-un's love-making. Tutor can kiss! And no-shirt Tutor is everything! **sizzle!!**

You noticed that about the kisses too huh? Wonder if that's how Tutor got his name. *Wicked grin*

 American Fan:

First Note of Love EP 6

Warning ::  If you LOVE this show, scroll on by. I've provided spoilers for the sensitive.

Ho hum de dum...feeling something like boredom creeping in....just not feeling it the last few eps. Are they stuck in a rut? Is this another WG, that starts off with a bang and winds down to a shadow of it's former self?

It's now the halfway mark and the romantic tension I sensed in the beginning has evaporated, along with my excitement. 

And before I could stop the previews (I don't watch ahead), it looks like the writers took the brakes off and it's full speed ahead. I wonder if the wheels will stay on the bus or if we're in for a train wreck.

I've got my fingers crossed for a better paced and a more upbeat second half. 


I'm not connecting to the second couple (?) or whatever they are. I wanna send Orca straight to the salon for a new dye job, like yesterday.

Lastly, I could have done without the snot running down Reese's face. Ewww!!

ROFLOL! Yes to all of this. You crack me up!


I’M SORRY Y’ALL!!! I have dropped Manner of Death after 5 episodes… I tried so hard to like it, but I just had no interest or motivation to continue it.  I generally really like a good crime/detective/mystery drama, but this drama just wasn’t doing it for me for some reason…Something wasn’t hitting right.. I’m kinda bummed lol. I was excited because I heard a lot of good stuff…

Eh don't feel bad...I only finished it because I watched it with a friend. You're right it wasn't all that, just ok.

 American Fan:

Jack and Joker EP 1

I'm all in.

War is one of my all-time favorites and he kills it.

Powerful ending.

Same girl, same. I'm so glad this is turning out to be as good as I hoped.

(re "Happy of the End") Update after today's Ep. 3 & 4: Even grittier and seedier. So far, I can't really say I'm "liking things more as they go along". Good thing I don't really have triggers; if you do, do not watch this

I'm so far behind that I think I'm ahead on stuff that I haven't bothered with the next epi on this one yet. Happy to hear that it was a wise

After the trauma of watching that, I need some seriously feel-good fluffy cuteness, so I'm urgently (right now) gonna re-watch the "spin-off" special episode of "Takara no Vidro", one of my favourite BLs of 2024. As special episodes go, it was even quite substantive, especially the very end. (I interprete this to mean that the girl is writing the BL novel which will become this series, right?)

I actually didn't care for this epi much and was quite disappointed given how amazing the rest of the show was, but yeah that ending part was the way I interpreted it too.

Jingjang is so goshdarn cute!

Isn't he just?! I have a feeling he's going to be the cause of me developing 2nd couple syndrome in this show, cuz the other side couples/characters weren't doing anything for

 American Fan:

This series is on my PTW list...but maybe not now.

I don't think you'll like it. At all.

There's dark and then there's Japanese dark. 

I didn't know that before, but I sure know it now and I only watched 2 of the eps so far.

Anyways, I still have not watched any BL released yesterday; hopefully I will today.

While there's hope for the headache, there's zero hope for you getting any kind of a clean mind. You and I are hooped where that is concerned...LOL! Hope you're feeling better!

I was going to watch Jack and Joker with you guys but as it's Thai, I think I'll take my time with it.

No, no, no, no... watch it! It's really good! I'm loving it!


I can't recall who mentioned being interested in watching The Untamed. It's been a year since I watched, and I'm finding myself drawn to shorts on YT, so I figured it's time for an actual re-watch. Let me know when and how quickly (how many episodes a day) you want to watch so we can discuss. Thanks!

MeNotYou and I just started watching it...we're almost at ep 11 together. Wanna join us?

 American Fan:

I believe both MeNotYou and Drama Nom Nom are interested. 

<3 :)


MeNotYou and I just started watching it...we're almost at ep 11 together. Wanna join us?

RE: The Untamed. Yes, Where are you discussing? 


RE: The Untamed. Yes, Where are you discussing? 


You and @RXinw are corrupting all the innocent peeps in the group, including me. *whistle*

I feel honored!