There's one film I make a point of rewatching at least 4 times a year.
I am a re-watcher for sure. I have to re-watch anything I like atvleast 2 or 3 times. If not the whole series I always rewatch my favourite episodes. Not only the dramas but I have also rewatched movies like 10 times. l have defo Watched the following dramas more than three times: Full house...To the beautiful prince...flower boy next door...Playful kiss...heartsrings... and So many more! The list is too long!
I'm not really a re-watcher. But i want to watch many kdramas again because i miss them. I miss being in the world of those dramas. You're beautiful is my fav drama. I watched the korean, japanese and taiwan version and i am going to watch the korean again soon. Koizora, i'm sorry i love you, a werewolf boy, love rain, secret garden, nice guy, coffee prince. all very good dramas/movies that i want to re-watch but never did (yet) ;P When i listen to OSTs i really want to watch them again. I get almost sad because i want to live in the drama world again :I
Most of the time I don't re-watch or re-read anything which i already saw in the past but there are times when I do because I want to enjoy the drama/movie/book more.... ^^
Elisabetta wrote: I'm also a re-watcher, re-reader and so on, and I find that everytime I 're-do' a book or a movie I something new about it, partly because when I read something for a first time I'm totally hooked on main storyline and don't have time to appreciate the details. There are stories, that are made to be rewatched or reread because they have such a complex, multi-level plot with hidden connections inside.

i am a re-watcher and re-reader, I have re-watch all my favorite dramas, movies and books. It's sweeter the second time around and I catch things I miss before, specially dramas in other languages, where you are trying to multi-task reading and watching.
As  much as possible, I try not to. It's all because the time spent on rewatching should be spent on watching something new instead. However, some dramas and movies  are just too irresistible not  to be watched again!!  There are times when I'm not satisfied with the dramas that I'm currently watching so I'll end up watching these "irresistible dramas"  and still get  outburst of emotions/feels, and that in itself is truly magical! So far, only Meteor Garden, Autumn's Concerto, and In Time With You have made me feel that way <3
I've re-watched a few dramas/movies but only to show them to someone else for the first time and I usually get bored halfway through. 
Whenever I've tried re-watching/re-reading things from my childhood I get very sad because they're not as good as I remembered them.
im not a rewatcher bc i lost interest in a drama if i know the ending

the only kdrama that i have rewatch is He's Beautiful, my first kdrama hahah
Im not entirely a re-watcher, but when Im in a drama slump and i really love a movie or series i tend to re-watch it, tho that happens very seldom like once in a blue moon. I believe that every time I should discover something new, I like learning new things. here I'll list down the different movies/dramas I've re-watched:
Wicker Park - re-watched 5 times
Jewel in the Palace - 2 times
Temptation of Wife- 2 times
My girlfriend is a gumiho- 2 times
Miss Ripley - 2times

i guess that's all.
I'm not a re-watcher at all, but I used to be when I was a child, I can't remember how many times I re-watched each TV series or movie I used to like in the past, there was a time I watched "The Ant Bully" five times the same day and I would watch that movie everyday, I was insane for it, but nowadays I don't like re-watching things 'cause I feel like I'm loosing the time I could use to watch new things, once in a while though I can't help but re-watch one episode or another of something I really like... Well, but I re-watch some animes sometimes, they're not long so it's not actually a problem: Ouran Highschool Host Club, Itazura na Kiss and Hanasakeru Seishounen 
I only rewatch my favorite scenes,not the whole thing generally.For me to rewatch something,i should have watched it at least a 5 years ago and need to not remember a thing about it
This is actually an interesting question. I used to be a re-watcher, I guess. There are also books I have read several times, when I was younger I often liked to come back to the same wonderful world again and again. I don't know how many times I've read the Anne of Green Gables series, Jane Eyre or, like amrita said in the first post, Persuation (maybe my favourite Austen book). I've rewatched moves like Mary Poppins, Willow, Ivanhoe, Pretty Woman, Howards End or Love Actually more times than I care to remember. I've rewatched TV shows like Ally McBeal, Heroes, The House of Elliot... I rewatched some anime... BUT since I became addicted to Asian dramas, I have not rewatched one single episode!! A few shorter youtube clips of some important scenes sometimes when I have been in the mood, but no, I am not a re-watcher at all, these days. (It has even been years since I re-read Jane Eyre, and I used to read it once a year.) I wonder why! Maybe because I'm just too eager to move on the the next awesome drama I haven't watched yet! Or maybe I fear that I wouldn't feel the same about it if I rewatch. 
fav books, and others, yes. 
fav movies/tv shows/tv eps -yes, but not in a while, maybe never again
fav asian dramas-not yet, maybe some day.

i love to re-watch my favorite dramas/ tv deries (american) and my favorite movies with my friends.. 
i have re-watched:
rooftop prince 2times
secret garden 3times
king2hearts 3 times
kill me heal me 2times
bridal mask 2times
nice guy 2times 
it's okay that's love 3times
master's sun 2times
 after all this time i can't remember the movies that i re-watched ^_^ 
now i am planning on re-watch love me if you dare 
I never re-watch anything. Mostly because I feel like I am losing time to be able to watch something new. I have a huuuuuge PTW list. 

I may re-watch a favorite scene, but never like an entire episode. 

If I was to re-watch a drama I feel like it would have to be a drama I remember zilch about, but even then...I'd be like: "But...there's this new thing I haven't seen yet!"