Jul 6, 2012

Tae Kang

I'm totally on Tae Kang's side now!!! I think the doctor is sweet, but he has been told and now he needs to step back. Tae Kang has proven that he can be by Ji An's side!!! I love how Tae Kang's dad helped them!!!

I can't believe I have to wait a whole week for the next episode.
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BOSS Episode 3
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 6, 2012

Rape! Catfights! Gay Bars!

This episode was sad, disturbing, anger-inducing and laugh out loud funny. I'm seriously really liking this show. In the beginning I was debating on whether or not to skip this episode since it deals with a serial rapist and they make sure you take part in the suffering of the victims.. but I thought i'd stick it out and it just flipped on a dime. I was like whoaa TWIST! In short, glad I stuck with it. Love the character developments and the inter-personal relationships between the members of Eriko's team, depth is always awesome. Personally I don't like her current boyfriend Hiroshi, but he may grow on me.. I'm secretly rooting for her and Nodate to hook up.. as unlikely as that may be -_- But one can hope!

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Maou Episode 8
1 people found this review helpful
Jul 6, 2012

A Touch of the Past!

This episode was brilliant. The ending was probably the biggest cliffhanger I have ever seen.

The date at the firework's festival is one I actually found to be quite painful at first. As Shiori stands there for hours waiting for Naruse to come to no avail. The moment tears overfloat in her eyes she seems him coming by excusing himself as he got stuck with a client.

A romantic date, Ended up as the last one they would ever have. Memories re-awakening for Shiori tells the fact of who the real murderer really is and why Naruse really wants to push her away this much.

Borrowing Naruse her umbrella was the key. Cards out on the table, Naruse is proven under suspicion that he indeed is Tomoo, the victim 11 years ago's older brother.

Naruse gives up his newly achieved good side in order to continue avenging his little brother's death, By doing so a neccesary meassure to be taken is sacrificing his feelings for Shiori.

Brilliant episode, I need more

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BOSS Episode 2
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 6, 2012

>.> *shifty*

A cloaked serial killer claiming to be God- cutting people up in order to purify them.. what's not to love about this episode?? Fun fact: watched this with the lights off and now I feel like the grim reaper may be coming for me 0_0.

Amami Yuki is like amazing at being strong, female and proud; I love her as the BOSS. Yutaka is so yummy to look at.. the plot line so far is pretty interesting, lets see where this goes ^_^
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Maou Episode 7
3 people found this review helpful
Jul 6, 2012

Emotional Knowledge!

This episode basically had me having difficulties watching. As I watched it I felt my eyes watering more and more.

Not before the end of the talk of Ryou and his sister was I able to let go of the tears.

Loved this episode.. Mari is starting to irritating me more and more by the episode. If she can't handle being confronted about it, Why did she cheat in the first place?

Cards are out on the table... How will her husband play them..?
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Jul 6, 2012

Reveal the Truth Already!!

I'm not sure about anyone else, but I am officially ready for Tae Kang to know that he is the father of Ji An's baby. Enough is enough. How long are we going to draw this secret out? Ji an clearly has feelings for him now, and Tae Kang has done well in proving himself a capable partner for her. Let the cat out of the bag already!? It's episode 11 for cripes sake!

I'm not sure if this constitutes as a proper episode review, but I needed to get that off my chest. :) I do genuinely like the doctor and think he is a very sweet man. I just think he needs to step aside already. Enough with this game. Let the sh*t hit the fan, I say!
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Jul 5, 2012


This episode was even better than the prevous ones! I love how Kang To relized, how hard was it for his brother, and how hard it is for Shunji, who is now in the position, that Kang To was before.

I am happy, that the recent episodes showed much more of the main heroes. Also... the romance was wery nice ^_^ but on the other hand I hope, that Mok Dan doesnt find out that soon (we still have 12 episodes to go!)

anyway... i was a little bit worried about this drama from the start. But Im not worried now :)
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in a towel is why I give this a 10.
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Jul 5, 2012


OMG This episode was amazing especially because they finally hug!

i think Mok Don might find out kang to is the bridal mask :)
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Jul 5, 2012

their playing basketball.... kinda

wow they know how to play basketball. well most of them. it was romantic how daoming si said 'just say you love me and i will cancel the match tomorrow.' i would have been like 'YES I LOVE YOU!!!!'
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Jul 5, 2012

really shancai really

well huaze lei is back with a new attitude and shancai is still having some feeling for him. so what make me mad is that why go down the beach to see huaze lei (for the 2nd time) and kiss him? daoming si poured his heart out to her and she kiss him? SMH
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Jul 5, 2012

intense yet passionate kiss

aww daoming si and shancai kiss. their kisses be so romantic and intense. like you wanna kiss your boyfriend like that with that passions.
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Jul 5, 2012

Chuuu ~~~

I'm mainly a Jdrama fan. And in most Jdramas we dont really get kisses. Let alone passionate ones like the one in this episode. OMG! It went on forever... And i'm pretty sure he kissed like every bit of her neck lol.

For me, it was a bit awkward to watch but i'm sure most of the romance fans out there will love it XD

This episode was absolutely hilarious though! I loved the random bits of Japanese that were spoken too!

Cant wait to watch the rest of the season! :)
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Ghost Episode 11
3 people found this review helpful
Jul 5, 2012


This is about to get crazy and I can't wait!!! I knew Gi Young/Woo Hyun would have to tell Hyuk Joo/Mad Cow at some point.
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Big Episode 10
7 people found this review helpful
Jul 5, 2012

get over the sappy moments and just go on with the story

I started this show loving it but with each episode that passes in the same unimportant stupid scenes, I'm loving it less and less. I mean yeah, we all get he's in love with her and she's in love with him too, so get over it and just wake up Yoon Jae, so that the story can continue. Besides you could see the whole brothers thing like from episode 5
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