Well this year world cup has been full of surprises. I am sad my country lost today but I'm looking forward to see the other games. France is coming strong this year just like in Euro 2016 and Croatia, Belgium and Mexico are also likely to go far in this cup.

It's time to put away my football scarf.

What a shame that Spain lost, it appears that bigs of nation football team like Spain, Argetina, England, and Italy are stagnating and now only new superpowerful team like Croatia, Russia and Mexico are rising in terms of powerful!

I don't think those teams who were powerful are stagnating, in my opinion they continue to play well in most of the games, but instead I think those other teams  that didn't have as much interest in football before now have been focusing in improving their skill in this game, having more trainees with better coaching, learning from other countries and leagues that already have a lot of football history, therefore I believe in the future we will see even more surprises in this sport, but also in others.


What a shame that Spain lost, it appears that bigs of nation football team like Spain, Argetina, England, and Italy are stagnating and now only new superpowerful team like Croatia, Russia and Mexico are rising in terms of powerful!

Spain had over 1000 passes in the game, they needed to be more direct, aggressive and push forward which they didn't do enough.  Russia played for penalities.  Italy will be back in the World Cup at some point in the future.  England are still in the World Cup and I believe they have a good chance against Columbia.  Croatia may go all the way, we will see.  Argentina had a good game with France. France may actually be a favourite to win the World Cup.  No shame in bowing out to a potential winner of the World Cup.    Mexico have to get past Brazil first before we can make any assumptions.

It seems this guy hotsushi just spamming and baiting whenever he got the impulses or it just the guy too dense

Spain problem is the same, they slave of their own style with not so much plan b.  As heavenly6 has resent, they really need more direct and straightforward when the game called and one i could think of is not use busquet in the system and emphasized more at final third. 

Without discrediting russia though. They deserve this for give everything to keep spain at bay and seek luck at pen shootout

In a perfect world, the team that attacked more would win, but we know that's not always the case. I really wouldn't begrudge the Russians, though. With the players that they have, trying to be open and offensive against arguably the best collection of individual players in the world is just asking for trouble.

That aside, I'd still be disappointed if Crotia couldn't manage to win against Russia in the next round :D

Japan were so close to winning! I can't believe they lost in the last minute.


Japan were so close to winning! I can't believe they lost in the last minute.

Me too, i still can't believe they lost the match. But still, i can only watch one J-Drama though. That's the only thing i could ever do.

Proud of you Japan, you played a good game of football.  Walk away with your heads held high. Great attacking football. I sooooooo wanted Japan to win.  sugoi geemu! :)

It was an exciting match. It's the most one I enjoyed watching so far.

If only the jap slow down a little offensively they probably still could held the goals advantage.  but man we got an exciting game in this tourney so far, japan is really comfortable with the ball amd really not holding back.  Sad its not went into extra time

I was watching the match with my japanese friends we all belived we were gonna go against Brazil I'm so saaaad. My friends went from euphoria to crying lol. But hey France is still in the game I still have someone to root for.

Well... for the English fans, the time is now. Just get to the finals. 

To the contrary of what people believe, England were never favourites in this competition, but  well done lads for reaching the Quarter finals.