Faith Episode 1
2 people found this review helpful
Aug 18, 2012

hooks you up !

First episode was really good and I can't wait to see the whole series ! Among the actors playing in the drama there are familiar faces including the supporting roles and after the first episode you want to watch more ! With the time travelling theme going on this year in Korean drama this one will have a special place among them.
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Q10 Episode 2
2 people found this review helpful
Aug 18, 2012


This is just too good to be true... I was smiling like a true idiot for the whole episode and laughing like crazy in he end...

How can there be so many great lines in one episode?

I don't even want to stop to write episode reviews, I might not be back until I'm done~
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Aug 18, 2012

Stressful Rollercoaster Ride

Tohru is a pretty great guy, but he's also a busy guy in need of a lady friend and I guess Yoko can manipulate him for now. I hate her character mostly because her makeup doesn't make any sense (and she kind of has tiny shark teeth) , she's a little dirty Jersey girl just running to the smoosh room with Tohru to mess with Makoto. I also shouted from my couch many times during this episode. What's gonna happen next? And can Makoto stop being such a baby and stand up for herself for once?!
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Q10 Episode 1
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 18, 2012


As I was warned by my good friend Rita, this drama is not just some drama... this is poetry... through and through...

In just the first episode I experienced so many emotions... Sadness for the young man, who did not understand why he was who he was, surprise for the supernatural events, joy of Kyuuto learning all the new things, fear for the young man who was supposedly hope deprived, momentary sting in the heart, that nobody came to help, but at the time excitement for the students on seeing the helicopter, confusion with Heita over his feelings... and so much more...

I love this drama already... *ran to watch the 2nd episode*

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Aug 18, 2012

so cute, but with surprising depth

I love all the triangles & cute love stories in this show. At the same time I hate the older brother for even being a possibility in this story. Dating your dead sisters little sister is kinda gross in my opinion, plus Yoon Jae is such a cute character.

I also cried a couple of times during the cancer scenes. The mom's phone message really touched me. I never expected that a drama this cute, and silly, could make me cry, but it did.

I feel like the only one old enough to actually feel nostalgic about the 90's, and I haven't been disappointed by an episode yet.
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Aug 18, 2012

Oh no..

Finally they figured it out. Now let's hope it works that way. :D

And did I see right that the old guy went to Natsume? So he's going to be the criminal in the next episode? No way.. and that means they will most likely meet the old guy in person. Whew.

I felt so sorry for Yui's parents.. to loose their son like that. That's so sad. :(
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Aug 18, 2012

Yay. :D

Yahaay, exactly the reaction I was hoping for. Natsume grabbing Bem's nose was hilarious. xD

And them searching for Yui's stone was so cute, too.

It feels really awkward to watch them "transform". Not really because of the effects (I don't know much about that) but just because it is. It's a little embarrassing somehow. ^^

The old guy in the end can't mean anything good. Wonder when they'll "really" meet.
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Aug 18, 2012


What a cute episode! The end was adorable, first the hug and then holding hands - Just like a family. Awwww.. :)

And so the detective found out. Now I wonder how he'll react when he sees them again.

And that old man is sooo horrible! No words for him!
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Aug 18, 2012


That was a cute and kind of deep episode. I liked all the thinking about how much a life is even worth. It was interesting. And I really liked the old man, he was so kind..

Just a little too much of the transforming this time. I think Natsume-san will find out what they are in the next episode? That will be interesting.

I don't think he'd mind.. and Yui, neither. She's so cute as Bello's friend.
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A bit disappointing

Well my wish came true even if just for a few minutes: Tamaki was blond! XD He looks good like that. He could've easily kept that same hairstyle throughout the show.

But what the heck happened in that scene O_O Was I watching an Ouran episode from a parallel Universe or did I just see Kyouya holding Hunny's hand and petting his head...? O______O That was too awkward... Even for this drama.

Aside from that, this episode was a bit disappointing for me. It was one of my favourites in the anime and they kinda messed it up here :/ I wish Tamaki didn't interfere at the end. I really like the pairing HikaruxHaruhi, and they didn't develop it enough here. Aaaand they got a bit too cheesy when he was holding her... And they're still rushing through many scenes. It's like they're going from one line to another; they need some cinematic breaks.

I just realized they're probably gonna skip the Halloween episode too! :O Aww that would've been really fun to watch.

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Faith Episode 1
3 people found this review helpful
Aug 18, 2012

I Want More

At first, Faith seemed to me as a not that interesting drama, but after the Princess Nogoog's injury, I was suddenly captivated. I particularly like the general's attitude and he managed to act the surprise of the 2012 year with 100% success. I like how the doctor is a whiner and always after money. I think it will be very fun to see how she acts once she is in the past.

This series has so much potential! I will definitely stick with it!
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Aug 18, 2012


This drama is awesome how it keeps some characters mysterious..the choi guy's son he seems like he has a mental problem .im thinking he killed arang and his denying it or something...either way cant wait for next ep :DD I love lee jun ki his acting is great and never boring
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Aug 18, 2012


Who's baby is that???? If it's Yoon Jae's Brother thats going to ruin the whole story :(
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Aug 18, 2012

So, Despite My Manga Purity...

...I'm really enjoying this version now, especially Eun Gyeol, who I think embodies Nakatsu so well. We got Nakatsu-vision (Eun Gyeol vision) in this episode!!!! I'm so glad that got put into this possibly more serious adaptation of HK. The drunken Tae Joon kiss!!! I'm so happy it was adapted well.

My only issue right now is the other girl. I really feel that she is going to be a weak link on the show. She's dreadfully annoying, and I'm kind of sad that the writers have turned a character who (though she has her moments in the manga) never really annoys that much. Here, she's a fellow athlete who doesn't take no for an answer. It's not my favorite revamp of a character.

So far, I'm excited to see what will happen next and just exactly how Tae Joon will find out Jae Hee's secret (or if he has already). TtBY-fighting!!

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Aug 18, 2012


This show is just brilliant! I can't wait to see where this goes now that they know who Arang is. I'm still speculating about the guy in the pink, but I like that I don't have the answers yet. It's giving me a lot to think about.

Also, this drama is so funny! I love the chemistry between Shin Min Ah and Lee Jun Ki...oooh and a maybe kiss??? I can't wait for next week!
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