Yes, I did triple posted. Gomen, gomen xD

I see all of it is hard then :/ Lol xD Searching for the right staff members is hard. I've seen some forums that were hiring admins, some just posted junk and can't even speak proper english xD I find it that the "promoting your website" and "trying out new concepts" is the hardest part of being an admin. All the website hosting fee's are being paid monthly/yearly and sometimes can be very cheap. But cheap = junk but who would want cheap hosting? xD
LOL I ran my forum on a free hosting did a descent job.
Still, not so expensive hosting is kinda good xD Tried it once to experiment on my web-designing skills. It worked great :)
I'm a total forum newb have a question for a forum vet, if you don't mind answering :) So, these whole forum taboos are interesting to me. Particularly "necroposting" or whatever it's called when you post on a thread that hasn't been active for a while. I don't get it at all. If there's already a thread on something of interest and you just want to continue the convo, wouldn't it be helpful to pick up where the last convo ended instead of creating yet another thread? It would provide some context and keep all the relevant material in the same place. Also, I sometimes read people flipping out over new threads that were started when an older thread on the same topic exists which kinda complicates the issue. It's actually one of the main reasons why I was a lurker until I found MDL. (yay everyone is nice here, hehe)

Is it something that you've noticed? 教えてもらえますかね★
Well reviving a dead thread from what I can tell it just stirs up disorganization and what not. Also chances are that views have changed and etc so they are no longer valid. So its mainly for moderating/organization purposes. And your second one again its for moderating/organizational purposes...most Staff/Admins want to keep their site organized and clean so its easier to surf through especially for newbies.

Aahahah from my experiences smaller forums tend to have a smaller closed niche so its tends to have a warmer setting.
Thank you for answering :) I've been guessing at the answer to this for years, hahaha.
Ahahaah yeah some netiquette can be quite peculiar. And your welcome n___nb
amuroturah wrote: =OOOO Your triple posted? Oh no you didn't! jk jk jk LOL I find it weird how in the internet double posting is like taboo. Well it requires a LOT LOT of effort and amount of time. It often requires you to learn web development for the right staff members...trying out new concepts to see if it functions well with your website...promoting your website....keeping it active and tons of other stuff. It's quite time consuming and at times can be quite expensive too.

Very well said. As for double posting/triple posting, I think for most people it's only taboo if the person is actually trying to obtain a certain number of posts or is posting something meaningless.
stats213q wrote: Very well said. As for double posting/triple posting, I think for most people it's only taboo if the person is actually trying to obtain a certain number of posts or is posting something meaningless.

Sorry QQ x.x I hate myself for double posting x.x
jetsetter213 wrote: Sorry QQ x.x I hate myself for double posting x.x

lol don't worry about it Aya.
Yuri Chan ~ After your amazing JDrama recommendations (A welcome present to me, I would say) I have to say Welcome! and thanks again!
LOL we are not going to eat your head least I am not XD well to me double posting only becomes a problem when it gets to be like a troll like thing.

And thanks again Jeanie! And anytime you need more just tell okies?
poemiuhspep wrote: LOL we are not going to eat your head least I am not XD well to me double posting only becomes a problem when it gets to be like a troll like thing.

Dunno, have you ever tasted brains? They are pretty delicious. :P
O___O; save yourselves kids! -runs and hides somewhere in MDL-