Just a random comment coming through~~~ (ʘ‿ʘ)

No, actually I had something to say:

1.5 decades later, still rings true....
It depends from what point of view you are watching it I guess. The seven countries that are selected aren't really on good terms with the USA and some of them are quite chaotic in which you can't be sure whether that person is really saying who he is or isn't.

However don't get me wrong as I do not agree with this kind of ruling as you will potentially do harm on those who didn't mean any harm to you and you just gave some terrorist organizations some good propaganda.
@rainruma.  well said lady!

@thomas. The US isn't on good terms with ANYONE right now.  I'm Australian and you guys are about to lose a strategic ally.

@sony this stuff effects people's lives, if you don't want to talk about it and would rather talk about dramas there are plenty of conversations to join in on.  This thread is in the right place. If you're not interested don't say anything. People's lives are being endangered and you're joking about it?
I'm going to get hate for this, but I don't really care. I agree with the ban. I believe Islam is toxic and fundamentally incompatible with modern western society.
I don't care about voicing my opinion here because no one gives a fuck about people opinion's who are in favor for something like this. I'm not going to argue about this with you because there's literally no point in doing so. I will say this, you countered what I said about Islam being toxic by citing the first amendment. Exactly how does that disprove what I said? How does that matter at all? Just because the first amendment says that, doesn't mean it's correct in all cases. Secondly, I love how you tried to call what I said "hate speech". I never said anything bad about the people who practice the religion, I said the RELIGION ITSELF is toxic. 
I believe ALL religion is toxic and incompatible with modern western society.  I have the right to believe that.  but as soon as I start trying to ban people dependent on what ridiculous god they follow that becomes discrimination and hate speech.  You have the right to speak in a hateful way, and the responsibility to accept how you will be perceived because of it.

Just check out my country, Australia this is what a muslim ban really looks like.  I haven't been able to raise my head in the world and feel proud of my country since 1994.  We put our muslim refugees in concentration camps in other countries in sweltering heat, don't provide them tampons or enough water, allow them to be raped and beaten by the local authorities in that country and criminalise doctors, nurses and social workers who try to bring the child sexual abuse of muslim children to attention.

This is disgusting.
I honestly don't think there will end up being a long term ban on anyone based on religion. He is putting on a show right now but he is making a fool out of himself. It doesn't matter how he or anyone else tries to justify it. Banning people from the country based on race and/or religion is blatantly unconstitutional. For something like that to stick, it would require so much more than a presidential decision or a vote in congress. It would have to ultimately be decided by the Supreme Court, which would have no choice but to deem it unconstitutional, regardless. In order for something of that magnitude to ever become a law, the Constitution of our country would have to change, our First Ammendment would have to be repealed. That is one thing that no one will allow. Trump is just showing his ignorance right now and utter disregard for our constitution. 
Still holds truth til this day

I too do not think highly of other religions, but Islam is especially problematic. Look at how Muslims in Muslim dominated countries treat homosexuality or Christianity. Being either of those in a largely Muslim-dominated country can get you killed. A poll done in the UK showed that 52% of Muslims there thought that homosexuality should be illegal. And what about Women's rights? Oh, and let's not forget about the glorious principle of Jihad. Knowing all of this, why would you want to bring in a large population of people who are fundamentally incompatible, and dangerous to your society? 

You guys act like it's some incredible injustice to not take in refugees. Understand that our country is not morally obligated to help these people. It is not a human right to be allowed to come into a country, it is a privilege. If you have a large number of people following a dangerous and toxic ideology you should be selective about who you bring in. Why is this so hard to understand? 

You want to call this "hate" and discrimination, fine, do that. I call it common sense and being careful.

Also, about the article @naksken linked and what's going on in Australia. It's not really comparable. If Trump starts putting Muslims who try to immigrate here into camps, then there's an issue, but until then this isn't the same thing. He wants to ban them from coming into the country, that's not at all the same as putting them into some kind of concentration camp.

Lastly, I said I was in support of the ban. The "ban" I'm referring is the temporary 90-day ban. I would less okay with a permanent ban on all people Muslim as I understand not every single person who follows the religion is dangerous. I just want our country to be selective as to who we allow in.
For starters, I don't follow a religion, so I have no clue where you got that from. Secondly, I'm sure all the races you so sarcastically listed would have loved to have the choice to avoid the horrific things they went through, as would all people going through any situation. Unfortunately for them, they didn't have the power to. GOOD NEWS THOUGH! We do have the power to choose, isn't that great? This was the most idiotic thing I've read today, congratulations.
@Panda , you forgot... the African slave trade was justified by excerpts from the bible that proclaimed slavery as Christian ... 
.. and the Native Americans were massacred in the name of turning heathens into Christians.

@Coolish ... the examples I am giving are to show that in ANY religion, radicals/fanatics, justified by excerpts from their scriptures, can use it to commit crimes.

you speak of FEAR ... the best way to defeat fear is KNOWLEDGE ... your statements show you need to have more information before making judgements.... I am being sincere, not attacking you.

The issues of Women's rights and Jihad in Muslim culture is common knowledge. The treatment of homosexuals and Christians I thought was also common knowledge, but I guess not. Regardless, I already said I didn't want to get into a full on debate as there's no point to it. That being said, I'm not going to go and find a bunch of different sources for you, if you want to read about it, you can just look it up yourself. It's not really that difficult to information on the topic. 

First result on homosexuality and Islam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_in_Islam

"Extreme prejudice remains, both socially and legally, in much of the Islamic world against people who engage in homosexual acts. In Afghanistan, Brunei, Iran, Iraq, Mauritania, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen, homosexual activity carries the death penalty."

@ Coolish:  "I too do not think highly of other religions, but Islam is especially problematic. Look at how Muslims in Muslim dominated countries treat homosexuality or Christianity. "  look at how Christianity treats homosexuality or Islam.  westboro church anyone?

"Being either of those in a largely Muslim-dominated country can get you killed."  how about the florida nightclub shootings?

"A poll done in the UK showed that 52% of Muslims there thought that homosexuality should be illegal." do you think the christian right thinks any differently? 

"And what about Women's rights?"  would you like to discuss trans vaginal ultrasounds for anyone wanting an abortion in some states of america? 

"Oh, and let's not forget about the glorious principle of Jihad. Knowing all of this, why would you want to bring in a large population of people who are fundamentally incompatible, and dangerous to your society?"  Christianity's book demands the stoning of adulterers and perpetrators of apostasy, are you suggesting it's different?
"You guys act like it's some incredible injustice to not take in refugees. Understand that our country is not morally obligated to help these people. It is not a human right to be allowed to come into a country, it is a privilege." Your country IS morally obligated.  it is a signatory to a raft of international agreements including the Geneva convention. the right to claim asylum is not a privilege it is a right.

 "If you have a large number of people following a dangerous and toxic ideology you should be selective about who you bring in."  so the rest of the world should ban Americans from entering their country because of Christianity?  i live in a Buddhist country.  do you know how many people come to this country with the express intention of converting people?  even though proselytising is illegal?  do you know what percentage of those people are american?  Way more than the percentage of Muslims who come to america with the express purpose of converting people to Islam.  Do you know how many of my Cambodian friends grew up apart because their parents were taught if they sent them to Christian orphanages they'd have a better future.  do you know that even though they have awesome educations that they are brainwashed into a cult and don't know what it's like to have a proper human relationship without the fear of abandonment?

"Why is this so hard to understand?  You want to call this "hate" and discrimination, fine, do that. I call it common sense and being careful. Also, about the article @naksken linked and what's going on in Australia. It's not really comparable. If Trump starts putting Muslims who try to immigrate here into camps, then there's an issue, but until then this isn't the same thing."  (Japanese internment anyone?  it's not like it hasn't happened before!  - know your history) It IS discrimination and if you think it's not you need to look at your first amendment.  I'm unlucky enough to come from a country that does not have a bill of rights. you are lucky enough to come from a country that DOES have a bill of rights and you're willing to give them away for a really small percentage of your potential population? WOW! We are "lucky" enough to have a moat of thousands of kilometers, we lock people up and deliberately deprive them of basic human rights in order to prevent others from trying to cross that moat. Read the Australian government propaganda's explanation of why we put people into concentration camps?  (we don't call them that though).  we say this is for their welfare 9so they don't drown, y'all) when really it's because we're racist bigots.  Your president has just stopped thousands of people who had the right to live and work in america, who have jobs and families, who went on holiday, from returning to their homes.  you are splitting hairs.

"He wants to ban them from coming into the country, that's not at all the same as putting them into some kind of concentration camp."  The Australian Government puts refugees in concentration camps as a direct scare tactic to prevent people from coming to Australia.  this is done purely as a preventative measure, they pretend they do it so people don't drown at sea and there should be NO BENEFIT (their words) from getting on a boat to Australia.
(also, just so you know, the biggest group of illegal immigrants to Australia are Irish backpackers coming by plane who are not seeking asylum however we only lock up the muslims who come by boat) sound familiar? 

"Lastly, I said I was in support of the ban. The "ban" I'm referring is the temporary 90-day ban. I would less okay with a permanent ban on all people Muslim as I understand not every single person who follows the religion is dangerous. I just want our country to be selective as to who we allow in."  Your country is banning people who have american husbands, wives, and children, who have already been vetted and given green cards who just left the country for a holiday.  stop believing this nonsense.

Your reply is hilarious and why I said there was no point in getting into a debate in the first place. You falsely compare modern Christianity with modern Islam, seriously? How many terrorist attacks have there been in the last couple years in the name of Christianity? Please remind me because I can't remember.

"how about the florida nightclub shootings?" ** Done by a Muslim you fucking moron.

"do you think the christian right thinks any differently?" **  You pulled that out of your ass with no proof, no source. Good job.

"would you like to discuss trans vaginal ultrasounds for anyone wanting an abortion in some states of america?" ** Honestly comparing not being able to have an abortion with the treatment of women in Islam? LOL

"Christianity's book demands the stoning of adulterers and perpetrators of apostasy, are you suggesting it's different?" ** Yes, because people in the modern day don't fucking act on it.

"Your country IS morally obligated.  it is a signatory to a raft of international agreements including the Geneva convention. the right to claim asylum is not a privilege it is a right." ** We are NOT obligated. Whatever obligation you think we have should be changed. Nothing is set in stone.

"so the rest of the world should ban Americans from entering their country because of Christianity?  i live in a Buddhist country.  do you know how many people come to this country with the express intention of converting people?  even though proselytising is illegal?  do you know what percentage of those people are american?" ** Again, pulled this out of your ass with no source, but that's okay. People who come to your country and do something illegal should be punished for it, as it's illegal. You have no actual point here.

"(Japanese internment anyone?  it's not like it hasn't happened before!  - know your history)" What's your proof that it's turning into this? Because so far all you've been doing is assuming things with no evidence or proof. Stop trying to compare things that aren't comparable. This is a complete fucking fallacy with no logical reasoning behind it.

"It IS discrimination and if you think it's not you need to look at your first amendment." ** It is discrimination yes. Just like it would be discrimination to not want a pedophile around your children. 

"The Australian Government puts refugees in concentration camps as a direct scare tactic to prevent people from coming to Australia." ** Again, not comparable because he has not done this.

This is the last I'm going to bother replying here. Nothing you said was even slightly intelligent or back up by reason. All you did was pull things out of your ass and make assumptions. 

Coolish, how many Muslim countries have been destabilized by Western powers over the last 50 years? You think Muslims just have a natural tendency to want to die? You don't think the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world just want to lead normal lives (including in their own countries) like their Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, and even Atheistic counterparts?

Also, since you consider the Nightclub shooter to be Muslim simply because he's brown, should I consider all white people to be incompatible with living in the west simply because Dylan Roof and Anders Breivik were both white? 

My key point is that your view of Islam is extremely myopic.