Anneli wrote: It's my real name.. boring right? :D

We all have preferences. It's actually kinda cool. :)
Mako Mori is the name of the wonderful blue-streaked heroine from Pacific Rim, which was my favourite movie from 2013! ^_^
LalaineJachiko ^.^ ----> Lalaine's my name and Jachiko stands for the first syllables of JAPAN, CHINA, and KOREA combined. Btw guys, I'm new here and wanna have some friends. PS. Add me :)
Mine is icysnowqueen because I really love Hyun Bin and loved his drama Snow Queen. Icy is simply because I am a very logical person at work. :)
icysnowqueen wrote: Mine is icysnowqueen because I really love Hyun Bin and loved his drama Snow Queen. Icy is simply because I am a very logical person at work. :)

I am not a logical person but I have a very logical username. Hahaha. :)
Well, I wanted a name that would sound japanese. 12 is my favourite number (Jû-ni) and I'm a girl (-ko). So I'm "the 12th girl", Juniko. It can be red with a long "u" or a short "u", as you wish.
Well... Mine is so easy xD LoveAsianWorld because I love the asian world. I also like law Dramas and want to become a prosecutor in the future so it fits! :D
soracantabile... yes, it was taken from the drama nodame cantabile... cantabile means songlike in italian and because nodame is name of character in the drama, i changed it to my online name: sora sora means sky in japanese, i choose that because i really love sky...
Yuanwei Volunteer Staff
well, 'KanashimiAngel' => kanashimi = sadness => Angel of Sadness, because I was always behaving like an angel who takes care. wants to protect & make everyone happy, but who ends in sadness instead since people take me for granted and end up not appreciating... not to mention that my life is mostly sad=too much problems.. anyway, I think I should change it to 'YorokobiSora'(Sky of Happiness, and Sora from Kaleido Star as well) or 'yuanxinxinwei'(a combination of iris and confidence in chinese) ^^
Well, I had a series of usernames throughout my history in the internet, but one that stuck was Raito-kun -> Kami-sama -> Kami in my most used forum. I was a kid and I really liked Death Note at the time.. But well, I'm not such a big fan anymore, so Kamikki is a mash between the old Kami and Hikki, the nickname of Utada Hikaru, my favorite singer of the forever :)
First three letters of my name and one of my favorite animals and the numbers are just something of always used at the end of this username. ^^
KanashimiAngel wrote: well, 'KanashimiAngel' => kanashimi = sadness => Angel of Sadness, because I was always behaving like an angel who takes care. wants to protect & make everyone happy, but who ends in sadness instead since people take me for granted and end up not appreciating... not to mention that my life is mostly sad=too much problems..
anyway, I think I should change it to 'YorokobiSora'(Sky of Happiness, and Sora from Kaleido Star as well) or 'yuanxinxinwei'(a combination of iris and confidence in chinese) ^^

That is sad.
I +1 your idea of YorokobiSora. No matter how our lives re in reality, MDL should always be our Sky of Happiness^^
I'll shout "Motto motto!! Mada mada!! Ganbatte!!!" *insert epic themesong, preferably by JAM project* to cheer you guys up :)