Aug 13, 2012

Loved it :)

I lvoed everything in this drama, honestly one of those dramas I never got bored and kept watching from the start. So happy Tae San made up with Yoon and Meahri, Lol Collin and Dong Hyub are adorable the police scene was hilarious Hope Min Sook and Rok get together :)
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Aug 13, 2012

What am I watching ? Ahaha!

Yet another funny episode.. that little girl seems weird. Arata is becoming softer, and well the main girl is still crazyy:)
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Aug 12, 2012


I began this show because I'm taking a break from the heavy- superlongs dramas I usally watch. This ahow is like a anime only with real humans. Great first episode! :D
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Aug 12, 2012

Hopes crushed.. -.-

What.. he kissed her? Seriously? This is so wrong. Argh, and I had my hopes high for Kang Hyeok after all. But I guess that's hopeless. He's just perfect! He was so cute buying that bow and smiling at her all the time. How can she choose Chi Soo over him?

And Ba Ool is so cute and funny. Hehe, I love him. And I don't like his girlfriend.. she doesn't even have a personality, it's annoying. :/
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GTO: Remake Episode 4
2 people found this review helpful
Aug 12, 2012

I am in love with these characters

Wow the actress that plays Miyabi, pulls of "psycho" really well. I love Onizuka and how he approaches his students, they can throw anything at him and he'll still be able to work his way through it. The answers that he comes up with aren't "easy" there's a lot of depth and complexity in each episode. I wonder how he'll fix the main problem child.. Miyabi will definitely be allot of work.
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Aug 12, 2012


The ending to this episode was kinda sad :( I hate that girl!

The elevator scene was so hilarious!! I'd really love to have that girl as my sister, she doesnt deserve to be treated like that >_< (Park Ha)
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Aug 12, 2012

lmao its daddy dojin to the rescue

ok first of all awssome episode love how things are progressing . very very nice lol. i am loving colins choice in friends lmao. now the police station scene was hilarious and the look of awe on Colins face was just wat i needed after waiting foreverrrrrr for the new episode.

well am happy for meahr and yoon. and i cant wait to see how they end it just a few more hours and i can watch . and it better be good!
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Aug 12, 2012


The couple that I've rooting for since episode 1, GONE! Disappointed, very much! Now, I have to force myself to like/love the new couples -- Mi En and Han Ji and the very stupid couple, Han Xiang and Ai Lin! But I just cant bring myself to even think that Han Xiang would like that stalker-ish Ai Lin.

Before, I've been wondering when would the father and grandmother come to Taipei and now, they're here. Although I don't know what can they do for the better story but our Han Ji loves them so much so just let it be.
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Aug 12, 2012


Omg! Noooo! Dont! Han Xiang's opening up to Ai Lin! I was so giddy when Han Xiang and Mi En were alone in the central kitchen but ..... gaah! Ai Lin! I still hate her~ Can't Mi En just forgive Han Xiang totally and Han Xiang kill Ai Lin instead? I dont find Ai Lin cute. She's annoying and stupid.

And I love Mei Ying Jie whenever she calls Chen Mama, "amoral cursing mother" or "unreasonable mother of Ai Lin" Way to go Mei Ying Jie! \:D/

Mi En and Han Ji are better off friends... -__- or siblings?
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Aug 12, 2012


Seriously, this episode had me laughing so much!! And I don't usually laugh out loud. Seeing Yoochun and the 3 being so unfamiliar was hilarious. The scenes had me so intrigued and interested. Also I'm really liking the storyline and how the people from the past link with the ones in the present. Something big is coming up!

I hope the guys cut their hair though (and change clothes), it's a bit awkward seeing them like that haha

I think the actors did a REALLY good job so far :)
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Aug 12, 2012

yup, still great!

First of all, FINALLY, another episode!

Secondly, what a good episode it was! I loved everything about it, but the best part was with Jung Rok dividing all the things in his and Min Sook's apartment with a little help of chain saw (or sth like that, I'm not good with tools). Seriously, him and Min Sook are my favourite couple in this drama! They are hilarious and have great chemistry together.

I also liked the scene with Do Jin helping high school kids at the police station - he was so right when he said that no parent should hit another kid, because this kid is a precious child of somebody too - and here I was starting to think it was pretty normal in Korea to slap children when you feel like it.

And of course the end of the episode when our gentlemen crashed a bachelorette party - I hope they'll do a striptease in a next episode! (just joking... or not?)

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Aug 12, 2012

Chen Ai Lin, the real devil

Ok, so here I am again, ranting my anger towards Ai Lin. I firmly believe that Ai Lin is the reason why Han Xiang turned out like the devil (quarter of it is because of Xiang Fu). Yeah, I blame Han Xiang but, dude, the guy wants true love, the guy wants his dad. I know this drama will end with Han Ji and Mi En together but let me hope for a Han Xiang and Mi En ending. Han Xiang has sacrificed a lot and Han Ji does nothing but be usual 2nd lead (although, he's not the second, he acts like one tho).

Another reason why I hate Ai Lin is because... how dare she blame the oh so kind-hearted Tan Rui?! There must be something wrong with her way of thinking. So I think, Ai Lin should be the one lying on that hospital bed instead of her dad. And she says, she doesn't know what to do if she won't be able to see her dad again? I say, how about you go with him?!

I rate episodes low not because the episode in general was not good but because the characters are stupid.

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Aug 12, 2012

Stupid Chen Ai Lin!! >:(

[SPOILER] I can't keep to myself how mad I am at Chen Ai Lin. She acts all so innocent when she betrays her best friend. Ok, let's say Mi En didn't know that Ai Lin's senior is Han Xiang but yeah, Mei Ying Jie is right about when Ai Lin could've told her. Gaah! I am so mad. I believe that this has been the 1st time i've been this mad at the female antagonist. And I hate how Ai Lin's parents are o supportive of her. I thought the father would be able to do something right about it but no, because cutest mommy has to act all cute~ And yeah, that mom, i hate her too! She's at what age and still acts like that! She's the worst mom out there. Mothers won't let their daughters go bad. Mothers are present to guide their kids in the right path, not teach them how to betray their best friend! I hope Ai Lin goes friend-less!

Sorry. I just had to grant my hatred on Ai Lin and her stupid family. Bear with me. :]

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Aug 12, 2012

Its almost over

Great episode :) really hope Rok and Min Sook will be happy together.
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Aug 12, 2012

An Inviting Episode...

...because it allows us to see the softer side of the female teacher, which I think is going to open up her character a little.

Also, this episode definitely pointed to a pairing, which, though expected, was a delight to see. I'm still interested in the plan which the Director has for Teppei and the rest of the "S" class.
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