Watching the dramas got me into K-Pop, so now my playlist is 99% K-Pop

 kiyois back scrubber:
introduced me to some really good music 

Can't agree with both of you enough on this!  I have shazaamed so many songs and honestly am really enjoying listening to not just K-pop but also songs from other solo artists and bands from SK as well as Thailand, Taiwan, etc.  

Although not new to K-pop (used to listen to the OGs like Psy, 2NE1, Girls Generation, etc.) and am an avid fan of BTS but have found lot more artists thanks to the shows. 

The shipping thing is also new for me. I try really hard not to (not our business if they are dating IRL or just co-workers with awesome chemistry and acting skills)  but it's really hard once you start going down the rabbit hole of watching their fan content.

I also love that they bring together people from all ages, cultures and continents together in communities like MDL and Reddit and Discord. 


I would like to join plssss


I'd love to join! <3

Warm welcome to you both  :) 

I’d love to join, please. 

Is anyone watching Cutie Pie 2 You? Cutie Pie was my first BL ever, so I liked it while it was airing, but on reflection, the ending left something to be desired. I don't hate it, but I wouldn't rewatch. For me, the second season has started off ok. I love NuerSyn the most (I didn't get enough of them in S1) and I enjoyed them in this season. LianKuea are doing ok, I know NuNew has won awards, but for me his acting isn't my favourite. MaxNat are also ok, I skip some of their scenes because they aren't all that interesting and we're going to be seeing them in Naughty Babe. Overall, I mostly like it. What are your thoughts?

but also songs from other solo artists and bands from SK as well as Thailand, Taiwan, etc.  

yes! jdramas/bls have some of the best osts out there. like you i already liked kpop but dramas in general have allowed me to discover so much more.

I have been watching Director Who Buys Me Dinner but I still don't understand the concept of "you should not name the child of the God" (this is not a spoiler as it is literally in the description but I'm still marking it as such in case).

I searched for it but couldn't find anything related to Shaman's child being child of God or such. Does anyone have any idea what this whole belief is about?

Edit: to be clear, I know the series talked about a name can write the fate, but I'm confused about WHY Dongbaek should not have a fate and why is he being called child of God. Is every one born in Shaman's house considered child of God?

How has my life changed since starting to watch K-Drama, BLs, and Asian Dramas in general: 

First off I need to say that quite honestly I am not at all the same person after I started my journey with The Untamed just over 2 years ago, these series have helped me to repair what had been a very broken heart.

1) A deep appreciation for the Asian cultures in general.  It opened my eyes, mind and heart to seeing people as more the same than we are different.  I feel more connected to our shared humanity and enjoy the differences very much.

2) I started to absorb the languages, mostly Mandarin so far since I have watched far more Chinese series than any other still but slowly getting some familiarity with Korean, Japanese and Thai.  It has made me interested enough to do some free online courses as just a hobby but I am really enjoying it!!

3) Music!!! OMG the soundtracks for so many of the series are just phenomenal! My playlist is just FULL of music now from BL's and non-BL as well.  I never, ever expected to like some of the styles of music so much and though I haven't gotten into K-pop, I did have a many weeks long love affair with The Astronaut thanks to a link in the discord music channel about Jin.  I am looking forward to many more years of quality music from all these incredibly talented folks!

4) How to kiss!  Seriously.  I can tell you that the North American approach has never captured my heart the way these Asian series have regarding courtship, kissing, love-making.  There is a tenderness and cherishing within it that is so beautiful to witness.  I just appreciate getting to learn a different way of orienting with all of the romantic expressions from a new perspective!

5) Unexpectedly my Mom also has really fallen in love with non-BL Korean shows and so we get to share our enthusiasm about what show we are currently watching and occasionally even watch one together!  She is 86.  So far we have watched Go Ahead, Flower of Evil, It's Okay to Not Be Okay, Move to Heaven, The Sword and the Brocade and one my Mom asked me to watch, If We Were a Season.

6) The pure delight of seeing so many, many, MANY beautiful faces!  I tell you, the actors and actresses from these shows just boggle my mind with how lovely they are.  I enjoy beauty in Nature very much, flowers especially and I now tend to view these sweet faces as human flowers!!  Each one is so wonderful in their own way and some of them are truly breathtaking!  Yes, I am talking about my unending crush on Lee Joon Gi!  :D

7) Food!  OMG I am constantly craving noodles, hot pot, kimbap, moon cakes, bubble tea and I even wondered briefly about pink milk!?!  I can't imagine how I will function for the rest of my life without travelling over to all these countries and sampling ALL of the foods they have to offer.  How many lifetimes would it take me to get that done!? ;)

8) Last but most important to me I learned how to LOVE.  Somewhere along the line, perhaps in Love&Redemption I had the realization that there was a bigger kind of love, one that I had never experienced before.  I began to actually understand it more deeply through watching time and time again as the characters wrestled with loving someone even though that person didn't love them back.  Their hearts and love were strong enough to stay true to that person even when they didn't get what they wanted.  My heart has healed so much and though I haven't tested it out in the real yet, I strongly feel it's now also a heart that can hold a bigger love, a less selfish love and a love that will know how to cherish.

A deep and sincere thank you to these dramas for making me a better, happier and more loving person!!


I would like to join plssss

Hello and welcome!!  Nice to have you with us :)


I'd love to join! <3

Warm welcome, always better with more!!


I’d love to join, please. 

Awesome to have you with us as well! :)


Happy New Year to you as well!!  Not forgotten at all, hope you are all good!

I am so sorry for responding too late how everything is going well

I've just finished Not Me drama and I didn't know it would hurt me that way. Did anyone wants to recommend something to watch? 


I've just finished Not Me drama and I didn't know it would hurt me that way. Did anyone wants to recommend something to watch? 

Are you watching Between Us? I’m really enjoying this and it only has a few episodes to go.

How my life has started to change after watching K-Drama, BL and Asian drama in general

- I’ve become a huge tv binge watcher (I was bad before but now I’m ridiculous)
- I have a much deeper understanding and appreciation of the various Asian countries, culture, food, music and lifestyle; now I constantly crave fried chicken and beer, daily watch /listen to OST with
K-drama and BL clip mixes, have non English music in my playlist, and want to visit Asian countries
- I’ve gained access to a vast source of good romantic (historical, mystery and comedy) drama, that just keeps coming
- I’ve created Instagram and YouTube accounts to keep up to date with what’s happening with my favourite BL couples and (mainly) Korean/Chinese actors