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First I graduated 8 months ago, but decided to take a year for myself, haven't started to search a job yet, and am just enjoying life. So I'm not trying to call anyone here lazy. But even having all the time in the world right now, I struggle to watch K-dramas. Just the thought of watching 50 episodes of what most of you are calling a masterpiece: 'Six Flying Dragons' makes me tired. 50? I think 16 is already too much! And most of you finish these dramas within a week. 50 episodes means that I would watch 1 or 2 episodes every day. But spending more than 1 week to watch a single drama makes me frustrated, as there are many other dramas I'd like to watch.

Anyway the many episodes + duration + inevitable dragging and filler episodes have send me to J-drama world. Which is better for me, but also for everyone that has a busy life with studying and/or working in my opinion. The strange thing however is even though J-dramas have hardly more than 10 or 11 episodes and are just 45 minutes each, they eventually drag or get boring too. Difference: It hurts less to watch another 4 episodes of 45 minutes INSTEAD of 6 episodes of 1 hour.

I honestly don't understand how you all do this. Some of you even watch several Korean dramas every day....HOW?
For me I graduated about a year ago, and I'm on a gap year too which ends around Sept 2017 (which means I have almost 2 years to myself) I signed up for a one year job right after graduating and it ended a month ago. Since I worked in a school, the day starts really early but luckily ended early too, so I spend my time outside work sleeping or watching drama. Basically, any free time I have goes to watching drama, sometimes I give up social events for it too. I think it depends what you enjoy more/deem more important.

Sometimes we give up on sleep, sometimes we fast forward when the show gets draggy
I almost never fast-forward; then again, I usually watch no more than 2 dramas at once. The best trick is to watch drama when they're airing.This made it 2 episodes a week per show and because there's anticipation and because you're watching more than one at once, you don't have time to get bored. It's not always about time, either. I sometimes have plenty of time but choose to do other activities whereas at other times, I have to sleep but I stay up to finish an episode. 
I work mostly from 8am to 6pm average monday to friday, then go to school on sat for my masters.. And then I need to study for my masters, need to study again when I need to take certificates, go to different seminars.. hahaha.. but I have time to watch at least 2 episode per day. If I love the drama 3 to 4 episodes a night. But on weekend I binge watching maybe 6 to 8 episodes..but still I have time to do outdoor stuff like running, play badminton, bonding with friends and family, go to mall.. hahaha..
I just make sure that I will sleep before 12 for me to have energy on the next day. Just don't rush to watch.. Enjoy it... :)

maybe because Im single that's why I can afford to do something like that.Not in sad way. I love to live my life to the fullest...
I work and do auditions in acting every day and I sometimes work at part time job,I only have time at nights when I come home or at mornings!
i'm a kept woman, lol, i mean stay at home mom. My spawn is 10 so there's not as much to do as there used to be. once i get her off to school barring any appointments i can pretty much watch whenever i want as much as i want. 
I know what you mean; I've also often wondered how it is possible that people can watch so much! But I think it mostly depends on these things: How much free time do you have? How much of an addict are you, i.e. how much of your free time are you willing to spend on dramas? How much sleep do you need to feel good in your daily life? And what's your watching preferences like?

We are all different so the answers will be different for everyone. During February - June this year I was working and I had to wake up early in the morning and I was tired in the evenings, so I watched maybe three or four episodes in a week. That felt like very little drama time to me! But I've found that even when I have more time I rarely watch more than three episodes in a night (unless I really, really love what I'm watching), usually two and sometimes only one. I guess that's because I rarely start watching before 8pm and I do value my time to sleep! But I always have 3 to 5 titles on my currently watching list. So, it is entirely possible for me to watch a j-drama in a week or less if I wanted to... but I rarely watch them that quickly. Also, if I'm very attached to a drama I tend to watch it slowly because I don't want it to end! That's just what I do... I can see how people with more time can watch twice as much as I do but it doesn't matter to me. 

I think that because there are so very many dramas to watch and always something new and they (well, many of them) are so easily accessible, it feels like we just want more and more, want to finish one drama quickly so that we can start another one and then another one and add more and more to the growing lists. Some kind of stress... Well, it's just not possible to watch everything and after all, the reason why we watch dramas is not to add them to the list, it's to enjoy them, right? As for very long dramas, yeah, you'll have to spend a lot of time watching them but why does it matter if you like it? :) If it feels like you're wasting your time and you're bored then of course even a j-drama will feel like a chore to complete (been there...) but if you really love it, don't you feel like you easily could have watched a few episodes more? :) As for SFD, I liked it but I don't even know how long it took me to complete it. Several months, I guess - there was a time where I only watched one or two episodes of it on Saturdays. I'm sure there are people who put it on hold or dropped it for whatever reasons but I'm glad I watched it because I liked it. But I also can't wrap my head around how it is possible for some people to watch more than one 50 ep drama in a year! Like I said it really is just a matter of how you want to spend your time and how much of it you have but I can't help that I find it a little bit impressive. ;)
I work a night shift job and my boss doesn't mind if I watch dramas when I have very little to do during my shift.
I'm well organised.  I find your question and the tone of it quite insulting.  You don't want to call people lazy, but that's the word you thought of.

i like Korean drama, I make time for it in my life.  Should I start watching Japanese TV because it's shorter (even though I don't like it)?

it doesn't sound like you like watching dramas very much and so don't prioritise them in your life, they're not a hobby for you.  Each to their own.  But why don't you get down off your high horse, and stop paying attention to what other people do with their time and take a look at why you think it's ok to assume people who enjoy a hobby are wasting their time.
doesn't this all depend on how much free time a person has? & then how much of that free time that person wants to dedicate to asian dramas? in addition to that, not everyone works, attends school, &/or has a family or dependents to care for, & so some people have more time available to them than others. 

I know there are housewives/househusbands, stay at home parents, people who are unemployed/struggling to find a job, disabled, or very sick, & drama watching---just like any other hobby (such as reading, gardening, writing, drawing, & so on)---is how they choose to kill a bulk of however many hours they can spare in a day. (btw, I don't want to belittle the work of housewives/husbands or stay at home parents by saying they have more free time than other people who work outside the home. I'm merely thinking about those I've met IRL or in other forums who do have (or make) the extra time.) I'll also make a point that when I am busy with my normal schedule on top of other stressors (which naturally eat up parts of my days), I'm still the type who procrastinates by getting my drama doses. lately I have been a horribly disorganized mess of a person who makes more time than I should allow for my fave shows, & I will only start checking off the important things from my to do lists at last minute.  

not everyone does as I do, but finding the time--& then using that time for dramas---with or without sacrifices (be it something like sleep or postponing when you start on that essay due in two weeks). that's just what us fans & addicts of asian dramas enjoy spending time on regardless of life circumstances. if you struggle with kdramas (& even jdramas, it seems), & don't like to focus on one drama for a week, then maybe dramas aren't a top interest for you &/or your watching preferences differ from avid drama watchers.