I hate usernames. LOL. I hate coming up with usernames.. *le sigh*
Well, my username stands by my fabourite k-pop group's rapper's nickname, which is choi, obviosly :D
I'm very much interested in Norse Mythology; Freyja is the goddess of love, beauty and war. Sometimes I use a variation of her name, whether it's spelling or a completely different word (like Vanadis).

I'm a Pisces, and willow trees are one of the correspondences for that sign. I also really like willow trees.
it's the way my dad used to call me and it means buzz,,, he love me so much ^^"
our lady peace was the first band I was a huge fan of. their lead vocalist is named raine maida. i paired that with cat because.....
My name is Mintie, and i tend to have a sharp tongue = bittermint
i love the Korean name "Yumi' then i just added "ya" to it but then i discovered that's "Yumiya" is actually is a Japanese name means "Bow and arrow"
it means my name and the given name and also it contain the valuable date
Well, about my username, i just find this word funny LOL. even though this is a type of disease
My username is actually my nickname given to me by my cousin...Because I am so disorderly and always confused and confusing other people!!
Mine is something like "Rainbow from the South" :D
there is this amazing scottish post-rock band mogwai, so im like mogwai'd because im a fan haha actual bands name has no significant meaning to band but it does have meaning in china in chinese culture mogwai are certain demons, which often inflict harm on humans. they are said to reproduce sexually during mating seasons triggered by the coming of rain. supposedly, they take care to breed at these times because rain signifies rich and full times ahead but that chinese culture thing has nothing to do with my username here though
angelitocurioso angelito = little angel curioso = curious So my nick means "Curious Little Angel" in Spanish.
My username comes from a japanese manga called Elettroshock Daisy. Absolutely love it, so i use it often :D
my user names means that i'm really Lee Min Ho :P