Share your friend-ing behaviours! as for me, I don't initiate friend-ing to anyone on MDL unless they are my rl friends because I am too lazy and antisocial. I accept all friend requests tho. ^_^
I accept every friend's request as well because I know we share a same interest already anyway^___^ I send requests out as well... when I think that there is someone interesting I want to be friends with :) Even so it's weird to see how many friends I have on MdL already... When I think about the beginning when I didn't have any single friend here :P
Define friends. People on my friend list or people who I actually talk to? Because most of the people from my friend list just send a request and I accept it, but then neither of us says anything.
DiaNine wrote: Define friends.

People on my friend list or people who I actually talk to? Because most of the people from my friend list just send a request and I accept it, but then neither of us says anything.

True. Even happened to me I was friends with someone and couldn't recall it afterwards...
DiaNine wrote: Define friends.

People on my friend list or people who I actually talk to? Because most of the people from my friend list just send a request and I accept it, but then neither of us says anything.

Not quite sure how it can be better defined than it already has been in the OP.
I always accept friend requests and I send them if the person seems interesting or has similar tastes in dramas and movies, I have about 172. I converse a lot more with my mdl friends now because of the feeds feature.
I accept all requests and request those I who post on the same threads and who I talk to. So 133 and growing :)
Wait...what? can have friends in MDL? Didn't even know that :D
450+... Seriously....People realize I'm the admin/creator so they send me friend requests.
I have 87 xD and I've talked to most of them before :) I always accept like everyone else but lately I don't send out many cause it's so hard to keep up with everyone lol.
Your just popular Admin-sama ^^ Got a few friends here..cause I din't talk much...
Skye, ppl with a big ego like you need so many friends to feel good. ;) I think it would be really bad if the admin were antisocial and didn't accept friend requests. I also accept every friend request that comes in. I wonder why I even get requests, cause I'm the passive kind of user. Just the ppl who really stir my interest get a friend request from me. But somehow I have friends that aren't on my list, but I consider them as friends.
How many actual friends? None, they stopped talking to me, so I ended up going inactive .-. On my friends list though, I have a few.
wow, not that many, but that is because I don't talk much nor do I send out requests, but I do accept any requests made to me..