PinkDiamond wrote: LMBO! Love Shota regardless of his hair. He is funny when he wants to be! Serious when he need to be. And always, always cool! I freakin' love Matsuda!

*Nods in agreement*

Yep, I love him to regardless of Poo hair....jejeje
wow that afro from that movie is a character without shota. lol. i never got why anyone black ppl included would have their afro so big. when the air hits it it turns to steel wool. no man made comb would pass thru it. i should know!
Hahah his hair *bursts out in laughter* Even so I love him <3
smilexbabex33 wrote: haha, I just finished watching episode 2 of Don Quixote and I seriously love Matsuda Shota, ever since I saw HYD and Liar Game I've wanted to see more of him! DQ is hilarious XD and awesome can't wait till tommorrow after school to watch more episodes x) My new obsession =)

Same here!

Can i join here too?
Dolorian wrote: Same here!

Can i join here too?

Of course! The more Shota love, the better! How did you like all the pretty pictures!?
I watched him in Bara no Nai Hanaya before I even knew who he was. He's awesome.
Oooh, I love that third picture.
He's so lovely. I like them all but I love the 4th pic. Even though you can't really see his face clearly, His stance/pose is so damn cool. He's yummy in every way.
i like the 3rd pic too. it looks so clean, like u really get to see his face and he looks innocent and pure. it's my new fave shota pic...i'm stealing this. as soon as lisnoir stops using it as her avi i will use it as mine.
mmmmmmmmmmmm ...yummy