This drama's OST is simply amazing.
I said this on my news feed the other day but I'll say it again here. :-) It's not fair to say that the good guys are stupid. :p They aren't aware of the whole situation like we, the audience, are. All the police had to go on is that Tae Sun's fingerprints were all over the first murder weapon, as well as over the house, plus he was found at the scene covered in blood. Logically, all evidence pointed to him. Yes, he claimed he was framed, but really, a lot of criminals will of course say that. They were not stupid for not believing him, especially when his "friends" lied. At that point, he was viewed as a liar so when the guy tried to strangle him in jail, it was easy to assume he staged it and lied about the attempted murder. The second murder, once again, there he was at the scene of the crime. Again, all evidence points to him as the murderer. In fact, even the prosecutor woman thought he was guilty up until recent episodes. They are all actually being very logical in looking at the evidence presented before them. I would have found it more weird if they had believed what he was saying. Also, I agree. The OS is awesome.
i think what i am most enjoying about this show is that Taesan goes against the action drama hero archetype. he is not asian batman. he is not well trained and well equipped. he is not an average man driven to get rich so he can use his money for righteous vengence.

Taesan is a loser, and lets be honest kind of a douche. he doesnt even have the hootspa to be a real gangsta, he's the algae eater sucking on the filter in the fishtank that is the korean mafia. he has survived to reach 32 on sheer dumb luck and base fight or flight instincts. even now with his new sense of purpose his character is still not totally redeemed **** his 1st instinct was totally to leave prosecutor park, props to him for not doing it but he thought about that shit.****

i love drama, but it can be very formulaic so i am always so delighted when someone steps out of the box and does something you dont see often
I am loving this drama ....yes its not perfect but its darned entertaining it kind of reminds me of Prison Break with the tension and pace of each episode. Also I agree with other comments the OST is fab! LJK is in fine form again after the little blip of Arang. Unfortunately now I am up to date and have to wait impatiently for the next eps to be aired :)
Im again amazed how LJK choses his roles. Every role is so diferent. Ad i admire him bc he doesnt fear to play weak guy, a loser, antihero who is hero of story...and he manages make us invest into his character. He, with his looks and skills , surely had opportunities to chose role of shining hero in some flashy action drama or play first love interest in some romcom and fill fangirls hearts with owerflowing and cheesy dreams but... And this drama gets more and more good with every episode.
I am grateful that Lee Jun Ki chose 'Two Weeks' as his 2013 drama; he knows how to choose his roles and establish his image as an actor.
cityhunter83 wrote:
Taesan is a loser, and lets be honest kind of a douche. he doesnt even have the hootspa to be a real gangsta, he's the algae eater sucking on the filter in the fishtank that is the korean mafia. he has survived to reach 32 on sheer dumb luck and base fight or flight instincts. even now with his new sense of purpose his character is still not totally redeemed **** his 1st instinct was totally to leave prosecutor park, props to him for not doing it but he thought about that shit.****

ahahaha loved how u compared this
This drama is good and its scriptwriting is very well done but I seriously dislike the way the male lead handles things.
The incompetence of the police force is baffling.
infiniti512 wrote: The incompetence of the police force is baffling.

yea, i was actually pissed when dectective lim ****got angry at in hae for not telling him taesan was the donor. seriously dude, you're a detective and you couldnt figure that out? you knew she asked taesan to be a donor and when the kid suddenly has an "anonomous" donor you cant put and and two together? dont be mad at her and prosecutor park b/c you're an idiot*****
cityhunter83 wrote: yea, i was actually pissed when dectective lim *********

That part bugged me too! But there were so many other times like *** Not once utilizing the innocent until proven guilty model especially when it came to Go Man Suk's death. And killer Kim? Really? You can't even hold him for 24 hours on some lesser charge? He was trespassing at the very least. ***
yea, i know it's a drama but they are taking creative license a bit far with the criminal proceedure.
nekoblah wrote: ahahaha loved how u compared this

why thank you.
infiniti512 wrote: That part bugged me too! But there were so many other times like *** Not once utilizing the innocent until proven guilty model especially when it came to Go Man Suk's death. And killer Kim? Really? You can't even hold him for 24 hours on some lesser charge? He was trespassing at the very least. ***

ahaha i thought the same thing but then again with money u can get away with anything too
cityhunter83 wrote: yea, i know it's a drama but they are taking creative license a bit far with the criminal proceedure.

At least it makes for some interesting twists and makes the good guys work harder.