drivebyknitting wrote: Korean stuff is big in Japan. And why wouldn't it? The countries are relatively close.
Geography isn't the only reason why it's gaining popularity. If that were the case it would've happened decades ago. Also, following the same logic, Mexican and Canadian media would be popular in the US. However, I do agree that our generation seems to have gotten over the "history" between Japan and Korea.
drivebyknitting wrote: But can Korea do this in America?!
Yes, but not for long. It'll go the way of the Latin Wave when Ricky Martin and Jennifer Lopez were hot. America tends to romanticize the exotic and either discard it quickly or steal/coop the material and re-market it as mainstream innovation. Don't expect many to actually learn the language, history or culture beyond the pop idols and their sex appeal.
As far as stereotypes go, Asian Americans have been experiencing a boom recently. Like 5 years ago Asians were rarely depicted in mainstream media and if they were, they were portrayed as being very uncool. Now things are changing, but I'm not sure it's for the better. Minority groups (black, latino, hispanic, native american, asian, lesbian, etc) are sometimes treated like new designer bags. They may experience popularity, but the depictions are rarely in a seriously respectable light. Hopefully one day everyone will reach a point where we can appreciate our differences without assigning valuation differences.