We can mention movies right? The ending of "An Empress and the Warriors" was really bad, for a Wuxia movie, I expected too much from it and they rarely fail me but that movie didn't please me at all when it comes to its ending.
recorrrcholis wrote: I thought I was the only one who disliked that ending XD

I felt like a stupid at the end, reading this and that to get what it meant.
Nice Guy/Innocent Man.
It was totally pure fan-service for all those MCW/SJK shippers. The whole drama was a disappointment after the first ten episodes...sigh.

Asuko March!
I really wanted her to be with Tamaki D: Although it was obvious Nao would end up with Aruto, their love story was not convincing from the very start. I mean, he hangs out on top of a tree!!!!?!??!

City Hunter
One of my all time favs, but really??? Not even a kiss??
Bad Guy: I agree with others about this ending. It was just left out in the open. Assorted Gems: Kyle and Ruby should of been together! That was such a disappointing ending. :/ I love the drama just not the ending.
Big: I waited the whole drama just for that? Are you kidding me? Could have not watched it at all.
I finished Goong lately and I have to say that the ending wasn't satisfying. Actually the latest episodes weren't able to make me excited.
Hong Gil Dong!! My friend gave it to me to watch.....At the end i was sooooo angry i was about to call her and yell! i was so so so so mad...the start was missleading about the endding grrrrr (i know i should have expected it but still) ....the eye candy become evil and crazy and EVERYONE....well you know =.= .......why end it like that WHY?
Another unsatisfying ending: IRIS 2, it wasn't bad but it could have been better plus it was clear that they wanted to let us know that there's another season *sigh*
Definitely Love Contract (I had to google this one to understand the ending, just awful) also Corner With Love was really stupid. Why why love and Romantic princess also could be better... :(
wrote: Definitely Love Contract (I had to google this one to understand the ending, just awful)

I had to do the same!! I was absolutely lost on what had just happened. Daisy killed me! I really enjoyed the movie but I hated the ending.

Some others that were unsatisfying for me were Dream High, City Hunter, Faith, Why Why Love. I'm sure there's more but that's off the top of my head
steciLovesDramas wrote: high kick through the roof

OMG!!! the ending was just just...arghh!!!!

i knww! its sopposed to be a comedy! why on earth would they end it so tragically!
Mary Stayed Out All Night:...SERIOUSLY WTF IS WRONG WITH THAT GIRL?! D< Well, Kim Jae Wook is too good for you anyway. Bad Guy: Once again, Kim Jae Wook was lovely but did the main dude really...I mean WTF! D< Seriously KJW if you go back to the drama world I hope your drama has a SATISFYING ending where all the other characters around you don't fuq up things D< I'm having a fever and fevers make me rant.
I have issues with bad ending in dramas in general. Honestly, when I watch a drama there is a very repetitive process in about 90% of all dramas I have watched: at first I am all enthusiastic, then I feel the drama starts to lose its breath and sometimes it gets draggy, repetitive, and usually the last few episodes are the least enjoyable to watch. It practically always feels very anticlimatic. Perhaps iit might be that nearing the end of drama I feel sad it ends (- eh, does it make sense? :-P) But usually the worst are the last episodes. It very often feels forced in the need of closure of story arcs and/or the turns the story takes to solve its own problems are just nonsensical/ shortcut/ or simply brutal. Like a writer is free to make a viewer feel like an idiot, because since it is last episode and the viewer is bound to watch it no matter how filled with nonsense it is. But I recognize two sorts of bad endings: - one I consider total narrative failure: like the writer just created a problem he is not able to solve and has to pull a complete turn, or the ending is left too open (not as an open ending per se, but missing vital closure to feel the story complete), the story loses its pace, its humor, its signature - bad = unhappy ending: for me practically every unhappy ending is bad because I am real sucker for happy ones. I know, I know sometimes story itself demands it, but I actually try to avoid these kind of dramas. I even adopted the habit of reassuring myself of ending before even watching the drama: I prefer get a little bit of spoiler rather than feel drained from crying. Up to now, there are very few dramas I consider they have satisfactory ending (happy/open/sad). Majority just fail miserably in that departement, notably Hong Gil Dong - I was like - seriously? disaster Iljimae - I get it: it was rushed, but still felt like letdown The legend - now this is probably the most unsatisfying of them all, I wanted to spit the fire afterwards. Fortunatelly I read an alternative ending which was a little bit better. Bu Bu Jing Xin - piling tragedies until it becomes mess Da Ren Wu and Handsome siblings - my two first wuxias - the ending is just ridiculous (as are few last episodes as a whole) Rooftop prince - oh, please Padam Padam - the last episodes just got increasingly dull and boring I admit I even could not finish last 20 minutes because I am sooo not interested and EVERY drama where they put "a few months/years of separation later" - I consider it the lamest way of prologing the longing or love or suffering or whatever. It is forced, mostly useless and the highest cliché. Many endings get slow, dull, uniteresting, full of logical gaps or clichés and just plain filler. Even the happy ones: Arang and the Magistrate, Boys before flowers, Capital Scandal.... and basically most of my "completed" list. Hm, these endings are the reason that even when I rewatch dramas I have to stop rewatching nearing the end. But after all this hateful stuff I have to mention at least one super good ending/last 2 episodes: The Vampire Prosecutor (season 1) - not only it was brilliant, probably better than the rest of episodes altogether, but it was surprisingly so. I never expected the show to get to such level.
I think we should add IRIS 2 to the list, it could've been better.