The RANT Thread Part Deux: Back with a vengeance

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I'm so sick of this!!!!!
I'm so sick of this!!!!!

I absolutely understand what you mean.... no, I don't. But it does sound vexing, what happened?!

Juniko wrote:

So now that you Finally get the problem and that you suddenly want to man up and handle it patriarch-style, you think you're so great with the shinning armor of a fighting hero, when actually you're nothing but a coward who is the last to stand in the field in which everybody else started fighting years ago !

Disregarding seemingly serious content of your rant, I cannot walk by it's linguistic beauty - great metaphor!
This is a political rant, don't read if you dislike the topic:

Wow, seriously a big fat Wow!!! My head has been spinning around for the past two days because of the unfortunate events in the Middle East. Although I want to ignore them but I can't stop watching news or isolate myself from the world plus I hate the words "I got used to this".
Syria, Iraq Palestine and even Lebanon; I never understood why there were too many wars in that era, is it religion? Oil? Freedom? I like to believe the latter because oil will vanish one day and religion is something you can never fight.
Wars are human nature, as long as there is greed and hate there will always be wars and conflicts all over the globe: I understand that because this is life not paradise even my country was a land that conquered many weak people in order to maintain its strength.

I really dislike what's going on in Gaza; it makes me frustrated because we can do nothing. I never hated Jewish or Islam and I still think that wars based on religion are absurd because everyone has the right to freely practice his religion. However, I must say that this is wrong!! Israel is wrong and too damn wrong, I always stated this and I will repeat it: Killing children is not allowed no matter what's the reason and Israel took the life of many children who didn't get to know life yet. I can never forgive killing children or women because those who kill them are the lowest people on earth and that title goes to ISRAEL and everyone who's helping them or anyone who's doing the same act as them.

This is a picture that I found in an Arabic blog, I can't literally translate the Arabic sentences but I think what's written in English explains it all:

On a side not: those children are much manlier than the pathetic Israel soldiers who know nothing but targeting innocent creatures.

Now, Iran!! I really dislike that country not because it's Islamic or because the U.S dislikes it but because it's a hypocrite country which pretends that she's the strongest Islamic country while it's giving soldiers to kill children in Syria!! Wow!! An Islamic country which contains the most powerful army and weapons yet it doesn't defend its surrounding but actually helps killing them?!! I would like an explanation please!!!
A year ago, I watched an Arabic documentary about weapons in Iran, even though I didn't understand most of it but I was surprised by the type of weapons that existed in that country because they can lead a war on anyone if they want to yet all they did was: throwing shallow threats to the US and Israel. Yes they are shallow threats because if they really wanted war they would?ve done it a long time ago since they have weapons which are able to blow Israel and damage the US in one blow. However, all they do is lip service in front of the media and nothing serious when it comes to actions. I am really surprised with many Muslims who thinks that Iran is their lead country because it's a country that never cares about anyone except its own benefit so stay tuned to Iran and you will eventually learn that it's a great US ally in that region.

Russia!! It has always been a country that would sell its weapons to the highest payer because it's a country that excels in weapons and everything related to it but I never thought that it would get this low!!! Children in Syria are being murdered by their weapons plus they want to keep this war going because they can sell more weapons. That's why I said human greed is the origin of all this!!

I need to stop or I will go through every country's political system...

At the end, I will mention that I have no grudges against Islam or Jewish, this has nothing to do with religion.
My only concern is: Killing children is a forbidden act no matter what's the reason!!! People who kill them or participate in killing them are monsters who don?t deserve the word "Human".
Seeing people lately spam across the threads is kind of turning the forums off for me. I think I'll just work on my list right now. I get you want your post count to go up but do people really need to spam every thread out there? That's a bit selfish and attention seeking in my book. I know if I posted in every thread people would get sick of me. But oh well not like anything can be done about it so I'm just going to work on my list.



We do have rules. Here they are!!

MDL Rules: Please Read!!!

Rant over...
ARGH! When you're in a middle of a game, doing the best score you've ever done and then your browser decides to close out just as you are about to hit the highest score you've managed to get. What's wrose is the next attempt is pathetic D:
ARGH! When you write the correct thing in the correct thread, and someone tells you that you're wrong and that there's another thread for that. HELLO! A lot of animes are mangas, duh. smh. Oh, and what anime is going to have 195 episodes when it's based on a shoujo. I'm not stupid, thanks. I think I can read.
Mangas have chapters people not episodes. I know what I'm talking about too and it wa sobvious it was episode nto chapter. Maybe a typo but next time think about this: Manga=book, anime=cartoon. Both are different things and often time sthe anime does not go with the original manga! KTHANKS.
Oh and stick to the thread. People need to stop trying to make the thread what it's not. If you are lazy there is a search forum on the forum area you can use. It works people, I've done it before. Stop being lazy and actually search. but this is my last post here. I wish MDL luck but I'm tired of trolls and whiney people who can't figure this crap out themselves. Good luck Sky n Rain. I would've liked to remain on this site but I think I'm done with forum sites. I'll stick to roleplay for forum sites.
Umm...some mangas call their chapters episodes, so I know when I'm right okay.
I want to jab hot pokers into my music professor. >:
So yeah, I got the promotion! I hope that I can rid myself of the chaos that I experience now, but my worry is that I am stepping onto new ship, but still a sinking one. We'll see.

And regarding my promotion....I told you because you are my closest friend in this city, and that I know what a spoiled brat you are and would have been angry if I hadnt, and I asked you to keep quiet because the boss said I wasnt to tell until it was official. It pains me that within 10 minutes you betrayed my trust, and then acted like a victim when I said you should have kept your mouth shut. I dont care if you told people about your own promotion before it was time, I dont care if who you told were also friends of mine, I care that you did the opposite of what I asked and disrespected my feelings. I am hurt that you still dont see any wrong in what you've done, and our relationship has changed forever. Even though you may not realize it, I can no longer trust you, and trust is the most important thing to me. Now, I can no longer be myself around you and that's sad.

And why do I feel bad about venting about what you've done, feeling I have betrayed you because I expressed my hurt out loud. Ah, because I care about how others may feel when you don't. That just makes me even more pitiful.
Jeaniessi wrote: HEY THREAD STARTERS! STOP CREATING DOUBLE SUBJECT THREADS!!! Look before you post a thread please!!



We do have rules. Here they are!!

MDL Rules: Please Read!!!

Rant over... first I would reply with links to similar threads and explain how I found them, but i don't think it was getting the point across.

My fave is that recently someone mentioned that a similar thread already existed and that they would look for it, to which the OP replied "let me know if you find it!" Why don't you try looking for it? Is it really THAT hard? but alas, I have other things to do, so i just ignore, unfortunately...

Also, can you believe that it's been a year since we had to start the forums all over from scratch? Time flies.
Kawaikochan wrote: first I would reply with links to similar threads and explain how I found them, but i don't think it was getting the point across.

My fave is that recently someone mentioned that a similar thread already existed and that they would look for it, to which the OP replied "let me know if you find it!" Why don't you try looking for it? Is it really THAT hard? but alas, I have other things to do, so i just ignore, unfortunately...

Also, can you believe that it's been a year since we had to start the forums all over from scratch? Time flies.

Sheesh! It really does. I remember freaking out when I found out. lol
All the kids at the christmas market: Aww, pitches!! All the moms at the christmas market: Don't step into the pitches, your feet will get wet. One mom: Don't step into the pitches, they are extremely deep - You just can't see it. You will drown if you step into them. Well, great work on scarring your kid for life! :/