Kazoku Game
8 people found this review helpful
Sep 12, 2015
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
This drama is so good to the point that I find myself writing my very first review...So here it goes:
At the first it might seem like one of those family dramas that have nothing new going on,but we soon start realizing that "Kazoku Game" is far from those boring and "normal" tv shows. Why? That's the magic of the whole drama...
Even tough we think that we know what's going on, something seems to always suprise the audience, since the past of our main character seems to carry a lot of secrets that leaves us wondering if this character might hve good intentions or not, and in short time we end up just like the family by starting to trust too on Yoshimoto Kouya and hoping that beneath all of those strange tactics it's a good will.
Good or bad will we watch this family succumb to Kouya game,and just like them we witness a change without even realizing...That was what Kouya did. He changed both the family and me,that by the end of the drama was completely schocked by how I cried and cried by the change of the main characters and most of all by the lesson that was taken from watching this inspirang drama that will remain in my mind for a long time...In fact this drama carries a lot of lessons that can apply to everyone that is watching,since it has a strong empathy, leaving the spectator feeling that he's part of this.
Such lesson could only be done by the amazing Sakurai Sho. He's by far one of the best actors out there. His caracter was extremely hard to play ,but the did it beautifully ugly and cruel,but with a little bit of hope that made us empathize with him right from the start.
The rest of the cast was very well chosen and believable,to the point that it felt REAL, and that's something quite rare.
So,this is by far one of those dramas that will make you actually FEEL and carry the PAIN and JOY of this messed up family,that in the end might have a ..............ending .
If you're reading this and are not sure wether to watch or not, trust me and find out what lies in these space between" a "and" ending".

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7 people found this review helpful
by fazola
Jan 25, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 10
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Sweet, fluffy and cute web drama!

so i was looking for smth light and cute to watch without much thought to it and this was totally the right choice... ngl In Yeop being part of it was a good reason for me to start it but im glad i decided to watch it bc it really turned out to be just what i was expecting!

the story is quite predictable but so much fun at the same time: the idea of four people that somehow end up being part of a drama college club named "Freshman". (the only complaint i have is that the episodes were too short and left me wanting more)

Being an In Yeop fan, i was surprised that his acting felt just as natural and professional as in True Beauty (not being biased here and u need to watch to know for urself lol)
"Yo, roommate, whassuup!"
"Okay, bye!" yall really should watch the show in order to witness these great lines :D

the Bromance/friendship: heh bruh both the MLs were sooo cute and the dynamic of a cool popular guy/ nerdy clumsy guy is MY shizz

watch this mainly for the eye candy and the quality bromance, u won't regret it :")

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The Spy: Undercover Operation
8 people found this review helpful
Jan 19, 2014
Completed 2
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This movie is a MUST SEE! :D
It's a great package of a comedy full of action.

I personally love spy things and all that stuff,but this movie is amazing.
It's a story about spy who must be and for his wife and for his organization at the same time. He's always making excuses like "I'm in a metting"or "I must go on bussines trip".Wife doesn't know that he's a secret agent,and what happen's when she falls for hot,attractie man Ryan?Watch it and find out. :D

I reccomend this movie to everyone,'cause it will make you laught and as I said if you love action scenes and secret agents you should give it a try. Oh,and one more reason to watch it: Daniel Henney's killer smile :D

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Cutie Pie
8 people found this review helpful
Jun 14, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 2.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Winning Story Idea ... Goes Nowhere

I was really looking forward to this drama as I'm a big fan of Zee and the idea of an arranged same-gender marriage sounded like a winner, but I had to read other reviews to see if I was missing something. It seems like one dysfunctional scene after another. The actors do their best with a script that looks like it was made by a committee -- or a computer randomly sorting every cliche BL stereotype together in a chaotic order. I liked the scenes with Kirin (NuNew) and Khondiao (Nat) the best. Having watched quite a few of these BL dramas now, I have to say that if the source material is more than about 5 years old, the screenplay writers need to bring the story up-to-date. I'm so sick of seeing a kiss taken like a threat of violence. If the writers think that's the appropriate response then let the characters shake hands instead ... until a kiss can be accepted for what it is. Sorry, Zee. I'll look forward to your next performance in a show with a better script.

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Crash Landing on You
7 people found this review helpful
Jun 6, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
first of all, i don't know why most of the reviews gave this drama 10\10. it is very overrated in my opinion.
the story started fine and the comedy was good, but as it continued it started getting rediculous, overly dramatic, unrealistic, and cliche.
if you want to watch a drama that's funny and cliche with some beautiful scenes and good actors, then this is good for you. but if you don't like unrealistic shows then try something else.
before watching this drama i didn't know that its auther is the same as the legend of the blue sea and my love from the stars. if i had known that i probably wouldn't have watched it because i didn't like these 2 dramas as well.

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YG Future Strategy Office
8 people found this review helpful
Jan 27, 2019
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Wow. Just, wow. If you are into kpop even just a little bit, this drama is definitely for you. They hit on every single scandal the YG company has ever had and they do NOT hold back. Literally laugh out loud funny. If you are not into the kpop scene, it's still going to be a fun watch for you. The office politics are ridiculous whether you get the jokes behind them or not... and who knows, you might find a new love for the music you hear in your favourite drama soundtracks.
If you want to hear more about what we thought, check out our podcast review.

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Café Minamdang
7 people found this review helpful
Dec 5, 2022
18 of 18 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Great Concept, but awkward execution

I’m not sure how this drama could be stretched out to 18 episodes, but they did it. The only reason why I picked up the drama was because of Seo In Guk. I absolutely loved him in Doom At Your Service and honestly I wish he did more serious roles, because he can act it.

The thing that really killed the show for me was the FL, as much as I loved her in Korean Odyssey, I didn’t like her character at all. Her character in the first half of the drama is absolutely annoying and although she “mellows” out eventually, she was so off-putting in the beginning it was hard for me to like her ever.

The FL continues to get in the ML’s way and not only she gets in his way she keeps on using violence in doing so, I understand it’s for comic relief, but I found it cringy and frustrating to watch. There was ZERO chemistry between the leads and it’s so sad because I know they can act well.

Even though the comedy was a little forced and cringy, it was basically the saving grace for the show. It really kept the tension low and moved the drama forward. The storylines are VERY slow and EVERY detail is played out. This drama could have easily been edited down to 12 episodes.

Finally, we get to the overall storyline and it was the most boring storyline ever. How many episodes can the team focuses on ONE killer? Several episodes, they said the guy’s name so many times, I was getting annoyed to how many times they were yelling out who the killer’s name is.

I didn’t even mind how obvious all the storylines were, because that doesn’t bother me, I was just annoyed at pacing and character development.

The best advice I can give is if you truly like the actors and want to support them (like me), put the drama in the background, dubbed in English (I’m American) and even though I can’t get their real voices, at least I’m supporting them and hopefully they bring a better drama to Netflix.

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Royal Nirvana
8 people found this review helpful
Mar 21, 2021
60 of 60 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

It’s one of the best Chinese political drama to date!

Actually, it’s one of the best political drama I’ve ever watched by far! Most importantly, you must also watch the extra 12 episodes of the Royal Nirvana 2 (special) after 60 episodes of the Royal Nirvana 1 to get the answer of everything. Though it’s not entirely a happy ending love story (which is typical ending in most political drama anyway), but it’s the perfect ending. Thanks to great acting of Luo Jin and Li Yitong, both are naturally amazing and deserve award for best actor and actress for their performance here! All out, bloody fantastic! 👍 This may not be an easy drama to watch due to its complex plots and characters, but it’s worth every minute of it!

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The Princess's Man
7 people found this review helpful
by IgoRei
Dec 12, 2014
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
My Best drama until now. The combination of the historical background and the romantic story is very brilliant. Actors and actresses who maintained chimestrynya from the first episode and of course how we see the development of his character is so fantastic. So this is best stories, best performance, best visual of all the drama or movie I've ever seen.
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Don't Forget Me
8 people found this review helpful
by Keylu
Sep 21, 2016
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
Wow. This movie really hit me. I cried so much during this film because in the beginning, I had no idea what to expect. The description for what the movie is about is vague compared to what actually happens. It was a little confusing at times, because they switch back and forth between the present and the past over and over. However, once the information becomes clear about why he lost his memory and who the girl is to him, it'll hit you right in the feels. I cried so much at the last few scenes because I finally realized what the storyline was telling me straight from the beginning. The acting was perfect and the ending was just what I hoped for, although I wish I could change the past for them.

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8 people found this review helpful
by Tiffa
May 1, 2012
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
There are already quite a few reviews for Maou, but it was so good, I couldn't resist writing one of my own. It looks pretty biased, even to me, that I give this drama 10 for everything...but I can't think of anything to take points off for! /tearsofjoy

The story was suspenseful, but never slow. The tension was always high, and I was on the edge of my seat the entire nearly-11 hours. I relished in every second of it. I had predicted something else for the ending, but somehow I'm very happy with the real one. One word: INTENSE. If you pick a side to support, it gets even more exciting. xD

I must really, really commend Ohno Satoshi for his performance. Nothing to say--I was rooting for him the entire time. I cried when he cried, raged when he raged...I got my heart broken twice. The entire cast, though, was amazing as well, just that Ohno blew me away. I must say, not all idols can act, let alone act as well as Ohno.

The soundtrack had one track that played a bit often (perhaps because I marathon'd the series, but I love it so much I didn't care at all. If I listen to it now I'm sure I'll cry. The track is called "LiVE/EViL". Plus, Arashi's "truth" (the opening theme song) is one of my favorites even now.

Rewatch? I'LL REWATCH IT 5EVERS (it's one more than 4ever, you see).

There's suspense, there's romance, there's intensity...If you haven't watched it yet...Do it now! HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

PS: Cry easily? Have a box of tissues ready!

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It Started with a Kiss
8 people found this review helpful
Jun 1, 2013
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
this is just an adorable movie, the girl was just i dont even have the words. shes cute and annoying at the same time only when shes becomes a leech. i saw playful kiss korea version and i dint think i would like any other but this kept up with it. this version is longer and more detailed. the other guy (ah jin) was a leech too and every time he kept calling xiang qin was just humorous. zhi shu was so tall and handsome and cold hearted and his laugh is unique. xiang qin was awsome and her facial expressions said everything. the mother just like in playful kiss was hilarious and motherbearing. the family members were great and funny and the rest of the cast. the main difference in this drama compared to korean is the skinship, theres more kissing scenes the very last episode is fantastic. must see part two.
P/S of the three versions (Korea, Japan, China) my best has to be china then japan.

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That Winter, the Wind Blows
8 people found this review helpful
Mar 9, 2014
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
This drama has got a nice story, it isn't realistic at all, but it is very well executed! The story is easy to follow, and it has some plot twist. Sometimes is makes you sit on the edge of your seat because you have to know what happens. But when we come near the end, it drags along for a little to long.
But this drama is worth your time! Because the acting is amazing! I fell in love with all the actors and how well Song Hye Kyo portrayed the blind Oh Yound. I even fell in love with the bad guys! The chemistry felt so real, they have chosen the right actors for the roles.
Also the music, it really sets the tone and they fitted well with every scene. Sometimes it was a little bit to much of the same song in one episode, but that's personal.
I think I wouln'd rewatch this soon because of the dragging at the end, it was bothering, but that can be personal n_n.

Very well, watch this drama if you're in for some romance, little laughs, bits of action and a quite good story.

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Bride of the Century
8 people found this review helpful
Jun 28, 2014
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 6.5
I watched this drama simply because the story plot intrigues me, and also I wanna see Lee Hongki's acting. If your reason is as same as #1, you won't be disappointed. But if your reason is #2, well... just don't expect too much :(

This drama story plot is quite neat, since every 'problems' presented here come to a conclusion in the end. Even my recent favorite drama, You Who Came From The Stars, has so many loops and holes in its plot.

What I really like about this drama is how complex every characters are. Everyone has their own motives / point of views, so not everything is pure black or white, something I value the most in k-dramaland because it always makes things more interesting. However, one of the most substantial flaw in this drama is lack of chemistry between the main characters! I get easily bored when watching this drama I don't even know why :( Too bad because I'm really enjoying the story, but it took me so long to finally finish it!

Overall, if you're looking for a drama with good story plot with a little bit of ghost story, this drama might be suitable for you. But please be noted, this drama might bored you (or not) a little, from middle to the end. The good thing is, everyone has their conclusion in the end, so it's quite worth the patience. Sadly, this drama does not leave 'strong' impression that makes me want to rewatch again in the future.

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Love and Redemption
8 people found this review helpful
by nyue
Sep 25, 2020
59 of 59 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


No doubt this drama get number 1 everywhere. Its really awesome. Still can't move on with LAR, need 70 episode for this drama hahaha. I like the storyline very much, sometime in other drama u find a boring episode, but in LAR all episode is perfect. You will be presented with their adventure start from in their younger till they get married. This drama tell us about not all demon were bad and the opposite, the love sacrifice and how true love can break the hatred in someone heart. And for the act they really can potray their character very well, therefore i always think if the story actually happen in real world :D. I like the CGI too and the soundtrack of course. And for the one who casting the actor and actress i must give you an applause. They're match from heaven, Sifeng x Xuanji, Linglong x Mingyan, Wuxiqi x Zizhu, Tengshe with xuanji and xuanji's colleauges, and many more. Trust me it value to watch or rewatch LAR and they will bring your soul in to LAR world :)

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