Aug 17, 2012

Please send someone a savior from the sky!

Lee Kang To is over if someone doesn't come to escape him... I don't wanna see him torturing... Though i can't even imagine that Shunji would have a heart to torture and kill his friend... But unfortunately it's not impossible... :(
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Aug 17, 2012

Oh no! D:

And I'm soo worried for Lee Kang To! What's going to happened?! D: This is soo much! I can't wait a week for this!

Anyways, Joo Won's acting is soo awesome. I really felt his pain, his sadness when he was eating the potato and reminiscing of the time with Kang San and his mother :'(

And that guy Dong Jin has a lot of fighters! yay! And wow.... shooting an officer 4 times?! whoa whoa whoa there.
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Aug 17, 2012


Miyuki is kind of annoying but heehee atleast there's a chance for Hayato and Miku. No subs are out, but I surprisingly understood everything without subs maybe my years of loving anime paid off? Lol xD anyways excited for the next ep Hayato and Miku time and maybe another kiss?
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Aug 17, 2012

Oh, Noooooo !

Shunji found out ! I can't believe it, he knows that Kang To is Gaksital not to to mention that he's seriously injured !

I can't focus on anything else in this ep, it's true that there were some freedom fighters moments and so but all i can think about for now is that Shunji found out who's Gaksital and may another round of excitement begin, i really can't wait !
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Aug 17, 2012

Love this chapter of the drama!!!!!!!!

I totally agree with MeiLi's comment Tae Hee is very cute, especially when he give's that smile. I think i'm melting by Jon Woo's acting.

I absolutely adore the Bromance. And the fierce balloon competition. Go Tae Hee!!!!!!
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Aug 17, 2012

: D

It's interesting to see how the news is being recorded. I am so happy for the family- now everyone is together. The father son relationship between Guk Su and Tae Shik is getting stronger. I am very happy for them.
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Aug 16, 2012

:O :O

What will Shunji do now that he has confirmed Kang To IS bridal mask? I was thinking that Shunji's feelings are a bit mixed because at some parts during the previous episodes, Shunji tries to convince himself that Kang To is not bridal mask but then he is trying to prove Kang To is bridal mask. I am seriously wondering what Shunji would do-maybe there's still some brotherly friendship in Shunji? Hopefully? Maybe Shunji will realize how crazed he was(I doubt this would happen) but I think Ra Ra did put a lot of sense into him, he realizes it as well after talking to Ra Ra.

"Can I kill your daughter?" When Shunji said this, I really laughed out loud. To be honest, I hope Ra Ra and Shunji get along better because I feel that they have very nice chemistry together and they both smack some sense into each other. I really adore Ra Ra right now because she's protecting Kang To, even though she harbors hatred for the Joseon people. I'm also pretty sure Shunji is going to confront Ra Ra in the next episode, asking her why she lied to him and there's going to be a big fight...

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Funny ^^

I think I would've enjoyed seeing Hunny's 3 days without sweets episode more than this one, but this was really funny too. That cat was scary as hell O_O How the heck did they animate that lol But there are very few ep left, so I guess they won't add that one any more. I hope they at least add ep 17 of the anime somewhere in here. I'd love to see the scene with Kyouya getting angry on that little kid XD
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Aug 16, 2012

My anticipatioon is building

All I can say is "Yes!!!!". Lee Min Ho has finally been given the chance to show off his brilliant acting. Yay. yay. yay. The second half of this episode is just wow. I'm loving the way the characters are beginning to develop.
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Aug 16, 2012

This is going to get good

I like how the lead female isn't average. I like her straight forward want for money. Lee Min Ho's character hasn't been given a chance to shine yet but all the potential and build up is there. The intertwining of several different genres is also better than I expected, I'm looking forward to good things.
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Aug 16, 2012

Knows or not knows~

Gah~ I am here dying from curiosity whether Tae-Jun knows Jae-Hee is a girl or not... and they don't show it here~!!!

And the Korean version is also realizing my romantic fantasies, that I so wanted to see in a drama kya~ *fangirl moment*

When Jae-Hee was wearing Tae-Jun's shoes, when he was holding her hand like he was holding his mother's hand... they have many romantic encounters done so smartly, I love this already~

Oh, and this doesn't forget to get funny~ hihi~ Instead of everyone coming for Sano's shampoo in the morning, they were coming to use the toilet, which cracked me up big time :D

Oh and the 3 dorm heads :D hehehe~ you should see their imaginations yourselves... Ha-Na ridiculous present to Tae-Jun, and his face while dragging her out :D

I love that they are not afraid to take some points from the Japanese version and make them better (the marathon and Oskar's... here he's Charles if I heard right :P... his cheating technique, hihi~)

Oh, and Nakatsu vision appeared :D So here it's Eun-Gyeol vision :D

I am seeing Min-Ho in acting the first time, but his acting as drunk was brilliant, I swear his one eye was bigger than the other, I am impressed and had a lot of fun watching him like that...

I am definitely liking this drama~!

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Aug 16, 2012

So Far So Good

Gahh my eyes so much blood -.- and honestly someone needs to kill the man who took the sword out of Lee Min Ho. I love the Queen in this drama she's awesome. I hope this drama keep it's high ratings...I'm hoping for some more progress next episode!
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Aug 16, 2012

Loved it!!!!

It started out stong and unlike the other versions I was actually amused while watching. Korean adaptions always seem to add depth and dimension to an already outstanding plot so I'm looking forward to how this version will portray the story behind his injury and the motivation for her leaving America for hime.
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Love It!

Shin Min Ah and Lee Jun Ki are back! I love them both and I couldn't stop watching from the starting. It's so cute and funny, I love their chemestry together. This has to be the best show airing (aside from Bridal Mask)I'm in love with this series already! I love Shin Min Ah as Gumiho but I love how she's so playful here too. This is definitely going to be good can't wait for next ep!
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It could be good. It might even already be.

It has potential. That's basically it. Potential.

For fans of the other adaptations, you might not love it yet but you won't outright hate it. Not quite yet.

But you won't love it yet either.So far...I just 'like' it.

They toned down the manga/anime esque feel of the Japanese/Taiwanese adaptations and gave it their own spin. Trying to keep the less wacky and more natural. I miss the crazy J-version antics but glad that the K-version did not attempt this.

There are some wonderful shots and the character development is tight-lipped. No 'as you know Bob' conversation just quickly trying to get the back stories out of the way. The drama teases us and keeps it interesting.

The supporting cast are there to do exactly that. Support. No unnecessary scenes and FINALLY AN ENGLISH SPEAKER WHO DOESN'T SOUND LIKE AN IDIOT!

Some chuckle worthy scenes well acted out(The suitcase scene especially).

I'm pleasantly surprised about how Minho doesn't suck. I was worried he would (MASSIVE SHAWOL by the way, not bashing - my love for him makes me super critical). He might just be able to get through this without making me cringe! But too early to start gloating in the faces of the haters. Sulli is far. Fingers crossed it sticks. It might just work out.

Lee Hyun-woo makes an endearing Nakatsu. I can't wait to see him fall in love. So far, so natural. My Ikuta Toma bias hasn't made me want to punch him. So a success there. :)

Can't wait to meet the rest of dorm leaders properly.

This drama despite your biases does not isn't mindblowing but as far as first episodes go it has been a respectable opening.

It could be good, it might even already be.

Let's hope its doesn't disappoint.

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