Feb 5, 2018
50 of 50 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers
I binge watched this drama in 2 days after finally deciding I was going to give it a shot. Updated edit after a rewatch: I'm hesitant to compare this against NiF 1 anymore (even though I still do think it was better produced, I'm more emotionally attached to the characters in NiF2) because I think they're such great companion stories for each other. While 2 is a sequel (it takes place about 50 years later after the first), it's an entirely different story with a different premise. Prepare for an emotional rollercoaster - this show will earn your tears and your emotional investment.

The story focuses on the family of the general of the Changlin Army (the army that was created in Mei Changsu's memory). Ting Sheng, the head of the family and of the army, was one of the slave boys that Mei Changsu had saved in the original, and was later adopted by Prince Xiao Jingyan. Ting Sheng's oldest son, Xiao Pingzhang, is his right hand man and the named heir, while his younger son has lived a spoiled and sheltered life (in the sense that his family lets him have a lot of freedom and not have to worry about the responsibilites of being in a military family)  and spends most of his time on Langya Mountain. Both sons are supremely talented - Ping Zhang is an incredible military strategist and represents his family in court with the Emperor to navigate the political waters. Ping Jing, while young and a bit brash, has had his sharp instincts honed by his father and brother and has street smarts in spades. While very different, the two brothers are very close, and much of the first half focuses on their family's bond.

While the original story focused on one central storyline, the sequel follows the ups and downs of the  Changlin family - because of this, the plot isn't as tight as the  original as it is much more complex. The political stuff was a bit too much at times (and infuriating), but the reasons behind most of the conflicts were logically sound.

One of the pluses of the drama was that there was a strong focus on relationships - be it family (THE CHANGLIN FAMILY - ugh, I'm still recovering from all of the feelings), romance, friendship, the bond between a person in  power and those who serve him, or the relationship between the past and future (sooo many name drops - it was kind of fun to figure out who was related to a character in the original story). The original had elements of this of course, but due to the story being about the Changlin family (who are also a military family), the emphasis on interpersonal relationships is much greater. The romance was also much better in this one than the first, in my opinion - Ping Zhang and his wife have such a great, healthy relationship and the mutual respect (and love) that they have for one another is wonderful to see. The younger couple was cute as well - and I liked the fact that while both could lead very independent lives, it was the times that they were together that made them the happiest.

Probably one of the biggest criticisms of the show is that it is centered around a boy/man who is barely 20 when the story begins - but to me, this is one of the best selling points of the shows. Perhaps younger viewers may not appreciate this, but the freshness and youthful enthusiasm of Pingjing was an absolute delight (more so because is he is played by someone who is right at that age), and watching him grow up and mature was both bittersweet and awesome. There are times where you wish he was more self-aware, but he's not a stupid character - just a very young one, and that's part of the charm. I can honestly say Pingjing is probably my favorite drama protagonist in the last...I don't even know how many years.

There's also this bittersweet satisfaction knowing that we are, in a way, watching what the 19 year old Lin Shu would have been like, because we never got see him go through that growing up process - we went straight to adulthood. It's noted by several characters that both Lin Chen and Xiao Jingyan, who were probably Lin Shu's best friends, were both incredibly fond of Ping Jing and spoiled him accordingly - in part because they are very similar in personalities, though obviously the roads they walked were very different. It's a subtle reference that I really enjoyed - they are not the same people at all, but the spirit of Lin Shu/Mei Changsu lives on through Pingjing.
I found in particular the discussion of nature vs nurture to be pretty interesting - this is a topic that is pushed pretty hard in the drama, as the debate follows multiple characters who walk on different paths. The idea of fate is also nicely interwoven in - no matter how much effort we put in, no matter what choices we make, are we always going to end up at the same destination?

(Edited after rewatch): This isn't the same story as Nirvana in Fire and if you're expecting that, you're already going to be disappointed. NiF was a story of triumph, of redemption (more so than revenge, in my opinion), mingled with bittersweet elements. Mei Chang Su set out with a specific goal in mind so he had everything planned out and the climax was when he obtained that goal at the very end of the series.

NiF2 is very different - it's more like a chronicle of the Changlin family, with a specific focus on Pingjing and the people around him. For some people, the climax of the story probably happened around episode 36, and I agree, to a certain extent. I think the point of the story isn't about the fall and redemption of the Changlin family - it's about family and bloodlines; it's about growing up and living with yourself and the choices that you make. I understand what people mean by the anticlimatic ending and the final arc (and I do agree that the writing was a bit poor towards the end), but to me, it felt right and matched everything we had learned about all the characters up to that point.


Huang Xiaoming and Liu Haoran as the two Changlin brothers exceeded expectations for me. This was also a heavily criticized decision when the production first started, because Huang Xiaoming is known as an idol actor, but like Hu Ge before him, he turned in a strong performance - if HXM doesn't overact, he has this natural warmth that comes from his real life personality and it worked so well for his big brother role. Seriously, never doubt these directors - they know what they're doing when they cast people (well, for the most part - see below for what I didn't like about the casting choices).

Pingjing was a really tricky role to play (and to cast for) and I feel like it has to be acknowledged - you're talking about a story that spans about three or four years and the character goes from a carefree, sheltered prince to a solemn, matured young general (this isn't a spoiler - it's in the synopsis). So basically your casting options would be: 1) Pick an older actor (early to mid 20s) - a la Hu Ge in The Disguiser - which...wasn't great. They would be able to handle the second half well, but you would cringe your way through the first half. If people already think (then) 19 year old LHR was a bit hard to watch acting as a 20 year old, I have no idea how they'd tolerate this.

2) Pick a younger actor (late teens, presumably) and hope that they don't look like a child pretending to be an adult when they reach the second half. In the Chinese market, there just simply aren't a lot of candidates that would fit all the criteria (age, looks, height, acting talent, public recognition, temperament, demeanor, and ability to pull off both arcs). As great as Daylight Entertainment's reputation is, they also have to have someone who has some degree of popularity as the main role. The word that is most associated with Liu Hao Ran on Chinese media is "youth" (even before  NiF) - it's not his age, necessarily, but a spirit that he has in spades - and it served him so, so well in this role. He was able to rely on it to carry him through the first half, and then the natural contrast between his youthful demeanor and the burden on his shoulders really tugged at the heartstrings in the second half. I cried when he cried, I laughed when he laughed - he embodied the character perfectly for me. He's not a polished actor by any means - but he's got a good foundation and definitely grew as an actor throughout the drama. Again, he just turned 19 when he filmed this - 19!

The shining star in terms of acting though, definitely goes to Sun Chun, who plays the brothers' father. What a masterful performance by a veteran actor.The character felt 100% real and he really fleshed out every aspect of Changlin Wang - as a father, as a friend, as a brother, as a general, and as a loyal servant of the Emperor. The way he delivered his lines - oh man. If China actually did legit drama awards, he deserves one.

Sun Chun, Huang Xiaoming, and Liu Haoran also had phenomenal chemistry as father and sons which made some of the later scenes all that more emotional for me. (If you want something cute, go look at their weibo comments and posts to each other throughout the drama - it's like if the family lived in the modern age and could access social media, ha. Some of the other cast members also occasionally pitch in their opinions on where the story is at).

Squeals for Zhang Bo, who was great as the head of the Imperial Guard - I will never ever forget his performance as Sun Quan in Three Kingdoms about seven years ago and he was just as awesome in this role. He just has this natural charisma and gravitas that works so well on screen (and gets better as he ages). Why is he not more popular?! Tong Liya and Zhang Huiwen turned in decent performances as the main two female leads (though of course like the first one this is a very male-dominated cast) - Tong Liya in particular had some great scenes. I liked Zhang Huiwen's Lin Xi, but wish she was used more, particularly in the second half. Guo Jingfei probably had a blast in his role and I was torn between laughing because I knew he probably enjoyed the performance and also superbly creeped out because he turned in a very good acting performance.

I am conflicted on how i feel about Wu Haochen, who plays a pretty important role. I think his acting was solid (especially in the final arc - he was phenomenal), but somehow he just never visually fit into the part and it became distracting to a certain degree. I know that there's been a lot of comments about his appearance and I've never really been all that concerned about looks when it comes to acting, but the visual presentation took me out of his scenes more often than not. I had no issues with him in Ode to Joy, so I wonder if it's because he doesn't quite fit the "gu zhuang" look. I also just never cared about him - especially in the second half - I just wanted to see more of Pingjing - and I think that's because while Wu Haochen did a good job acting, he never made me feel anything about the character. In the original NiF, Prince Yu (played by Victor Huang) was definitely not a protagonist but I really felt for him (and part of that has to do with charismatic Victor was in the role).

 If there is one criticism that I have of this production team, it's their tendency to reuse actors that they've casted in previous shows - sometimes I like it as it's kind of like spotting Easter eggs, but sometimes it can also be very trying. I wasn't fond of the casting choice of Qiao Xin (she was already in the original as the oh-so-memorable-for-bad-acting Nian Nian!!). It'd be one thing if they reused an actor with great acting talent, but Qiao Xin is definitely...not that. Also, you could have done away with her character completely and it would probably been fine - I just found all of her scenes completely unneccessary.

The cast overall (especially the veterans) weren't as phenomenal as the supporting cast in the original, but the main cast really carried the show well, so it was okay.

I love how the music is the same, yet just a tiny bit different. It brought back just the right amount of feels. The theme song has two different versions and has a much more stronger tone than Hu Ge's song in the original - probably due to the more military, war-bent nature of this one.

Rewatch Value
I took one star off because there were about ten episodes straight where I was just crying nonstop and I don't know if I can handle that again. But the emotional roller coaster is worth it, and I think I will definitely be rewatching very soon.

This is very different story than from the original Nirvana In Fire. As I mentioned previously, I think the first was a better production overall, but the second one has me invested way more in the characters, and if you don't mind a younger main character (and are interested in watching a growth arc), i think you may find the show a blast to watch.

Sequels are probably never going to live up to the original, but I love that they changed almost everything (the story, the cast) and still maintained that definite "Nirvana In Fire" vibe - it is definitely worthy of being considered a quality stand-alone show.

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Home Sweet Home
1 people found this review helpful
Feb 5, 2018
34 of 34 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
AWESOME DRAMA i really loved it, LIGHTHEARTED ROMANCE drama with a good moral and family drama, its really nice how the developed the characters and chemistry between the leads its really refreshing
its an 10/10 drama

INTRODUCTION:When a group of strangers end up living under the same roof, they come with their own personal baggage. Wu Xiao Li is a mother figure who rents out rooms in her house to a group of young people. Ji Yan Xi faces tremendous pressure from his family but tries his best to go after his dreams. Xiang Yi Yang is a likable, easy-going young man despite all the hardships he hasfaced. Wen Xin and Xiang Yi Rou are both trying to grasp the things they want most out of life. Can the group of housemates support one another through life’s many challenges and learn the true meaning of a family

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Unexpected Heroes
21 people found this review helpful
Feb 5, 2018
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers
DON'T WATCH THIS if you hate cliffhangers! I mean HATE. The ending left me so frustrated and unsatisfied that I started googling about a Season 2 (there's no mention of it, for those who are curious).

Warning Spoilers Ahead:
The plot was fairly alright, and I had no qualms about their acting. The story starts with a man being murdered. But since it was classed as an accident and since he had signed to have his organs up for donation, three high school students were the lucky recipients. They started having dreams of his murder, which led to them investigating into it. HOWEVER, just as they found a derisive clue as well as the suspect, he disappears, ENDING. THE. WEB. DRAMA. with the camera panning across the murderer standing outside their house.


It felt more like they ran out of budget and had to cut the drama halfway. It was incomplete, with many questions left unanswered.

Why did he murder the donor? Why did he also try to kill the donor's sister? Why has he been stalking the recipients enough to take on another identity to infiltrate their school as a staff? What was his motive behind all of this?

None. Were. Answered.

Also, on the romance part of it, it's very typical high school drama type of confusion, with the girl caught between two of her closest friends. She likes the one who is oblivious, the other one likes her, the oblivious one knows his heart reacts to her but doesn't know that he actually likes her, until he starts catching her hanging out a lot with the other one and starts to get jealous....

Which simply adds to ANOTHER loose end because of how the series ended.

For the sake of your own sanity, do not watch this. Urgh, ???.

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Just Between Lovers
6 people found this review helpful
Feb 5, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Watch This Drama You Won't Regret It.

Lee jun ho was perfect for the role of Gang Doo. The way he portrayed this flawed and tortured character was on-point. i feel that no one could have portrayed Gang Doo better.  Gang Doo is a great guy that's been too so much but still keeps on going, you'll fall in love with him when you watch this.
Like Jun Ho, Woo jin ah was an excellent ha moon soo. Moon soo was perhaps the only person who could have made Gang soo's life better.  
There wasn't any really antagonist in this drama even the supposed baddie we're introduced to in the first episode isn't all bad. Each character has their reasons for behaving a certain way. 

I love the story line of this drama. There were no unnecessary moments or characters and nothing felt out of place. There are no moments where you'll feel that something in the drama was no needed. There realism in this drama is also something that needs to be appreciated.

The music for each scene suited so well. Sad scenes were sadder by the background music.

This drama deserves an award or awards.

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Big Match
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 5, 2018
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Story: 9/10

Yes The story is great. There are a lot of movies with psychopaths and hackers and so why complain now? The story is givenis great it makes you feel like you take part of the movies, action never stops so movie feels longer than it is because of how many things happen! And that is great PERFECT action movie and the comedy just cracks you up, it makes it a bit less intense and gives you some breath to relax before it gets serious again.

Acting/Cast: 10/10

The ace (the bad guy) could have been played by ji sung perfectly tbh but I am satisfied. Comedy parts were so real as well as family love and all the feelings, emotions were given trough. Like I couldn'tbe picky on acting at all, honestly Koreans are so well at acting I am surprised by their acting skills.

Music: 10/10
Not picky on music at all. I liked the background sounds, fit the situations well and kept you feel engaged with the movie.

Rewatch Value: 10/10
Will rewatch it with my best friend tbh worth every minute of it.

Overall: 10/10
Kept you on toes and great comedy, makes you laugh so hard at moments like really from beginning to very end cracked me up at random times I thought wouldn't be possible to change the atmosphare from intense to like one where you start wheezing. I was proved wrong and that is why I am so in love with this movie.

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General and I
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 5, 2018
62 of 62 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 3.5
the story is actually not bad, it is like rollercoster. BUT there are some moment which will make you mad when watch it. it feels like you wanna curse the the one who make it. its when how they are being apart because of small matters again and again. their acting is great that can bring you feel it. what i like the most is their music. because i like guzheng music.  this drama has many episodes. so i just recomended you to watch it only when you have many time and if you feel bored.  
overall this drama is tragic.  beacuse there is little happiness. but more hardships.

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The Legend of the Condor Heroes
2 people found this review helpful
Feb 5, 2018
52 of 52 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
This is my first season of Legend of the Condor Heroes. I seen Return of the Condor Heroes back in 2006 or so and Romance of Condor Heroes but never the first season of the series. I must say, I really liked connecting the Guo family with Yang Guo in ROTCH. Its quite fun. haha Surprisingly, Huang Rong is one of the best characters I've seen, she don't need a man to save her but she does do it on purpose just to get her man. However, she still has the skills because she was taught but one of the best martial artists, Meanwhile, Guo Jing is a bit on the slow side, so he can get hurt quite easily since he reacts slow. Huang Rong and Guo Jing travels around to find shifu to teach Guojing some martial arts, etc. Its an overall fun storyline with some interference from villains and the Mongolians. One of the villains is Guo Jing's sworn brother Yang Kang, whose fathers were also sworn brothers. I love the Beggar Clan Chief's crazy brother. haha He's hilarious Huang Rong's father is a Hong Kong actor, it was nice to see him in this version of the series. I love his strong character, quite powerful. Haha Definitely recommend to anyone who is starting out on wuxia dramas, :]

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Novoland: The Castle in the Sky
1 people found this review helpful
Feb 5, 2018
28 of 28 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
First of all, let me say, that the synopsis that is on mdl and wiki are confusing because it's not a good summary. Like all the reviewers before me, I will give you my version of the summary. A short and sweet one. The story moves around a legend that there will be a flower goddess that is reincarnated every hundred years to produce a pollen that allows the Yu tribe (aka the winged clan) to fly once they collect this pollen.  Apparently, if they run out of it, then their superiority over the human tribe will be lost because they won't be the souring city anymore.  They will explain the whole whereabouts of the legend in the drama so go watch it, if you want to find out more. The main character is a girl, Yi Fu Ling and the story is basically her adventures to be with the person she loves. These two are basically the backbones to the whole story in my opinion.  Like I said, I absolutely don't understand the summaries given by the sites.  

Mind you, I'm not a huge fan of fantasy or historical dramas, and I definitely am not a fan of Chinese CGI productions. But, nonetheless, I do recommend this one. The cast wasn't really impressive, but I did like Zhang Ruo Yun 's (Feng Tian Yi) acting in this one.  I only watched one other drama he was in, Wu Xin, and I did like how he acted in that one so when I saw that he was in this one, I thought to give this drama a try.  There is a particular scene that I thought, in this Novoland drama, that he did really well in and was really gripping.  I think he is really growing as an actor. Music wise, I didn't love or hate it. I actually watched the TFboys MV before watching this drama and never really liked it. I am a small fan of their's. But, in any case, seeing it as the ED of the drama, I don't get how their children's song fit into the story. I get the lyrics and all, but their singing really is in the children's song category for this one and the song doesn't even have that historical drama ring to it if you get what I mean, the historical sounding tunes that usually accompany Chinese historical dramas. Not to mention, they weren't driving the flying ship like how it is supposed to be driven like in the drama which bothered me. Rewatch value...I probably will rewatch it in the future.  I hate long seasons. The length of Ice fantasy (another similar genre one) was a killer for me.  I literally dropped that one in the middle and picked it back up months later. I prefer stuff that are around the 30ish range. Either that or spit it into seasons with good hooks and endings. So I liked the length and I did think that they included everything that I wanted to know without leaving important things out.  (another plus to me, is that there are two endings to the story so you can pick the actual ending or the alternate ending ;) )        

Overall, I liked it and would recommend it. It is definitely one of the better fantasy historical dramas.

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Money Flower
11 people found this review helpful
Feb 5, 2018
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
Money Flower is one of the most intense dramas I have ever watched. It felt like watching someone trying defuse a bomb while I was in the room. This is a slow burning revenge makjang, but I was hooked from start to finish. Don't let the seemingly slow pace fool you, because this drama is filled with suspenseful cliffhangers that will leave you sleepless from needing to know what will happen next. The cast is what really sells this drama, with so many brilliant performances. At the center of it all is Jang Hyuk, in a role that I think is him at his best.

Jang Hyuk first won me over in Fated to Love but this role is completely different. There's no infectious laughter, in fact he rarely cracks a smile, but as Pil Joo he shows so much emotion behind what on the surface seems like a permanent poker face.  From the beginning I was fascinated with, and rooting for, Pil Joo.  Seeing the constant torment on his face at each betrayal, then watching him always be a step ahead, was an addictive combination. Even though he is insanely manipulative, he's also extremely sympathetic, and it's impressive watching this master strategist implement his ultimate plan for revenge. Whatever praise he gets for this role is well deserved.

The majority of the rest of the cast is just as praise worthy, and help create the perfect atmosphere. With a character like Pil Joo, you need characters just as compelling to make the story work, and although everyone was really good, Jang Seung Jo, Lee Mi Sook, and Lee Soon Jae were perfection.  I loved Lee Soon Jae's matter of fact callousness as the head of the Jang family, Jang Gook Hwan (aka Grandpa from HELL).  He was so nonchalant about being so unbelievably evil that I almost had to laugh at times. I adored Seung Jo's manic charm as Boo Cheon (the ultimate frenemy). Boo Cheon was so complicated that he's the kind of character you sympathize with and want to see destroyed. I loved him, and loved to hate him. He was also really good at saying more with his expression than words could. He had one scene where just him closing the hotel door was one of the most gripping episode endings.

Then there is Mi Sook's Jung Mal Ran (aka Psycho Mommy Dearest). Mal Ran is the kind of villain that I love. She somehow made being completely unmerciful attractive. Without giving away too much, she is the main target for Pil Joo's revenge, and their scenes together are many of my favorite moments in the show. It seems weird to call what they had chemistry, but that's what it felt like... intense rivalry, constant suspicion for sure, but also a little sexual tension. Even her outfits were amazing.  I already liked her as one of the dueling mom's in Jealousy Incarnate, but I had no idea she was capable of this kind of performance. She is the worst mother possible, but in the best way!

The only character who was good but not as great as the others in my opinion is Park Se Young.  As Na Mo Hyun she did a good enough job, but with such an epic cast it's easy for her to look mediocre in comparison. It could also be the way her character was written, being the least duplicitous of the bunch. She does hold her own in many scenes, but always in a way that still seems to leave her out-shined by her costar.  I guess being the only goodie two shoes among the vicious can have that effect.

Betrayal, greed, and revenge is what drives this drama from start to finish, so don't get fooled by the genre tags or the synopsis. This is about THE WORST family you could ever imagine, and the fight to see who will be the next to lead the company once grandpa dies. Even though I've seen way too many dramas with this kind of plot, I don't ever remember one doing ruthless so well. Don't expect laughs, or anything even slightly resembling comic relief. Expect lots of people not trusting each other, and for good reason. Still it doesn't go overboard with melodramatic sadness, so its more engrossing than depressing. Instead of romance, I would say there is intense longing and deception. Instead of law, I would say that these characters take extreme liberties with the law in ways that are very entertaining. This is a drama where you wonder how far each character will go for their goal, and then stand back and watch them probably go way beyond what you would imagine they would do... at least that was the case with me. I had many jaw dropping moments at their actions.

Another thing worth mentioning is the music. It's less about songs and more about how much music is used to drive the intensity in the story. I especially loved the cliff hanger music at the end of each episode. Once I heard that music play I knew something unbelievable was about to happen. Even in the last episode, when I thought they couldn't possibly fit in another twist, that music always told me otherwise.

Would I watch this again? Absolutely, but I couldn't give it a perfect rewatch score, because knowing what will happen does lessen the intensity. The performances themselves are mesmerizing enough to keep me watching, but cliff hangers lose some of their charm when you know what will come next.

Overall I highly recommend this drama. The writing, directing, and acting were all too good to miss. If you want something light to watch, this is definitely not for you, but I'd still say add it to your queue for when you may be more in the mood. If you start watching and feel like it's too slow, this is one of those dramas that just gets more and more exciting as it goes on. If the idea of a makjang scares you away, think of it more as a revenge drama, and if revenge dramas aren't your thing, maybe think of it as a character driven melodrama. I say this because Money Flower is missing some of the elements I normally love in a drama, but I didn't really miss anything at all. I started watching with no expectations, and an open mind, and I knew early on that this would end up on my favorites list. It was so fun being shocked every week, and wanting to curse at my screen.  I was satisfied with the end, and liked that it still left me wanting more, but with enough closure to not feel cheated. After 24 episodes I am sad that it's over. I'm not sure there's another drama that can fill the intensity void this one will leave.

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8 people found this review helpful
Feb 5, 2018
31 of 31 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
I usually don't write reviews after watching dramas, I just leave a rating and that's it but I couldn't do that for this one. Attack it, Lightning! is an amazing drama. Chinese dramas usually drag out a lot of the story line and it can get kind of tedious watching the usually large amount of episode. This drama however had 31 episodes and I didn't skip a single one! It's on the relatively short side for a Chinese drama but if you are a Kdrama fan like me its longer than usual.

The acting was really great! I had never seen any of these actors before so watching them for the first time was definitely a treat! I fell in love with every single character except one! That is an amazing feet for any drama. The main characters Zifeng, Erhao, Yihong and Wushuang did an amazing of making you fall in love with them despite their flaws. The secondary characters especially the friends/family members only added to the greatness. There is major bromance and good romance without the unnecessary back and forth. Once the characters get together they are pretty solid. The bromance is always the best and this one was no exception! It had me laughing and swooning! The plot is very interesting. The fencing aspect of the drama was a huge factor in my rating because they made it really interesting and easy to understand. Loved the CGI they added for the fencing battles. The plot revolved around fencing and the sport really took center stage alongside the other stories.

I don't usually pay attention to the music unless its distracting or really bad so I can't comment on it other than to say it didn't bother me at all.

Overall I loved every aspect of this drama except for one thing and it's mostly a personal preference of mine so it might not affect you as it did me. I highly recommend this drama even if you don't like sports because the story apart from the fencing is interesting enough!

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Just Between Lovers
10 people found this review helpful
by Shivi
Feb 5, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
This could be the shortest review I could write for a drama that's so good, because I'll surely ran out of words to express How beautiful this drama was. The only reviews that I write are either for the best or the worst, and this one is ofcourse the former.
Both characters in the story were such pro, that I never felt that I was watching a drama. Even the side cast was amazing. It was more like a depiction of real life story of 2 people who conquered their sufferings through love.  Best features about this drama being:
-No cliche
-Realistic plot
-Amazing cast and their acting
-Chemistry b/w the leads
-Every emotion will make your heart skip a beat

Worst features being:
-basically nothing
-still nothing
-Im running out of synonyms of nothing so someone need to help here.

Things I learned from this drama:
Laughing is happiness,
Shouting is madness.
Sharing is kindness,
Loving is affectionateness,
Crying is sadness.
A human being has bundles of emotions, how can u expect someone to suppress them and remain expressionless?Always smiling doesn't heal things, but expressing them do ????????

I believe my review would encourage viewers to watch it, I'm sure people won't regret their decision. If you like it plz let me know how u felt????????????, in case u don't, I'll take the blame so u can curse me too????????????.
CAUTION: as explained earlier too that I seriously don't write fake reviews. I really had hard time in start, because of those sugar-coated sweet reviews from users on other sites, while in actual the drama was complete sh*t. The writers ain't giving me money to write good reviews or else my reviews list and my bank account both would had been full????????????????. M just helping sensible users and MDL people????????

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Ongoing 23/23
A Love So Beautiful
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 5, 2018
23 of 23 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 8.5
I had to give this drama a second chance because I could not get past the first couple of episodes due to the main girl's personality. The male character, is not as expressive but he is adorable when he smiles or tries to hide his smiles. I love it when he finally open up his love for the main girl and literally force her to do things just to get her back [nothing abusive though its just bossy and force so he doesn't lose her cause she was being stubborn and stupid.] The two main characters are neighbors so they also go to school together. They had many ups and downs, misunderstandings, Especially the girl who always misunderstands the guy's feelings. Mostly because the guy is very quiet about his feelings. However, he does care for her and does things for her without her knowing. Its overall a very cuteeee drama. Reminds me a lot of ISWAK. The girl is not smart in school but she's really good in art. The guy, naturally is very smart and went for the medical route. So yeah its similar to allt he versions of ISWAK. I liked it, I was smiling a lot towards the end. I think you will too.

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Bravo My Life
4 people found this review helpful
Feb 5, 2018
56 of 56 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This story is about a  family that was destroyed due to a mother's deception, and showed the strength of the family tie and how resilient that tie is, no matter what strains it.  Yes, the family was torn apart, but this show very nicely shows how strong a family and individuals can become after successfully managing life's challenges.

So many outstanding characters portrayed as well as so many to hate.

I had two favorite characters throughout and will miss them now that it is over.

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Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge
3 people found this review helpful
Feb 5, 2018
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

This drama truly is a diamond in the rough! Although not perfect, this manga style drama has an original story that will have you smiling, laughing, and just plain addicted. I’ll admit I was hesitant about starting this drama and have shelved it in my “plan to watch” for a long time, despite being huge fan of Jdramas and reverse harems. However, while in the midst of waiting for new episodes of other airing dramas, I decided to dive into this one and it was WAY better than I could have ever imagined.

First of all, the story is very unique and interesting while still containing many of the aspects and cliques that we all love about dramas!! The soundtrack is catchy, the acting is extreme, which adds such an amazing comedic aspect, and the pacing is perfection. The show had lots of interesting twists and supernatural aspects thrown in that you can never predict what the next episode will hold. It was fantastic. I ended up binge watching the whole drama is just one day. I could not get enough!!

If you are in need of a new drama with humor, romance, and a unique story line, definitely give this one a try. Happy Drama Watching :)!

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Just Between Lovers
2 people found this review helpful
Feb 5, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10
Ok, this is my first review ever so i apologies if i will make any mistakes.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Well, i do, because "Just between lovers" hit me right to the heart from the very fisrt scene of the trailer. I felt like i was bound to it by a steel wire. "Just between lovers" is THE drama: the story and the development is so realistic and well written that you could think that is a true story. Every actor wasn't an actor who was playing a role, it seemed more like they were truly themselves, in particular Juh No, he entranced me and touched my heart to the core. His character is the most heartwarming, frustrating, sad and loving character i saw in a drama. The pace of the plot is a bit slow sometimes but for me it is the point that made this drama so realistic, because the bonds between people and the relationships take time to be built and to become strong. You have the right amount of time to felt deep in love with characters and story.  The melodrama in this show is truly heartbreaking, nerve wracking and breathtaking all in one, the sadness and the despair are so deep that it seems you could touch them, but in reality the drama is not about suffering and despair, in the contrary is about life, love, strength, hope and justice. It talks about how to return to live a normal life after a very bad moment, it tells you not to blame yourself for all the thing that happens in life, because most of the time the things just happens and it is nobody fault. It tells you that the ultimate meaning of our lives lies on what we do after things happen: to accept the imprevedibility of life and live every moment trying to be as happy as possible, to accept that to feeling happiness even after a tragedy is not a fault but a bless, to understand that it's never too late to change ourselves and turn our lives in better ... all this is "Just between lovers". Watching this drama is a very deep and emotional experience that could change the way you look at yourself, the others and the entire world.

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