I just started watching 1 Night, 2 Days from Uhm Tae Woo episodes till now Actors special episodes.

I love the Actresses special & Actors special. They're really competitive. Each 6 members of 1N2D key-points: The racing, the skill, the trick, the knowledge, the fight for snack / full course meal, the fight for warm sleeping site, the funny things they bring up make me really enjoy watching this after Running Man.

The game:
-Bok-bul-bok Game: "blessing-curse-blessing" or "luck or not", is the method used to determine which members will be sleeping outside as well as to decide which members will be getting food.
-Riddle solving.
-Wake-up mission: every morning of their trip determines the three members who will get to eat breakfast.
-Freestyle trips: where a captain is selected to be in charge and decide on the location of the trip.

The funny scenes where have to complete a mission of each member in 3 hours. Uhm Tae Woong bows & prays for 108 times, Kang Hodong has to glue 100 eyes pair of dolls, Lee Seunggi eats 10 edgy-triangle snacks in 5 seconds. The other funny episodes: Challenging all crews to dive in cold river water.

The competitive men in 1N2D, i think: Lee Seung Gi, Lee Su Geun, & Eun Ji Won.

1박 2일 (I bag 2 il) DAEBAK!
Finally going back in these episodes and found the one where Tae Woong joins the group. They surprise him at his home and have 1 hour to wake, wash, dress, feed him and bring him back to KBS. That whole 20 minutes at his house is hysterical! Especially when Ho Dong turns and finds Ji Won eating the cereal they made for Tae Woong. "Why are you eating that?" ~ Ji Won looks slightly guilty ~ Then Ho Dong takes the bowl and starts eating it too! LMAO!
I saw that episode not too long ago. The chaos in that house made me laugh so much.
najkivagyok wrote: And why did I feel so embarrassed when Seunggi had to help to Jongmin with his own song? I felt bad for him...lol

me too!!!
feel sorry for him..
but i still laughed a lot..

and the sleep game,,
it was too wild!!
but funny..^^
So addicted am I to 1N2D, I decided to go back in the episodes to when MC Mong was on the show. I started with Episode 161 because I didn't want to go back too far. This is an odd number but the beginning of the two episode format.

This is the episode where the boys go on a summer camping trip and end up having to wear animal suits everywhere they go. If you haven’t seen this episode you should. I am laughing hysterically and am not even through with the episode yet. When MC Mong puts on his monkey suit I died. Is this show ever NOT hilarious? And when Ho Dong pretends to throw tantrums and yells at the PD…Omo! I’m crying!
I haven't seen that one yet.
Does anyone know where I can watch this with english subs? Haha I really wanna see this!
I just sent you some a link. :)
Edit: sent you a link*
Unni-Jep wrote: I just sent you some a link. :)

I got it, thanks! (:
OK, you are welcome..:)
It seems Kang Ho Dong is going to quit the show. Quit?
hazel17 wrote: it seems kang ho dong is going to quit the show. quit?

what is that lie!?!
I really hope that Javabean's speculation is right and it's a powerplay for a higher salary. Please please. How could the show be the same without Hodong?

A big part of the charm of this show for me is how long these guys have known each other, how they react and play off each other. How much they genuinely seem to love each other and their personalities and interactions. When one leaves...And MY Goodness...HODONG?!? It leaves a gaping hole.